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Anonymous No. 16144133

Lack of creativity in modern science and academia. I'm in my mid 30s and going to school for engineering and eventually medicine, a presentation I'm putting together for my intro to engineering class is on the lack of creativity and imagination in modern science and how the academic institutions are pushing a purely mechanical and knowledge based approach to their curriculum. This along with thousands of third world diploma mill graduates and DEI in the field are causing stagnation as the modern thought process of students has become "if I know x materials I can go into x field" or the students who are literally just trying to get in with xx government agency/company and thinking they will be spoon fed their projects like they did during school.

I have been witnessing this lack of dreams/goals in the majority of students I see and it doesn't feel like people have any dreams or passions they want to achieve or pursue and are just using it as a means to an end.

It feels like I'm projecting but I like these kids and I think they could really make a difference if they were pushed in a better direction.

Anonymous No. 16144146

Some thoughts.
1. Are you autistic? A divisive premise like that is gonna put people off unless your sell is rhetorically brilliant.
2. All your reasoning is trumped by IQ decline.
3. Why are you studying in your mid 30s?

Anonymous No. 16144157

I'm aware it'll cause friction in the moment but it's more aimed at the field in general and not about singling the group out. While IQ is a big problem in the modern day I feel that creativity and industriousness are the real drivers of innovation and breakthroughs. Irrelevant, what matters is what we do with the future given to us. You can waste your energy dwelling on the past or put that energy towards meaningful work.

Anonymous No. 16144161

>3. Why are you studying in your mid 30s?
nta but I'm pretty sure I'll study for as long as I live

Anonymous No. 16144206

>with thousands of third world diploma mill graduates and DEI
Just make sure this is a big enough problem before claiming so in your assessment. It might be a problem for someone on /pol/ that wants to kill all niggers, but i think the majority of people don't care and just ignore it, because it's fairly easy to ignore in most cases. Most uni courses have huge dropout rates and most crazy people probably don't make it through anyway. And the actual top students pretty much always make it through. The class I was in was down from about two hundred people in first year to like 30 people by the end of the degree, so there's plenty of room at the end but most people just give up way before that. If the wokeness was preventing top students completing the course then that would be pretty bad

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Anonymous No. 16144272

Alright I changed it up a bit. Roast my autistic drivel.

Anonymous No. 16144369

>3. Why are you studying in your mid 30s?
Are you illiterate? He's studying engineering, and then eventually medicine. He wrote that in his post.

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Anonymous No. 16144378

>3. Why are you studying in your mid 30s?

Anonymous No. 16144409

>mid 30s
>still in school like a child

Anonymous No. 16144419

You can go to college at any age, anon. Not sure how you didn't know that.

Anonymous No. 16144451

Interesting idea. Lets us know what you come up with and how it goes. You will probably piss some people off.

Anonymous No. 16144452

>All your reasoning is trumped by IQ decline
this meme is so stupid it needs to stop.
you get a bit slower after 30-35 as you age but the effect is so negligible at 60-70 you only lose a few points.

Anonymous No. 16145308

Man in his 30s, putting together a powerpoint for homework that merely nags and wag your dingers towards your college audience, offers no detail evidence to prove it, makes no argument for the danger of lack of creativity, or approach to resolve it, and then post about it on 4chan like he just made it into a TEDx speech. If your goal is just "spreading awareness" then you can go to liberal art. Gee, you thought aimless undergrads are hard to watch.

Anonymous No. 16146247

its the sophons

Anonymous No. 16146301

>lack of creativity and imagination in modern science and how the academic institutions are pushing a purely mechanical and knowledge based approach to their curriculum
mastery of fundamentals is a prerequisite for creativity. what you think is creative is probably just retarded. no one wants to waste money funding retarded ideas. creativity in science is a privilege to be earned by competency
>thousands of third world diploma mill graduates and DEI in the field
you do not have the rhetorical skills to broach these topics in an academic setting and any attempt to do so will likely result in your ostracization
>thinking they will be spoon fed their projects
this is how research funding works. X agency decides that Y problem is worth Z dollars to investigate. the creative space is bound by the mission of agency X, scope of of problem Y, and available Z funds. if you are a good creative PI you finesse these proposals and do creative work with the excess budget. but most researchers are not PIs and most PIs had NSF early career grants by the time they were your age.
> think they could really make a difference if they were pushed in a better direction.
you are not going to win your classmates over with a class presentation. if you want to have positive influence then collaborate. share your creative/retarded ideas with them. write papers/grant proposals/do research together.

this is embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 16146314

dont forget about chinks and poos cheating

Anonymous No. 16146847

Imagine reading 4chan blogpost word by word in front of class.

Anonymous No. 16147066

Only that your approach doesn't work, anc has lead to the postwar stagnation.
Check if jews don't think that your views are fascism, or they will sabotage your career. Jews see thinking for yourself as an irredeemable trait.