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Anonymous No. 16144171

I am almost done my phys degree but never tried too hard because I never wanted a Phd or masters. Now I'm talking with my classmates and proffs and it seems that to get any shitass work you have to have a Phd.
Are STEM degrees actually meme degrees just like gender studies with no work? What do I even go into with just a bachelors?

Cult of Passion No. 16144176

What was you plan with a bachelors degree in Physics?!

Anonymous No. 16144190

I'm going to be real with you, I just did whatever seemed interesting and what I was good at. I just assumed there would be a job at the end of it.

Anonymous No. 16144978

>physics degree
good luck getting a job outside of academia fuckwit. maybe in your next life try getting a useful degree that has real world application

Cult of Passion No. 16144995

I know, it feels like of those "this is who I am" kind of fields.

Anonymous No. 16145001

>Are STEM degrees actually meme degrees just like gender studies with no work?
Supply and demand, that's all. Many aspiring scientists, not enough science jobs for all of them. Classic problem, been so for many decades, nothing new.

Anonymous No. 16145010

Experiment physicists are basically lab niggers or engineers (regular niggers)
Numeric physicists can write algorithms or do simulations in basically every field.
Theoretical physicists are basically mathematicians without the stick up the ass, so work at a bank or something.
If you only have a bachelors, you're neither of those things so get fucked or become a teacher.

Anonymous No. 16145036

physics start to become a dead field
physics is just scifi and no provable this point. 1600-1850 physics was golden age

Anonymous No. 16145356

This feels like a trap.
>Get a Phd
>haha still no jobs nigger go slave as a uni proff

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Anonymous No. 16145372

Besides engineering, what? CS has been devalued with all the pajeets with meme degrees.
I actually don't care about sitting in a lab doing physics. Most physics today is done by wrench monkeys building a detector that collects fuckton of data and then the physicist sits at a computer for years analysing it.
Yeah, not alot of physics jobs doing physics, but is there anything else that I am qualified for?

Anonymous No. 16145375

I'm getting a BS in both Physics and Math and the amount of job offers I receive daily is staggering. Go join some job sites or something. Companies DO want physicists for our problem solving skills, but of course you will need to put yourself out there.

Anonymous No. 16145421

if they are actual job offers then it is actually impressive. I do get alot of automatic emails from recruiters and linkedin, but I wouldn't say that actually counts.
Where do you advertise yourself?

Anonymous No. 16145471

>I just did whatever seemed interesting a
Leave it at that. Just study something easy now like a trade or some kind of banal office work. Plenty of phds lament their choice. Yes you need it for some science jobs but most phds never get that chance anyway.
Enjoy your studies but dont dig yourself ant deeper.

Anonymous No. 16145484

Luddite doomer faggots
Pretty much every company needs some one doing analytics, which any retard with a phys degree can do. Go market yourself to them and enjoy your six figures.