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7 No. 16143772

this is you
just a few billion years ago

Anonymous No. 16143781

>The unscathed and undisturbed nirvana in his eyes are beyond all human standards.

Anonymous No. 16143794

Nope, I've descended from Adam and Eve. I am not a filthy animal like you.

Anonymous No. 16143795

>I am born from incest and inbreeding
It shows.

Anonymous No. 16143821

more like adam and steve faggot

Anonymous No. 16143825

>I'm special

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Anonymous No. 16143866

and this is me right now

Cult of Passion No. 16143874

>I've descended from Adam and Eve.
>Openly admitted he is from a dysgenic and corrupted line.

Anonymous No. 16143875


Anonymous No. 16143935

He appears astute. I like him.

Anonymous No. 16143951

A few billion years ago we were still struggling to stick two cells together.

Anonymous No. 16143985


Oy vey!

Anonymous No. 16144000

Cook AF, just chilling there, not giving a single fuck, so much better than this made up language-society-economics bullshit.

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Anonymous No. 16144060

You will be dismembered, flayed, and burned alive. That is what demons like you deserve.

Anonymous No. 16144063

Im not a GAY FROG

Anonymous No. 16144089

Thats a nasty thing to say to anyone.

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Anonymous No. 16144091

This is you today, OP.

Anonymous No. 16144098


Anonymous No. 16144102

>kike pretending to fit in
Go back.

Anonymous No. 16144967

no because that species of frog didnt exist a few billion years ago. learn how time and evolution works.

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Anonymous No. 16145147

Few million, retard.

7 No. 16145233

>thx for the info kid
u know how much it is 1000 million? retardinho

Anonymous No. 16145241

LUCA is like 100 million years after Earth formed, which is insane.

Anonymous No. 16145269

Every male generation before you managed to procreate and basically you're the end of the line. Well done!

Anonymous No. 16145288

No thats a frog that was photographed few years ago.

Anonymous No. 16145302

This is me now. I'm a green frog.

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Anonymous No. 16146942

also, DMT frogs

Anonymous No. 16146945

That is me now

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Anonymous No. 16147005

>A few million