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Anonymous No. 16143558

why were doctors forcing vax on everyone when covid became nothing burger soon after?

Anonymous No. 16143597

because promoting pharmaceutical products is their job

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Anonymous No. 16143606

They were not forcing anyone doing anything.
it was explained that its an experimental treatment and everyone in my country signed agreement before taking the vaccine that you were told this and for any side effects you alone bare responsibility,not the state heath care system.
Pic related how it looks like.

Anonymous No. 16143611

Not here in Europe. You went to vax site and got shot.

Anonymous No. 16143614

This is in eastern europe in Macedonia.

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Cult of Passion No. 16143615

Because none of them are actual doctors, theyre people who paid money for a certificate allowing them to LARP as a doctor.

t.Doctor Gamer

Anonymous No. 16143651

because they got the chance to be in the spotlight and to be seen as important by the rest of the world.
the amount of power they got to display by injecting billions of people made them feel high for years.

Anonymous No. 16144088

In europe you needed to be waxed just to buy something from a drug store. Otherwise they would serve you only outside. You couldn't enter a grocery store either.

Anonymous No. 16144095

they got paid for it

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Anonymous No. 16144330

Because they are prostitutes paid to push big pharma's turbo-cancer deep inside their customers.

Anonymous No. 16144339

Imagine not knowing that doctors can be bought just like politicians.

Anonymous No. 16144342

I heard about that signing bullshit holy shit did that ring all the bells

Anonymous No. 16144344

NOOOOO you can't just make me take responsibility for my own actions!!!!

Anonymous No. 16144355

they don't know shit and are just pill pushers and will push anything the tranny big pharma tell them to for profit.
the only things keeping the medical doctor job alive and high paying is because in north america you can't just walk into a pharmacy and buy prescription drugs, you need a medical doctor from the cartel to sign you a form for you to be allowed to buy them.
in the country where I were born, you don't need a prescription to buy them. drugs are also extremely cheap. the healthcare system is x10 better than the dogshit in america.

Anonymous No. 16144357

Gee, I wonder why covid became a nothingburger right after doctors forced the vax on everyone? Takes a fucking polymath to figure that one out

Anonymous No. 16144359

I've heard that smallpox became a nothingburger after a similar event. Incredible how sheeple have been led astray for so long.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16144363

I became a nothingburger before the shots were out. the virus was the deadliest at the very beginning when it got out of the lab, dealt some serious damage in Italy and I think Spain, old folk care homes got literally wiped. it was natural for it to get weaker in time, with or without the vaxx. this was predicted in the very first days of panic

Anonymous No. 16144366

It became a nothingburger before the shots were out. the virus was the deadliest at the very beginning when it got out of the lab, dealt some serious damage in Italy and I think Spain, old folk care homes got literally wiped. it was natural for it to get weaker in time, with or without the vaxx. this was predicted in the very first days of panic

Anonymous No. 16144390

it has always been a nothingburger from the start if you are not 70+ and obese. 95-99%+ of the population don't require any vaccination.
the MD cattles closed their eyes and followed big pharma instructions to force vaccinate everyone because they get a fuck ton of money per vaxx patient.

Anonymous No. 16144424

Not sure how it is everywhere else, but in clapistan there are representatives from drug companies that visit medical facilities and treat the doctors to lunch in an attempt to get them to push new prescriptions onto their patients. Many amerifats still believe their doctors are looking out for their best interest instead of trying to hit numbers for their annual bonus.

Anonymous No. 16144441

I remember 1-2 months after COVID went big and they were about to lock down everyone, there were already multiple research papers out there saying that COVID only adversely affect very old and obese patients but the maggots still did locked down everyone and forced me to take the vaccine if I wanted to take flights. I had to take the vaxxes, they then even forced me to take a booster. I went sick the days right after the 2nd and booster shot. we will never forgive or forget what you did you fucking traitors.

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Anonymous No. 16144498

Fuck off you retard piece of shit, this is not a place for trash like you.

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Anonymous No. 16144500

You will be hunted and hanged, you filthy parasite.

Anonymous No. 16144503

You definitely got the vax you braindead retard lmfao. You're the kind of person that gets mad at coffee for being hot.

Anonymous No. 16144826

(the chosen believe the human race needs to be reduced in number to approximately 500M worker drones, as is they are too outnumbered and it frightens them)

Anonymous No. 16144827

It became a nothingburger because everyone got vaccinated.

Anonymous No. 16144857

>They were not forcing anyone doing anything
Is this how you people have decided to shield your egos now?

Anonymous No. 16144858

Sorry, but coercion is a thing. How many times does this need to be explained?

Anonymous No. 16144875

Food and drug markets were open for everyone vaxed or not but they made it difficult to buy food with the the 1 person in the store at a time policy.
Many people digitised and started ordering food/grocery deliveries online.
After covid this online business died and now everything is back to how it was .

This was also case for the banks very difficult to get in line, lines were huge and things were very slow.
Everything moved online from bills to plastic cards and loans.

Doctors were not forced to take the vax and the state did not impose it on them to keep their jobs.
Although 90% took it on their own.
MDs only got in trouble if they said anything about not vaccinating or question the state narrative about the decease for which the medical chamber straight out said that it will take your medical license so you could not practice medicine.

People became weary when the lockdowns started and movement was limited. There was no reason for this.
Our best virologist from the cold war era did and interview on tv in which he said everything that is happening is because the ministry of health signed some agreements with WHO and UN to participate in these programs with lockdowns, mask mandates and what not.
For most this was enough to wait things out and not vax.

Anonymous No. 16144882

The White House in a hilariously unconstitutional effort tried to make it illegal for most companies and the government to employ unvaccinated workers. New York, Seattle, San Francisco, and other cities restricted where unvaccinated people could go and work. This all really happened.

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Anonymous No. 16144887


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Anonymous No. 16145978


Anonymous No. 16146041

Why did COVID become a nothingburger soon after doctors forced the vax on everyone?

Anonymous No. 16146051

This is quite literally the worst fucking board. Every fucking thread is some retarded /pol/ rapefugee bait.

Anonymous No. 16146349


people were not allowed to attend classes and lost their jobs over it, not to mention the massive social shaming media campaign. saying "nobody forced anyone" is such bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16146361

New Mexico tried to restrict grocery stores to only those who were injected. Los Angeles wanted to cut off the water and power of those who refused the injections. It's crazy how crazy the crazies got so quickly.

Anonymous No. 16146793

the covid fiasco was never an issue to begin with, it's a political one as 99% of people who get it don't even feel anything serious, just a cold for them.
they forced lockdown and vaccinated everyone to smash trump chance of election and profiteered from selling the vaxx to everyone because pfizer spent so much money to develop it. pfizer was expecting to vaccinate everyone forever but people got tired of the covid retard propaganda bullshit. now pfizer stocks are going to 0 because of lost trust.
the medical doctors niggers followed directives from big pharmas because they got paid like $50 per shot.
it's that simple.

Anonymous No. 16146810

science has almost totally stagnated. even china contributes the same or more to scientific advancement now than the entire west
not my fault modern science was ruined by fart huffing woke retards