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Anonymous No. 16144197

>still not even able to slow down aging

fuck are scientist doing? finding another pill for boners and giving meds to lazy fat people so they stop being fat.
meanwhile we're all on the slippery salope of aging and inevitable death

Anonymous No. 16144204

'stop the components of the human body from wearing down' is a problem so incredibly complex that many medical researchers don't even think it's worth studying. it's not a surprise progress is s low.

Anonymous No. 16144205

We can already do everything but the brain. See >>16143845

But moralfags (actual subhuman vermin) will block their fellow plebian from this ever becoming commonplace, ensuring that only elites have access to it behind closed doors. It's a huge tragedy.

Anonymous No. 16144210

A headless fetus will not develop, no matter how fancy an iron lung you put it in.

Anonymous No. 16144230

oh, also- aging is popularly seen as inevitable, so there's no really huge movement to research and prevent it in the same way, say, cancer is.
you could argue research on curing age-associated diseases (alzheimers, cancer, etc.) is the same as 'curing aging'. it's not like people just die of being old, after all, they die of organ failure or dementia or some other illness associated with old age.

Anonymous No. 16144231

There exists various mechanism in the pregnant woman that result in termination of unviable fetuses. For example, a female fetus with genes for haemophilia will self-abort, since such an individual would die when she gets her first period.

These mechanisms are dependant on checkin various molecular products from the fetus, which can just be added in case the producing body region (head) is missing to complete the pregnancy.

It is no more complex than: Map out which head sourced molecules the mother body checks for -> add them yourself. Leagues easier than engineering rejuvenation in an adult human.

Anonymous No. 16144937

>>still not even able to slow down aging
not true, there's several demonstrated ways to slow down aging, dig harder anon, I don't have the time today, sorry.