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Anonymous No. 16143893

Look at this sexy goddamn chad. Look at him. Props to youngblood here on heading south like a fine viral young stud, away from the vestige of the tranny and the liberal cuckoo heads.

Anonymous No. 16143900

Hide the pain Steve

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16143950

>heading south like a fine viral young stud, away from the vestige of the tranny and the liberal cuckoo heads.

The south is a nigger infested shithole, and all of the supposed "based and redpilled" southern conservatives are all christcucks and civnat neocon zionists who support Ukraine and Israel because they think Russians and Palestinians are all antisemites who hate the LGBT community and "American values".

The most based and redpilled part of the country are small towns in the Midwest and New England.

Anonymous No. 16144077

They're headed south not to live in a mobile home in the woods, they're headed there to attend the least pozzed universities. Schools in the south are woke but nowhere near as much in other parts of the country. That's what is attractive to them and not the irrelevant stuff you babbled on about.
>But we have schools in New England too.
You and I both know they're max woke, which is why they're being rejected. Same for Midwestern universities, which pride themselves on bringing coastal values to "fly over country".

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16144183

Georgian here. We don't want faggot liberals here. Have enough god damned niggers as is.

Anonymous No. 16144207

do you want to fuck him or something

Anonymous No. 16144253

Too late. The Republicans in control of the state invited in Hollywood and even showered them with public money to expand in Georgia. As a result, Hollywood is now deeply involved in politics in Georgia, but only by supporting leftist causes and candidates. The Georgia Republicans played themselves.
Meanwhile next door, Alabamians are the minority of students at the University of Alabama as it has become flooded with blue state kids looking for a little less nannying but without shedding their blue state political values.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16144263

I know. It's a shame. I just stay away from the cesspool cities. Atlanta is a nigger hellhole.

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Anonymous No. 16144375

so much for southern chivalry

Anonymous No. 16144388

>NOOOOOO you can't just not accept me into your community even though I'm trying to uproot your way of life!!!

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Anonymous No. 16144406

Anonymous No. 16144410

people have been calling for the end of San Francisco and New York for a century now but it hasn't happened yet.
San Francisco is now the city with the highest wage on the planet. New York city is called the greatest city on the planet.
Things just keep getting better and the South calls for their deaths, but then they become even richer and more powerful as the Southerner sits in his rank 1500 hick university doing his engineering degree for guaranteed unemployment so he has join the military to pay his loans and die for israel

Anonymous No. 16144505

I can tell someone with a southern accent called you a faggot at some point. You did nothing in the moment and have been ruminating on scenarios ever since where you stand up for yourself, only for them to fade away as the reality that you did nothing sets back in.

Anonymous No. 16144556

Awful lot of projection going on in that post.

Anonymous No. 16144666

I've heard of some "great re-migration" occuring amongst Blacks where the ones living in the north are coming down south, is there a noticeable uptick in Blacks to you? Are Whites losing ground?

Anonymous No. 16144763

Atlanta has been called the Black Mecca for decades but for the city itself, the black percentage has been dropping. As of the 2020 census, blacks are only 50.1% of the population of the City of Atlanta. Blacks that "move to Atlanta" move mostly to the inner suburbs, where they are rapidly taking over sections of the metro. This sometimes brings them into conflict with Hispanic and Asian communities that have cut out their own parts of metro Atlanta for themselves. Southern blacks find blacks from other parts of the country to be "uppity" and get tired of them moving to the Atlanta area and expecting to run things.
Inside the city, things are getting whiter as it becomes more gentrified while the inner suburbs become a smorgasbord of races and ethnic groups. The exurban fringe is the only place where conservative whites are expanding in population.

Anonymous No. 16144770

>civnat neocon zionists who support Ukraine and Israel because they think Russians and Palestinians are all antisemites who hate the LGBT community and "American values".

That's based as fuck

Anonymous No. 16144818

Harvard today is famous for: having plagiarists at all levels of faculty who refuse to resign, a large "diverse" international student body of rich Chinese kids who are there to steal tech snd get ambassadors invovled if they get anything less than an A, a few famous old labs that will die because the Jewish/WASP Professor never cared enough to train viable students to train them.

I am international researcher and from my perspective all the real work in the US is being doen at national labs and state schools now. The huge endownment these t10 schools get is mostly being wasted on NGOs, social grifting or outright being stolen.

They should go back to being Puritan schools.

Anonymous No. 16144821

>The south is a nigger infested shithole, and all of the supposed "based and redpilled" southern conservatives are all christcucks and civnat neocon zionists
This is just boomers, young White conservatives are not civnats.

>Russians and Palestinians are all antisemites who hate the LGBT community and "American values".
Russians and Palestinians do in fact hate both White America and American values. The kind of cuck that doesn't believe this will literally end up getting raped death in Donetsk.

Anonymous No. 16144825

This is a strange cope, SF fags have been migrating like fugees into Texas, which has higher salaries and a muzzle on their blacks unlike the free reign they get in SF.

Anonymous No. 16144843

South Francisco also high an extremely high cost of living and has a budget deficit. California also has a budget deficit. High wages don't mean anything if you spend a shit ton just to survive.

Anonymous No. 16144865

Interesting, thank you for the info, anon.
>Southern blacks find blacks from other parts of the country to be "uppity" and get tired of them moving to the Atlanta area and expecting to run things.

Anonymous No. 16144877

Not at all surprising. State schools, especially Southern ones are pretty cheap and give pretty much the same education at the undergraduate level, while being way, way, way more fun to go to.

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Anonymous No. 16145307

>ussians and Palestinians do in fact hate both White America and American values
You're a retard. Neocon conservatives unironically think that Ukraine is fighting to defend "American values" against the "subhuman Mongoloid hordes" of Russia, but in reality nobody - neither in Ukraine nor in Russia - actually sees the war this way. Despite what neocons and normie republicans think, the Russians are not some sort of woke """anti-American""" communists fighting to topple the evil American imperialist regime. The only people who see Russia vs Ukraine as a war between anti-white asiatic communists and the freedom-loving Aryan West are retarded goy brained Zionist conservative and civnat neocon cucks.

Similarly, the only people who believe that Ukraine is a thriving liberal democracy fighting to defend the LGBT community and "cosmopolitan" European values against the emerging neo-Nazi white supremacist Putin regime are woke neoliberals and globalists.

If you unirnocially think that Russian care about retarded professional managerial class culture war issue, then you're a giga retard. Most Russians today don't even know what something like "systemic racism" or the "gender binary" even means because this English language concepts, that only exist in the context of modern, elite, western universities and think tanks. Only Americans and Western Europeans view the world through the lens of social justice activism and issues like "colonialism", "imperialism" or "critical theory". Russia is not the Soviet Union anymore. Russian view this as a geopolitical game of realpolitik in which Russia must defend their sphere of influence from the encroachment of NATO, not some sort of American culture-war clash that escalated into an armed conflict.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16145318

>Neocon conservatives unironically think that Ukraine is fighting to defend "American values" against the "subhuman Mongoloid hordes" of Russia, but in reality nobody - neither in Ukraine nor in Russia - actually sees the war this way.
I don't care what neocons thing, dead Russians are good. The fact that they embarrassed themselves so much that no one will ever buy their weapons again is even better.

>Russians are not some sort of woke """anti-American""" communists fighting to topple the evil American imperialist regime.
Yes they, America and "le evil West" lives rent free in their heads 24/7, you clearly don't have any Russian friends.

>Most Russians today don't even know what something like "systemic racism" or the "gender binary" even means because this English language concepts, that only exist in the context of modern, elite, western universities and think tanks. Only Americans and Western Europeans view the world through the lens of social justice activism and issues like "colonialism", "imperialism" or "critical theory".
You're fucking retarded, the whole "anti-Imperialism" and anti-white cultural Marxism movement was created by cold war Russians and Moscow still funds a lot of those NGOs and leftist movements to this day.

Most of them give zero fucks about communism vs. capitalism, they just shill for Moscow's geopolitical interests like you are doing now.

Like Putin said himself, he thinks the West is full of ethno nat "Nazis", just like he calls Ukranians Nazis. What he means "you should have no interests and only give me what I want for nothing in return". This is the most cucked and cowardly position you could possibly have to kowtow to Russian filth.

Anonymous No. 16145399

Holy shit you vatnigger simps and polschizos are on massive amounts of cope. The Russian government spent the better part of the last century trying to destroy America and Europe in the pursuit of a global communist state, and now through the BRICS alliance Russia is clearly aligning itself with all the biggest shitskin countries. You see the same thing, also, with all the woke communists and the Duginist right supporting Palestine in the ground that Israel is a "colonialist" power. The entire motive for supporting Russia and Palestine is inherently anti-American and anti-European.

Anonymous No. 16145405

>New York city is called the greatest city on the planet.
By who?
So I can smack them.

Anonymous No. 16145409

>The entire motive for supporting Russia and Palestine is inherently anti-American and anti-European.
But not anti-white which is the important thing.
Frankly after the failure of the American experiment, I hope we can all recognize that the Enlightment was a mistake, and toss such outdated values into the dustbin of history

Anonymous No. 16145415

>the whole "anti-Imperialism" and anti-white cultural Marxism movement was created by cold war Russians and Moscow
You mean the Frankfurt school and Hebrew bolsheviks.

Anonymous No. 16145445

what would you know about cities? all southerners are rural

Anonymous No. 16145454

you mean Harvard and MIT.
You know? The best colleges on this planet.

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Anonymous No. 16145534

>the whole "anti-Imperialism" and anti-white cultural Marxism movement was created by cold war Russians and Moscow still funds a lot of those NGOs and leftist movements to this day
>woke communists
>global communist state

So much seethe, and you still haven't said a single thing about Jews, Zionists, or woke leftists. You blame everything on muh Russia and muh Putin, while also claiming that Russia is an irrelevant, powerless, third world asiatic shithole.

Neocons and Zionist republicans will claim that Putin is an "anti-white" "anti-American" communist leader, but they never deploy this same terminology or these same criticisms against the American neoliberal left. In fact, if you point out that the American government and American universities are run by woke, anti-white leftists, the civnat neocon Zionists will just accuse them of being an "anti-American" Putin shills. Civnat neocons and (((Zionist))) republican are literally the MOST anti-white, anti-freedom people on the planet for the following reason: America and Western Europe have been taken over by a woke, authoritarian, anti-white ideology, and that is a problem. In order to address that problem, we need to be able to discuss the problem and it's origins - which means acknowledging the growth of woke, anti-white politics in the West. However, anytime someone attempts to criticize the American government or the EU or NATO, civnat neocons like yourself just accuse them of being "anti-American vatniggers". If we're not able to discuss our problems or how to fix them, then these problems are not going to go away. If any criticism of the American government or American culture is just "vatnigger propaganda", then people who oppose the woke neoliberal agenda are never going to make any progress.

To be honest, though, I think we all know that Zionist neocons support their woke neoliberal counterparts, and all of them are part of the same anti-white globalist agenda.

Anonymous No. 16145617

Russia is a bolshevik Jewish state, has been since 1917. The oil oligarchs are all Jews.

Anonymous No. 16145636

Of course, which is why the Jews should be blamed instead of muh "mongoloid Russian subhumans". Americans and Europeans who blame Russia for their own nations problems completely ignore the fact that the Russian government - like our own - is run not run by their own people, but rather by a small group of Jewish elites.

Anonymous No. 16145640

>Jews, Zionists, or woke leftists,
Same thing, Putin has Jew blood and worships Jews.
>, while also claiming that Russia is an irrelevant, powerless, third world asiatic shithole.
It is. Cry more clueless Vatnik waging in Western country.

>Neocons and Zionist republicans will claim that Putin is an "anti-white" "anti-American" communist leader, but they never deploy this same terminology or these same criticisms against the American neoliberal left.
I don't care about neocons, I apply those terms to both. It's the same shit they are all our enemies, Kikes, (((Russians))), Leftists.
>A huge culture war red herring
I agree with you concerning all the problems conservacuck boomers have, but the only thing more cucked than ignoring culture war problems (imo tolerating any minorities at all is cucked) is being a cum sucking Vatnik traitor who imagines Putin will save his country after conquering it. Those lying Dugintards hate you more than Jews do, they are our enemy and they want us dead. The fact that they're dying in a "brother war" that they started is fucking hilarious.

Anonymous No. 16145645

Formerly the best colleges on this planet

Anonymous No. 16145647

boy these basement dwelling subhumans sure got one of their discord fatasses as a janny

Anonymous No. 16145658

As I said, you probably don't have any Russian friends. I do, they are hypocritical subhumans who lie constantly and are dumb enough to think killing Ukranians is somehow beneficial to them, they unironically think they will get something out of this war. They also believe all the anti-Western bullshit (while living here, constantly complaining about their host country and saying how great Russia (draft dodging pussies aren't willing to defend it for real though)). The voting numbers for Putin you see are not fake, they really vote for him. If all Russians end up genocided tomorrow I would not care. They are evil people between Africans and Jews.

It is not the same as the Western situation at all. Good White Westerners genuinely oppose this shit and Whites I've met in all first world countries are the only good people on Earth.

I really don't think the Russian people are salvagable. Ukranians as a people are, even though they also have their problems.

Anonymous No. 16145689

>draft dodging pussies aren't willing to defend it for real though
Why do I get the feeling you are to pussy to say that to their faces though?

Anonymous No. 16145699

Did I hit a nerve? I have told the whiny shits to go back to Russia multiple times.

You draft dodging pussy.

Anonymous No. 16146130

Russia is a great country

Anonymous No. 16146292

Sure, bud. I think you totally told your Russian friends what you think of them to their face and then ran here to write a screed that reads like pure seething just because you want others to know what you totally did. Totally.

Anonymous No. 16146295

>all the anti-Western bullshit (while living here, c
Theres nothing hypocritical about this. The rational being that the west has ruined Russia so they had to move out, not because they love the west. They love being were they are not being targeted by the west.
Its like iraqi refugees going to the USA

Anonymous No. 16146434

The South wouldn't be ideal for women because of the oppression of reproductive rights.

There are some great southern schools and the only thing they're lacking is the extra 100 years the North has on them when it comes to higher education. However, they're not really going to right direction, the south doesn't seem to be taking some academic topics seriously and you might encounter colleagues who don't believe in dinosaurs and evolution. It's difficult to discuss ideas with these types of close minded people.

Anonymous No. 16146497

It's a shithole. Nigeria with snow. That's why half of all young white Russian women fled the country.

I did. It's simple and not a rude thing to say. If the faggots complain so much why don't they move back to Russia? Then the excuses come.

Why don't you move back to Russia Anon.

You are acting like Arab filth saying your country is better, but apparently your nation, culture, people and identity was worth less to you than however much money you're making in your toilet cleaning job.

The West did nothing to them, they ruined their own countries.

Do why aren't they moving to Saudi Arabia? It was the Saudis that wanted the intervention and called for it at the UN.

You are lying and hypocritical, it's all mental gymnastics to try and justify why you abandoned a people you no longer have any real connection with.

You literally are the rootless globalist tranny that you complain so much about lol.

Anonymous No. 16146597

>The South wouldn't be ideal for women because of the oppression of reproductive rights.
And nothing of value was lost.

Anonymous No. 16146602

>oppression of reproductive rights.
What do you mean? They have the right to reproduce are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16146654

>even if I could've got into Harvard

Anonymous No. 16146655


Anonymous No. 16146677

Harvard us purely race based, it literally doesn't even accept grades or test scores.

Are you an old boomer who applied there in the 70s or something? Did you miss the entire Supreme court ruling against them?

Anonymous No. 16146679


Anonymous No. 16146683

>Harvard first announced a shift to test-optional admissions in June 2020, removing the requirement for applicants to the Class of 2025 to submit standardized test scores amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, before it extended the policy to the Class of 2026.

Dumb capital poster.

Anonymous No. 16146738

>Harvard us purely race based
nice cope

Anonymous No. 16146868

>Do why aren't they moving to Saudi Arabia?
they are, they go to many places. My point is that many go to the USA despite it being the country that destroyed their country. One has to be practical about these things

Anonymous No. 16146883

>Harvard us purely race based
No, you also gotta have an impressive personal life story, like 20 billion hours of community service, a massive charity project run solely by you, and a background in shit like activism, social justice work.
You can get a pass on that if your parents donated like $20 million to Harvard, but Hell be damned if you're a regular, non-disadvantaged minority student who was just part of the robotics club or the art club but didn't win any prizes at an important competition or anything and wanna apply for Harvard.

Anonymous No. 16146891

I thought they stopped or were going to stop doing racial admission

Anonymous No. 16146893

I thought - you stopped - POSTING - on 4chan/sci - faggit

This board needs a clean .

Anonymous No. 16146906

See >>16146683

Anonymous No. 16146908

No, they immediately released a statement all but saying they intend to exploit a loophole with the wording of the ruling to continue doing exactly what they want. I'll actually be very surprised if they don't wind up getting sued a second time.

Anonymous No. 16146909

So their culture, people and identity is so unimportant to them that they go to NATO countries to wageslave and pay taxes to help fund NATO militaries because they get bombed by American planes.

This is the logic you want to defend?

Anonymous No. 16146916

Yes. So it's not based on merit like grades etc., but on racial background. The latter only if you are non-White from an upper middle class family who pays for you to do all those extra curriculars.

Or apparently just be black and spam write "Black lives matter" in your essay 300 times, that works too.

They are still doing it. Literally by saying implicitly students should write their race in their essay. They will get sued and lose though.

Anyway it's a shithole university, I did a research stay there with a colab and they told they would never hire undergrads from their own programme lol, this is how bad it is, it's just employing internationals now.

Anonymous No. 16146918

>I'll actually be very surprised if they don't wind up getting sued a second time.
They will be and they will instantly lose as it will be easy to prove they discrimanted. Even a small class action will force Harvard to pay millions in the lower courts.

Anonymous No. 16147116

>You have to side with American Zionism or Russian Zionism or else you're an evil nazi who should die!!!

It's so tiresome

Anonymous No. 16147133

>I did a research stay there with a colab and they told they would never hire undergrads from their own programme
which department?

Anonymous No. 16147145

He means the right to whore around and kill your own babies.

Anonymous No. 16148041

>San Francisco is now the city with the highest wage on the planet.
No it isn't
>New York city is called the greatest city on the planet.
No it isn't

Anonymous No. 16148517

If America sucks so much, then why not move to one of these supposedly "based and redpilled" countries like Russia, China, or Iran?

Anonymous No. 16149710
