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🗑️ 🧵 Um

Anonymous No. 16143726

Why is there some much weird shit about race on this board? It's like half legit science and half retard racists trying to backfit their stupid ideas using buzzfield tier cognitive bias ridden garbage

Anonymous No. 16143731

Can science explain why my country, seen as a beacon of tolerance, welfare and integration, is slowly turning into a new Sweden?

Anonymous No. 16143734

There are so many retarded things in your sentence idk where to even begin. Go outside chud.

Anonymous No. 16143748

I would, but the chance of getting stabbed when doing so is increasing for some bizarre, inexplicable reason.

Anonymous No. 16143753

Yeah because thats what your heckin valid internet nooose sources tell you right? You're living in an illusion chamber. You have lost touch with reality. You are an internet casualty

Anonymous No. 16143776

No, the mainstream newspapers are reporting on the wave of killings this year, politicians are discussing it both in and outside of Parliament as they see the severity of the situation in Sweden and fear a transfer, various police chiefs have talked about a coming rise in crime years prior, my coworkers are talking about experiences had by their children and themselves, and so are my parents, who have had three attempted murders in surrounding neighborhoods in the 2020s, up from 0 in the two decades prior.

Anonymous No. 16143786

keeping plebs busy with primitive shit

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Anonymous No. 16143817

> believes mainstream media
>believes politicians
>believes the police
>believes co-workers anecdotal evidence
>believes parents anecdotal evidence
>cites three years of extreamly weak data

Its over anon

Anonymous No. 16143818

You're so heckin' righterino! I kneel and apologize.

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Anonymous No. 16143819

Try it again without the sarcasm this time chud

Anonymous No. 16143833

What sacasmerino?
Anyway, none of the aforementioned trustworthy experts can figure it out, can science?

Anonymous No. 16143842

Yes, youre delusional. You have psychosis

Anonymous No. 16143853

Science is a methodology not an ideology, you’re an actual moron

Anonymous No. 16143859

I'm sorry, I only listen to certified experterinos. Where's your MD, science-denying chud?

Anonymous No. 16143868

No you

Anonymous No. 16143952

Is hard to know exactly why. Here is a few possibilities
- they're paid shills. Greater than zero chance, but doesn't explain why.
- some political group or other group with an agenda. Maybe stormfags trying to normalise these kinds of questions. I'm pretty sure they do shilling/disinfo ops on 4chan just like the far left does. Trying to persuade people etc.
- some Christian group. Same kind of normalising/astrotroturfing posts in a spread the word kind of fashion, trying to persuade people.
- jews. Might as well add jews in here, doesn't seem very jew but some people might disagree and wouldn't be right to leave them out when far right politics are involved.
- it's just random people legitimately asking those questions. I reckon unlikely due to the frequency and similarity of content. It does seem targeted and also seems like they're wasting their time really if they do have some agenda, i don't think they're changing many minds like they might on /pol/

Anonymous No. 16143955

Scientifically speaking, evolution only affects the appearance of a species, but never affects their behavior or any other traits whatsoever. Evolution ONLY changes physical appearances and that's IT

Anonymous No. 16144057

Leave as chuds alone and go to reddit if you don't like the board

Anonymous No. 16144073

Well considering that behavior could be created by physical structures in the brain...

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Anonymous No. 16144074


bodhi No. 16144255

you should have no problem debunking it if is so "retarded," yet you make ad hominem threads instead, funny.

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bodhi No. 16144258

ah yes, it is all in his mind, excellent argument

Anonymous No. 16144276

There is no evidence you can provide a committed racist that will convince them to abandon their primitivist mindset.
To be clear, that is not owing to the strength of the racist's ideology.

Anonymous No. 16144287

>It's a conspiracy when people don't agree with me even tho I'm a retarded söybug pissbaby!

Anonymous No. 16144291

I see racists backing up their points with studies and data, curious that. While you only make adhom spam, very curious indeed.

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bodhi No. 16144295

>I could win, I just dont try
fuck off back to redit then from whence ye came

Anonymous No. 16144297

I've never seen a compelling study or dataset from a racist that's excused the products of racist behavior, ideology, or politik.
It doesn't take very much charisma or worldly experience to learn that other people aren't inherently worse than you based on their haplogroup, but I guess expecting any charisma or worldly experience at all from a chud is a mistake.

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bodhi No. 16144299

I will bet everything I own you have never called anyone but white people "racist"

just an aside I wanted to add before I shit in your thread and leave. A shit for shit, poetic

Anonymous No. 16144301

>you're wrong, and to prove it, here's some tweets

bodhi No. 16144305



savor the flavor

Anonymous No. 16144314

>Still with the ad homs
Not a good look for your camp when racists are leagues more objective than you.

Anonymous No. 16144320

yeah this is a positive gathering of objective intellectual

Anonymous No. 16144964

Not science or math

Anonymous No. 16144987

>Why is there some much weird shit about race on this board?, go figure. Just keep reporting the explicit racism.

Anonymous No. 16144991

>evolution only affects the appearance of a species
no man, no. On the contrary, evolution mostly affects things which aren't obvious at first glance!

Anonymous No. 16145089

OP, you could just shorten it to
>I'm a jew
Now leave the gentile space please