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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144407

Wtf is his problem? Why is he so angry?

Anonymous No. 16144417

The story ended on a sour note

Anonymous No. 16144423

He understandably gets flustered every time he has to back up his flowery yarns with hard data and experience.

🗑️ bodhi No. 16144458

When you know you are right and you are being gaslighted by bad faith actors or just dealing with ignorant/stupid people all the time, over time it tends to wear your nerves down. I didnt watch this but from my understanding the other guy was being deliberately obtuse then trying to derail the conversation talking about "white supremacy."

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Anonymous No. 16145528

>"Me and my wife risked our lives, doing research off the coast of India. For 30 years, we have risked our lives, trying to map submerged ruins."
>Obscure researcher from SE Asia named Hajwtwamwalhwal found pic related, how can you tell me this is not ground breaking!?
His chip on his shoulder is eternal