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🧵 Untitled Thread

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16143093

4chan dating app creator here. The anons who said it was a data mine were right all along!

What are some statistics you'd like to see about your fellow autists looking for love? I'll post /r/equests ITT. (No doxing requests, obviously.)

Anonymous No. 16143097

how many of the females are actually egg producers?

Anonymous No. 16143104

Prove you are who you say you are. Also did people actually sign up for that? Its Its gotta be so heavily male skewed as to not be worth it

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16143122

Catfishing is a real problem because users from an anonymous imageboard hate verification features. But there's separate gender categories for non-binary people which /lgbt/ folks can use.

>Prove you are who you say you are

>Also did people actually sign up for that?
A little over 13,000 people signed up since August last year. A little over 5,000 of them are active users.

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16143142

>Its gotta be so heavily male skewed as to not be worth it
The f:m ratio is pretty bad. Among active users, there's about 1 woman for every 14 guys. But guys on a 4chan dating app are easy to compete with as long as you're relatively normal.

For all users (active or not), the f:m ratio is about 1:11.

Women tend to delete and deactivate their account at a higher rate than men. If you look at sign-ups at any given time rather than extant accounts, about 15% are women.

Anyway, can someone /r/ something that'd make a pretty chart?

Anonymous No. 16143149

>4chan dating
no thx I enjoy both my kidneys

Anonymous No. 16143162

How much have you made selling the data, and to whom did you sell it?

Also if it's possible I'd love to see a chart of income plotted against political leanings.

Anonymous No. 16143172

How many Australians are on this app? I ain't giving you my personal information just to be the only one on there.

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Anonymous No. 16143192

>How much have you made selling the data
$0. I was joking about data mining. I operate the website at a considerable loss. Hosting costs me $70 per month. Since I set it up a few weeks ago, my Ko-fi page is making about $5 per week. (There's also advertising costs, which have no hope of being covered by donations, so I don't bother asking.)

>a chart of income plotted against political leanings
I don't ask users for information about their income or education level, unfortunately. Although I have a chart of political questions by gender. Pic related. There's a blog post on the website which shows more questions.

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duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16143199

Forgot the trip

>I ain't giving you my personal information just to be the only one on there
oh no. Well, I'm not here to get new users anyway. I'm here to make pretty charts.

There's only 14 active women in Australia. It looks like a lot in pic related, but you need to keep the gender ratio in mind if you’re a male. The app also only shows you people who are looking for people of your age, gender, and within their preferred distance. You can change your gender and location after signing up though.

Anonymous No. 16143205

kek male or female from north korea

Anonymous No. 16143211

>I was joking about data mining
and here I thought you were based

Anonymous No. 16143226

anon in Cook fucking Islands wants to date

Anonymous No. 16143229

What was your goal in making this website?

Do you have any data on who messages first by gender? How about number of messages sent broken down by gender? How about stuff like most messages sent per user on average. Do you have any data on when users actually meet up irl?

Also do you ask users any questions about the following?
>would you date someone who has children?
>would you have sex on a first date?
>is number of previous sexual partners important?

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Anonymous No. 16143234

>>16143226 me

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Anonymous No. 16143255

Oh yeah also, can we see visualization on
sign ups over time? How about user retention data? Also would like to see how many times users check their account on average (once a day/weekly/etc).

Finally, and I dont expect you to do this, but figure I will ask anyways: would you be willing to share an anonymized dump of the data you have collected? I have a bunch of random databases and i love creating and exploring them. It'd be cool if you did share it, although i obviously understand why you wouldn't.

Anonymous No. 16143257

Let's start with, wtf is a "4chan dating app"? What's the "4chan" part?

Anonymous No. 16143264

You're aware that this website is 99% kikes, niggers, troons, feds and incels, right?
Who's dating who?

Anonymous No. 16143265

>How about stuff like most messages sent per user on average
Sorry, I meant like. A chart of total number of messages sent per user, on a frequency chart or something. Hopefully im not speaking gibberish. Also hoping jannigger doesn't remove your thread. He barely ever checks /sci/, but when he does he is prone to remove any threads that are actually interesting or not schzio spam. Also if this thread stays up long enough, its going to start being spammed by the 2 or 3 resident schizos from/sci/

Anonymous No. 16143276

>Women are thieves and want gifts more than they want hugs
I hate women so much it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 16143279

I'm a fed and just made an account to see what the matches were like, and my highest match after answering a couple hundred questions or so was in a club called "remove feds". I wonder if there was a fed club, I should have checked before I deleted my account.

You can join "clubs", which according to the information on your profile page puts people in the same clubs at the top of your matches list. There's a club for each 4chan board.

Anonymous No. 16143441

I wonder if it can verify any of these bleak statistics

I used to frequent dating sites a lot in the 00's, mostly plentyoffish. The male/female ratio was like 10/1 even back then. Was lucky if I got one reply per 50 messages sent to women. I was constantly updating my photos etc too. I found the whole thing really stressful

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Anonymous No. 16143477

>there's about 1 woman for every 14 guys

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Anonymous No. 16143493

No fucking way the female userbase is that high on a 4chan dating app. This is a stealth marketing thread.
>Oy very guys look how many young single femanons are collated on my app
Fake and G4AY

Anonymous No. 16143500

That graph is the probability of a person of the given gender being of that age, it doesn't say anything about the amount of females using the website retard

Anonymous No. 16143502

nta but why does the graph add up to 50% per gender then? it should add up to 100% for each

Anonymous No. 16143509

One bar covers 2 years, so the integral/area under the curve adds up to 100%

Anonymous No. 16143510

that's not how it works

Anonymous No. 16143513

It literally is
Imagine if you split each bar into two, so they cover 1 year each. Now you have the same graph but it adds up to 100%

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Anonymous No. 16143516

you can't be this stupid

Anonymous No. 16143519

What are you even doing on /sci/ if you can't understand simple probability?
Either way, you guys are illiterate since the creator clearly states that the ratio is 1:11 or 1:14 between the genders here >>16143142

Anonymous No. 16143524

>14 active woemen in Australia
I'm curious, how many active users are there in Brazil and how many of them are women?

Anonymous No. 16143525

>4chan dating app
Your data are obviously flawed

Anonymous No. 16143535

my point is that you shouldn't divide the probability of each bar in half just because they cover two years and they should always add up to 100%

Anonymous No. 16143560

They are two separate distributions. Just take the L and stop fighting that dude

Anonymous No. 16143564

>as long as you're relatively normal
are the women on this app relatively normal?

Anonymous No. 16143628

>I don't ask users for information about their income or education level, unfortunately.
Power levels would have been even more interesting.

Would you really want what passes as "normal" in the year of our Lord 2024??

Anonymous No. 16143791


god isn't real and hitler died a bitch
just like ted k and every other retard you look up to that makes you feel you're better than others

Anonymous No. 16143873

What the fuck are you talking about? Normal women in current year have blue hair and enjoy marvel movies. They don't even think about Hitler or God.

Anonymous No. 16143885

still g4ay though

Anonymous No. 16143925

nobody who posts here is normal

Anonymous No. 16143934

Intriguing to see the interest in Israel and India, given some attitudes on 4ch. How many are they?
The European parts are too small to see any details but at first glance it seems to be limited to the capital in sonme countries and all over in others. That was unexpected.

Anonymous No. 16143970

Are normal and/or attractive people allowed on there, or is it an incel only kind of deal?

Do men contact women at a similar rate as other dating apps, or is there a difference with your userbase?

Anonymous No. 16143973

>t. attractive normie
how many holes you got

Anonymous No. 16143983

Females get born with all their eggs. They are not produced during their lifetime, unlike sperm is produced continuously in males. That's why radiation exposure has graver consequences for them.

Anonymous No. 16143984

big if true

Anonymous No. 16143987

Size matters?

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duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144026

>What was your goal in making this website?
To make a dating app that matches you with people you’d get along with.

Tinder is just a firehose of random people.

Personality-based dating apps exist, but I haven’t found any which I especially liked. I can expand on this if you like, but market research is a dry topic.

>Do you have any data on who messages first by gender?
That’s hard to figure out because I have messages stored in a separate database. Though the results would be predictable.

>How about number of messages sent broken down by gender?
I have the average number of people messaged by gender. If my query is right, the average man messages 4.8 people, whereas the average woman messages 16.3. Pic related.

>Do you have any data on when users actually meet up irl?
No, it’s difficult to track. I read an OkCupid blog article which gave me the impression they detected meet-ups by searching conversations for mobile numbers. But so many people on Duolicious move conversations to Discord before it gets to that point. I think a lot of users who find a partner on Duolicious must have long-distance relationships and might not have even met.

>Also do you ask users any questions about the following?
Yes, except that second one. The question bank asks if you’d *kiss* someone on a first date. The questions are here:

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duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144034

Compare this >>16144026 pic to the one in this post. Despite men engaging with fewer people, the average woman still gets 47 messages, whereas the average man gets 1.8.

After women, non-binary people and trans-women are the next most commonly messaged categories.

Anonymous No. 16144039

>No, it’s difficult to track
Not surprised
>Personality-based dating apps exist, but I haven’t found any which I especially liked. I can expand on this if you like, but market research is a dry topic
In that case, did you initially (or do you still) anticipate this venture becoming profitable at some point?

Do you use the website yourself to look for matches?

That's a lot of questions. Very nice.

Anonymous No. 16144042

My interpretation of this, and correct me if im wrong.

It appears men only message a small amount of people, wheras women maintain far more conversations on average. Women also receive far more messages than men, obviously because theres so many more men than there are women, but also probably because men are far more likely to initiate.

So in that case, the picture is one of almost every girl having several potential suitors (nearly 50 on avg) while most men are lucky to have more than 1 person message them first.

Sounds a lot like the same dynamic in real life, actually maybe even worse. This is why I refuse to use dating apps. For a heterosexual man it is not worth it imo. You're at an extreme disadvantage.

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Anonymous No. 16144047

>Sounds a lot like the same dynamic in real life, actually maybe even worse. This is why I refuse to use dating apps.
Are you a leftist?

Anonymous No. 16144051

No, I'm all for competing but there's limits to what i consider worthwhile. Its not the same as playing a sport or a videogame though. Ultimately the judge on who wins is what women find preferable, which is oftentimes narcissism, psychopathy, or antisocial traits. Also women tend to be intensely hypergamous. It's one thing to compete with everyone in your tribe, your neighborhood, your town, your city. With dating apps and the internet, you are effectively competing with an entire country or multiple countries worth of opponents.

Also, note that i didnt say i refuse to approach women. I said i refuse to use dating apps. Its not correct to conflate those two statements as equivalent

Anonymous No. 16144080

depends how motivated you are, really

Anonymous No. 16144124

How many profiles have pictures of the user? What's the percentage there?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16144193

>how many of the females are actually egg producers?
Chud education

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Anonymous No. 16144374

Got any fetish questions there? The >>>/s/latex crowd is constantly asking about how to get a latex gf.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16144399

>Oh yeah also, can we see visualization on sign ups over time? How about user retention data?
There’s this chart. The green line shows the number of registered users (including inactive ones) over time.

The blue line shows the last ID over time. IDs in the database get incremented each time a user signs up. So it effectively counts how many users ever signed up.

If you subtract those two values, you’ll see how many people deleted their accounts at any given point. (The “person deficit” line is the "last ID" minus the count of users, scaled by some factor such that the line always starts and ends at zero.)

I can’t be bothered making a chart showing something similar for *active* users, but the number of active users has been stuck at around 5,100 for a little while now. It feels like it’s been stuck for a couple of months.

>Also would like to see how many times users check their account on average (once a day/weekly/etc).
The app only logs the very last time a user was online, to know when to deactivate accounts.

>would you be willing to share an anonymized dump of the data you have collected?

So far it’s been marketed exclusively to 4channers. You can find the app on Google Play, but the few normies who download it don’t seem to get along with the other users.

>You can join "clubs", which according to the information on your profile page puts people in the same clubs at the top of your matches list. There's a club for each 4chan board.
I might remove the clubs feature. Clubs were introduced early December, 2023. There’s always a chance that my metrics are wrong, but looking at the “person deficit” chart, lots of anons seemed to leave after it was introduced. The curve steepens further in January for different reasons.

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duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144405

>Oh yeah also, can we see visualization on sign ups over time? How about user retention data?
There’s this chart. The green line shows the number of registered users (including inactive ones) over time.

The blue line shows the last ID over time. IDs in the database get incremented each time a user signs up. So it effectively counts how many users ever signed up.

If you subtract those two values, you’ll see how many people deleted their accounts at any given point. (The “person deficit” line is the "last ID" minus the count of users, scaled by some factor such that the line always starts and ends at zero.)

I can’t be bothered making a chart showing something similar for *active* users, but the number of active users has been stuck at around 5,100 for a little while now. It feels like it’s been stuck for a couple of months.

>Also would like to see how many times users check their account on average (once a day/weekly/etc).
The app only logs the very last time a user was online, to know when to deactivate accounts.

>would you be willing to share an anonymized dump of the data you have collected?

So far it’s been marketed exclusively to 4channers. You can find the app on Google Play, but the few normies who download it don’t seem to get along with the other users.

>You can join "clubs", which according to the information on your profile page puts people in the same clubs at the top of your matches list. There's a club for each 4chan board.
I might remove the clubs feature. Clubs were introduced early December, 2023. There’s always a chance that my metrics are wrong, but looking at the “person deficit” chart, lots of anons seemed to leave after it was introduced. The curve steepens further in January for different reasons.

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144428

>I'm curious, how many active users are there in Brazil and how many of them are women?
95 active users in brazil. 7 are women

>Intriguing to see the interest in Israel and India, given some attitudes on 4ch. How many are they?
115 active users claim to be from Brazil and 19 claim to be from Israel. Again, people can claim to be from anywhere. The only possible incentive you have not to lie is that the app shows you users near your claimed location.

>Are normal and/or attractive people allowed on there, or is it an incel only kind of deal?
I wouldn’t ban someone for being too hot

>Do men contact women at a similar rate as other dating apps, or is there a difference with your userbase?
See >>16144026, >>16144034

>In that case, did you initially (or do you still) anticipate this venture becoming profitable at some point?
I’d like the app to make enough money to be self-sustaining, but I don’t expect that to happen.

>Do you use the website yourself to look for matches?
No, that’s a conflict of interest.

>It appears men only message a small amount of people, wheras women maintain far more conversations on average. Women also receive far more messages than men, obviously because theres so many more men than there are women, but also probably because men are far more likely to initiate.
Right. It’s about what you’d expect.

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144440

About half

Not really. You can only ask so much before you scare people away

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144450

>115 active users claim to be from Brazil
*claim to be from India, I mean

Anonymous No. 16144529

>No, that’s a conflict of interest
But what if the love of your life is lurking there amongst your users? It's just too tragic to endure this thought, you (and possibly a team(?)) create a solution which pairs several anons with their dream partners, but you never get to use it for yourself.

Enough to bring a tear to my eye. Its so poetic.

Final question for now: why did you choose to post this thread on /sci/ as opposed to /g/? Because of the slower pace? I feel like you'd get much better feedback and cool ideas for charts from /g/entoomen.

Anonymous No. 16144586

Alright someone needs to go to Antarctica and shitpost in the nexus.

Anonymous No. 16144648

>Should we work on making sure men and women are equap at work and in politics?
>Should abortion be legal in all circumstances?
>over 70% yes from females
No way are they using this site regularly. Also, you didn't ask for the race of the users?

duodaddy !!SyauLZHQRqN No. 16144726

>But what if the love of your life is lurking there amongst your users? It's just too tragic to endure this thought
The idea that there’s one special person out there for everyone is romantic. But I believe that there’s lots of people who’d make a good life-long partner for you. A good matchmaking algorithm makes it easier to find those people, but it’s not the only way. Some people also prefer being single or having short-term relationships, or are already happily partnered.

>and possibly a team
It’s just me

>Final question for now: why did you choose to post this thread on /sci/ as opposed to /g/? Because of the slower pace? I feel like you'd get much better feedback and cool ideas for charts from /g/entoomen.
I thought people on /sci/ would have more interesting ideas for pretty charts. /g/ents have been getting increasingly into consooming over the years.

>Also, you didn't ask for the race of the users?
No need. Everyone here is 100% Aryan.

Anonymous No. 16144742

>No need. Everyone here is 100% Aryan.

Anonymous No. 16144769

I checked it out some time back but there were zero (0) people from the Netherlands on it.
Has that changed since then? Probably not since my country is normalfag-central, but I thought I'd ask just in case.

Anonymous No. 16145129

how do i win in this app?

Anonymous No. 16145172

>t.terminally online who still thinks it's 2016
Let it go anon

Anonymous No. 16145188

>g/ents have been getting increasingly into consooming over the years.
This is true. 95% of threads on /g/ are consumer threads. However in my opinion, the few good threads tend to get much better quality. /g/ still has a decent amount of quality posters hanging around. I'm not so sure that's the case for /sci/. It's almost all spam outside of the /math/ general and maybe /med/ general .

What are some of your favorite books?