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Anonymous No. 16143617

So, time goes on pretty much to infinity right?
100 bilions, 1000 bilions, you can just add zeroes and its whatever, Universe will still be there.

I'm visualising the entire timeline as an arrow and as it grows, our current time (28 bilions or whatever) is getting very, very close to the left (the beginning).

So in a way, we are here suspiciously early, aren't we?

Anonymous No. 16143630

The older the universe gets the less likely it is that it can create life or even support it's existence. So us existing now is both expected and unremarkable.

Anonymous No. 16143644

New stars will be created for a long time. Sure, stuff gets farther away from itself but otherwise what's to worry about, proton decay? That's not gonna happen anytime soon, IF it will happen at all.

Anonymous No. 16143649

Robin Hanson also noted the earliness problem.

Anonymous No. 16143653

Why do you think you can go infinitely in one direction and keep adding zeros, but not the other direction?

Anonymous No. 16143654

We are potentially very close to what appears to be the beginning of the universe, depending on a few things. The predicted longest time until the universe reaches its final energy state is 10^(10^120) years, which I'm pretty sure is a number so big it doesn't have a name. See bottom of first table here

But that doesn't mean the time we've been here so far is insignificant. Stars have had billions of years to create all kinds of fancy elements, so the universe is fairly rich element-wise and has been very active for a long time.

The lower estimate for the end of the universe, according to that table, is the big rip, about 10 billion years from now. If that's the case then we're already past the halfway point. Time would probably exist after a big rip i guess, but when they say time didn't exist before the big bang they usually are referring to "meaningful" time. So you could maybe say meaningful time ends at the big rip

Anonymous No. 16143673

by 10^40 years everything will be in black holes
by 10^100 years all the black holes have evaporated