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๐Ÿงต Scientifically speaking, are men smarter than women?

Anonymous No. 16143293

I think it's unlikely that the picture related is based on many credible studies, but who knows. Regardless, here are the reasons I think men come out on top in the end.

1. Things that people consider to be high IQ are supposedly men's biological strengths like math, physics, engineering (and maybe even science in general?). Women's brains have their strengths, but they are theoretically less important or not viewed as difficult to acquire things (even if they actually are important).

2. Women have less societal incentive to try hard. They can afford to spend time focusing on their appearance because it can pay off by getting pregnant from a rich guy or marrying one, or taking advantage of others (i.e simps).

3. Men are biologically more competitive. Having to compete for females or their genes wouldn't get passed on. That translates into day-to-day life endeavors and leads to persistently trying to beat their peers, thus making significant progress on the smallest things all the way to academia. Women don't seem to care at all about competitiveness, maybe societal or biological lack of testosterone or maybe, it leads them to be more relaxed when it comes to pursuing things, which in turn doesn't motivate them to try to be "the best."

Anonymous No. 16143295

4. Men are the most successful scholars, creators, and inventors in 99% of fields, and it is not even close. With that said, women have always suffered discrimination and been straight-up banned from pursuing academia for a long time. They still face harsh discrimination in some countries, although less in developed nations where it matters the most, it still happens, making it obviously more difficult for them to achieve significant intellectual achievements.

5. Somewhat related to "3", but women seem to care much more about having children, also having a loving long-term partner, be it subconsciously, for resources or for her offspring protection or be it consciously for the fairy tale romance like Disney princess movies. While men are notoriously known for abandoning their families, they just want to spread their genes and move on, maybe they are also less emotionally connected. But whatever the reason, this is a significant aspect of women's lives, and their minds and time are always occupied by that.

6. Women are rewarded for being "social creatures" by men who constantly put them on pedestals to try to get into their pants, and that gives them a sense of reward for being out in public. Their brains are supposedly better at communication, talking, and interpersonal drama; soap opera watchers are a huge majority women. With that said, they are incentivized to be out there, socializing, instead of being home isolated on internet forums, reading, studying, or becoming proficient in something specific.

I'm not saying intrinsically men are more intelligent than women. I googled if when men and women are born if there are brain differences but couldn't find anything. I think in the end, with all these things considered, men are perceived as smarter, theoretically and practically

Anonymous No. 16143342

It stems from men being able to create a child at literally any moment while women can only create one once a year. Men need to compete in order to secure that one time a woman can get pregnant. That has put selective pressure on men to outsmart and overpower other men. But I also think only men holding careers in the past has also put less selective pressure on women to be as mechanically and logically smart. But now that we live in a period of social equality and independence that selective pressure has appeared again. I predict that women will become mentally similar to men in the future. We're already starting to see it with certain types of women (not dressing feminine, working in technical industries, hanging out with mostly boys). Monogamous society is forcing women to put in the effort to find a partner and a career, which is acting as a selecting force increasing parts of the brain typically used by men.

Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

Anonymous No. 16143522

on average yes
there is more evolutionary pressure on males

Anonymous No. 16143631

Nyes. Dr Yarmulke proved that a woman's brain is size of squirrel's brain.