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Anonymous No. 16144123

If you were using a time machine: you would take gold with you, as it would be the only currency accepted in any empire or country regardless of the year it is or where it came from.

Anonymous No. 16144126

Or what dimension. ;-)

Anonymous No. 16144135

I take it to the third Reich along with a complete history book of WWII campaigns.

Anonymous No. 16144223

steal all the worlds gold, take it back in time and dump it. go back to future a week before you stole all the worlds gold, steal the worlds gold again, go back to the past and dump it again. Repeat for free infinite gold :DDDDD

Anonymous No. 16144242

What I would do is intercept the tonnes of gold that was given to leon trotsky/bronfman by the wallstreet Kuhn and Loeb bankers, subsidiaries of the rothschilds which was then used to fund the takeover of russia by the communist subhumans.

I would then use it to secure, translate and print copies of and distribute millions of copies of worldwide such informative texts as the talmud or protocols of zion and other highly informative reads

Anonymous No. 16144286

Clearly you don't understand the intensity of grandfather paradox and butterfly effect? You could maybe travel couple of months back in time withouth chancing the future unrecognazible for yourself, if you keeped extremely low profile.
Your history books would be useless after the first campaign they would change and with 100% probability would cause you to not been ever born. Your ancestors multiply with two in every generations and if anything you would do in your time trip would prevent even one pair to give birth to a child in your personal bloodline, there would never be you. Time traveller can only be observer or part of the history, but he never can change it.

Anonymous No. 16144327

Proof that this happens?

Anonymous No. 16144335

How dare you question conjecture.

Anonymous No. 16144470


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Anonymous No. 16144862

*seizes your gold*

Anonymous No. 16144896

this isn't a science thread. It's a history thread, at best.
Off-topic, friend.

Anonymous No. 16145208


Anonymous No. 16145280

You asking me to proof that, proofs that you clearly don't understand the intensity of grandfather paradox and butterfly effect.

Anonymous No. 16145289

Proof that it happens? Please stop dodging the question.

Anonymous No. 16145291

>as it would be the only currency accepted
Incorrect and proof you are a low IQ genetic dead end. Information is the correct answer. It's the most valuable resource that in your example would become exponentially more valuable to the point of making you godlike. One of the core pillars of God's unending power is omniscience. When you travel back in time you know have this power. You can trade your knowledge for endless gold, kingdoms, and armies of men.

Information > gold.....always has been.

Anonymous No. 16145296

Myself and many physicists/philosophers insist that backwards time travel is impossible. The best you can do is make a type of temporal StarGate in YOUR PRESENT that will allow you to access that point in space+time via other temporal StarGates in the future. However because of time paradoxes you can never travel backwards beyond when you discovered the temporal StarGate. It's a elegant solution and seems to be correct. I wish you midwits would stop talking about it like OP does. It's pure fiction.

Anonymous No. 16145301

I would clobber some thot over the head, take her back in time 200 years and sell her to an oriental slave market. The second thot I would pay for in gold, and slowly work my way up to bitcoins

Anonymous No. 16145310

I don't think even that is possible. what are you going to do, go back in time and meet yourself lmao

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Anonymous No. 16145338

I would take brown tomboys, the only other currency accepted in any empire or country regardless of the year it is or where it came from.

Anonymous No. 16145350

Time travel paradoxes are solved by simply understanding we can not travel back in time significantly or rather outside of certain uncertainties within our own worldline. However, if we can travel to a different universe for which their spacetime is equivalent, then you can do whatever you want.

Anonymous No. 16145459


good luck bribing the slave traders with your books that they cant read because civilization has pretty much been illiterate up to this point.

Anonymous No. 16145462


I wonder how attractive modern day women, actually biological that takes care of themselves, would be to ancient man. Would easily be the best smelling girl they ever encountered in their lives. And probably most hairless. You could probably easily sell OPs girl to some king or sultan.

Anonymous No. 16145468


High Quality Pussy would also have that generational exchange rate that Gold has. Good point. So you take gold and good pussy with you on your time machine. You can bribe anything with those two.

Anonymous No. 16146108

>Who are you, stranger? What are you doing in our lands?
>*stabs u with sword*
yeah you'd have some rip roarin fun in ancient times

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Anonymous No. 16146110

A lot of people who got married and had children met by happenstance. All you have to do is make slight alterations to someone's schedule, convince them not to go to a party, make them late by 5 minutes, etc, and you've completely altered massive lines of human descent. None of their children will be born, those the people who would have married those children will not get married, etc etc.
You might not immediately completely warp culture as you know it but you'd basically be resetting the board of everyone you know like a boggle board. You'd come home to the same rules, different letters. As time progresses you'll eventually reset the entire government/military/financial structures so you may (or may not) see vastly different changes on a national/global scale. Nothing exists in a vacuum.

You don't need "proof" of this conjecture, it is self-evident.

Anonymous No. 16146112

Weaker jawlines today

Anonymous No. 16146152

Na I'll take advanced technology to the past and a copy of wikipedia to the future. Yellow rocks are boring

Anonymous No. 16146343

what if there are pre-existing natural phenomena that can be used for time manipulation purposes, and we just don't know how to do it yet

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Anonymous No. 16146359

Id take with me only knowledge

Anonymous No. 16146378

>If you were using a time machine: you would take gold with you, as it would be the only currency accepted in any empire or country regardless of the year it is or where it came from.

If I had a time machine I'd either:
-Go to the future in order to gleam/plagarize more advanced technologies, medicines, literature, etc.. To take back into the present to make myself rich and improve material conditions somewhat. Like Herpes Vaccines or Diabetic gene-therapies.
-Go to prehistory times to hunt (and eat) Dinosaurs, de-extinct Pleistocene fauna, and study & cultivate interesting flora for possibly medical and agri-business uses.

You'd have to be a retard to use a time machine to visit shit-smeared people in ye olde times.
You're like the mad-science version of those men who can't compete in a 1st world dating market, so they fly to a 2nd or 3rd world country where women have no rights so they can bully or purchase some teenager to marry.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16146451

you should really take some antibiotics and same some king's children/wife and get set for life

Anonymous No. 16146454

you should really take some antibiotics and save some king's children/wife and get set for life

Anonymous No. 16146594

But I was born though.

Anonymous No. 16147219

Proof that it's not possible?