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🧵 I am losing my mind because of electrical engineering

Anonymous No. 16143809

I don't know if this is the right board to post this, but I am currently studying applied electrical engineering and I have to choose between these subfields:

Energy engineering and machine automation
Information and communication technologies
Quality Engineering
I am losing my mind because I don’t know which one to choose. Any advice? Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most? I live in Central Europe, so keep that in mind if that affects anything.

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Anonymous No. 16143810

>Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most?
These are the wrong questions.

Anonymous No. 16143820

I wouldn't go to anything "quality control" or even "optimization" related as these subfields are more than usually fake and only lead to rarely sought-after jobs. I wouldn't say that they are less paid, they are just not that much of demand on something as disposable as a task of simply optimizing a manufacturing process that already exists. That being said, active fields such as automation and electronics are good choices if you actually want to have concrete knowledge and a hands-down approach on what you are doing. If you follow these subfields though you may land on a shitty underpaid job especially if you work under a company or a larger business.

Anonymous No. 16143822

I know I shouldn’t take the easy way out and should base my decision on what I find most interesting, but I still find those questions important.

Anonymous No. 16143824

Just choose one faggot its not like it matters

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Anonymous No. 16143905

Everyone will tell you do this or don't do that. Truth is everything is fucked. Focus on doing something you like and can do well, the money will come to you. If you don't make decisions for yourself you will live your whole life following "the next thing" like some soulless normies npc.

Anonymous No. 16143929

They're likely all gay. I would recommend to try find out what the day to day work of those kind of engineers are because that's what you'll be doing for the next 50 years or whatever. I did a structural eng degree and the actual work after uni was boring so I don't do it anymore, but I wish I knew it was so boring before doing the degree otherwise I wouldn't have done it

Anonymous No. 16143940

>Which one is the easiest? Which one pays the most?
Fuck off money whore

Anonymous No. 16144445

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16144966

Hah get fucked fag mechE lords over you scum