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🧵 Need to learn precalc/trig in 1 week

Anonymous No. 16143995

Hello I havent gone to lecture all semester. I need to learn an entire semester's worth of precalculus/trig in one week. What should I do bros

Anonymous No. 16143998

You can try watching lectures/khan academy and doing as many problems as you can stomach. You probably won't be able to pass. Take this as a life lesson.

Anonymous No. 16144016

Yeah he's fucked

Anonymous No. 16144021

>I have a music performance but I never practice.
>How to rock 'n roll anyway?

Anonymous No. 16144040

You are fucked eat shit lazy retard

Anonymous No. 16144045

Memorize unit circle and a list of trig identities. That's literally it. Don't know what the retards in this thread are talking about, you don't even need a week to do this.

Anonymous No. 16144068

If that's all OP needed to do to pass the course then they wouldn't be making this thread.

Anonymous No. 16144078

This is why college degrees don't mean shit. You have morons like op who probably end up passing by either cheating or just cramming information into their brains without learning anything.

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Anonymous No. 16144084

You people are sooooo stupid you're so dumb, OooOoooohh prööht aijai hmmmmm? BLÖPÖPÖPÖLÖPS PRÖÖÖÖÖHTei vittu junior shart krebs virtanen :DDDDDDDDDwigsex crunchy shartti thong juniors soppanenolen pahoillani. en tiennyt tämän olevan sääntöjen vastaista koska international lauta on täynnä vastaavaa
I think the best thread on yli.... yeah im pretty sure it is.. shartmosquito tobacco fart leather bench in Ibiza (Moldy) with dead rat on a stick (rotting) best kyrvän lutkuttaja award kyrpäjoutsen koululainen kromilaiset Duomistää ruomis ruomistää ruomikyrpä Ruomistäänen classic Poopoo poopooohead Doodoohead Poopoolainen message cat fart sandwich Super anal crunch extreme taco box dog shit salad mitä crunchistää veijari tykkää isoista mustista aasista mitä crunchistää Doodooheadu should add "lupaan että ei toistu" to the enddelicious poop sandwich

thong crunch junior with extra fried krebs

mini mega kcroat anal burger with almond milk

delicious poop salad
Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text you copy will be saved here.look soppy, i understand now that i didnt register with same name on northpole as on ylilauta, and i am sad that i didnt receive the tags on ylilauta which i gained upon registering on northpole.

t anonymous is leguan misser, and northpole user before there was a registration feom kuvalauta timesmitäpä naskali rascali doodoohead dudeson, son of the dude :DD kmebtobacco fart industries CEO man finlan fraudsteri shärtteri färtteri jölli dude of kullington :DD mitäpä minä marokon mutapylly, what.,, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPSSSS

Nnnuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh.... oi kyllä rakas.... nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh... oikein pistävä kerrassaan.... onko tuo... jos sallinet minun sanoa..... nnnuuuuhhh.... munia joka noin tuoksuu?........... nuuh nuuh....hmmmm....kyllä...juuri niin kultaseni......niisk....oikein pistävä muna-aromi kyllä juuri niin ....

Anonymous No. 16144085


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Anonymous No. 16144086



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Anonymous No. 16144087

Don't listen to all these doomers brother, they don't know how to live on the edge like us.
I bot a B+ in accounting at was at the time one of the top ten biz school in the country doing the same thing.
Kahn academy, caffeine pills or several liters of red bull, and two hour long sessions with on online tutor you can hire for 60 bucks. One in 3 days, one the night before the test to answer the questions you couldn't answer in autodidact mode. Now get off 4chan and get to work.

And godspeed edgerider.

Anonymous No. 16144097

Fuck off dumbledork

Anonymous No. 16144104

Power chords.

Anonymous No. 16144107

It's barkon with his faggot name turned off. I'd know that dipshit retard style of posting anywhere.

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Anonymous No. 16144118


Yeeeep hes back. Just ignore him. These sorts of people will never learn, trust me I've tried extensively, spent probably dozens of hours of my life arguing with him but there's just no point. Just take a deep breath and remember not everyone's like that.

Anonymous No. 16144125

What did he even do?

Anonymous No. 16144130

Profound mental retardation and off-topic posting mixed together in a cauldron with shit as the solvent.

Anonymous No. 16144136

op if you are american you can literally pass with just this

Anonymous No. 16144268

>What should I do bros
exclusively cram past final exams. good luck lol.

Anonymous No. 16144985

precalc is quite literally the easiest possible subject in college. if you cant understand this even when not attending any of the lectures all semester just get a job at mcdonalds and give up in life. or go off yourself either works.