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Anonymous No. 16144573

What was science like in Weimar Germany? Was it as flagrantly fake and gay as science is currently?
What were the great scientific discoveries of Weimar Germany?

Anonymous No. 16144580

From Bing, edited for brevity:

Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Theoretical physicist and inventor of the theory of relativity. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921
Friedrich Bergius (1884-1949): Chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1931 for his work on high-pressure chemistry and the development of the Bergius process for synthesizing liquid fuels from coal
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976): Theoretical physicist known for his contributions to quantum mechanics. He formulated the uncertainty principle and received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932
Fritz Haber (1868-1934): Although his most significant work predates the Weimar Republic, Haber’s research on ammonia synthesis revolutionized agriculture and industrial chemistry. He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918
August Weissmann: His theory of “immutable germ plasm” (published in 1892) contributed to growing international support for eugenics. Additionally, the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s work on genetics further influenced scientific thought during this period
Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919): A biologist who discovered, described, and named thousands of new species. He also mapped a tree of life relating all life forms and coined terms such as “ecology” and “phylum” in biology

Anonymous No. 16144921


Anonymous No. 16144983

It's still a legitimate question to ask.

We should be specific about where, and when such developments took place.

Anonymous No. 16144996

So when people say "just like Weimar" what they mean is "I am a nazi" right?

Anonymous No. 16145007

>everything is hitler
I often think about how I could draw the floor plan of Auschwitz when I was in middle school but never found out what the Holodomor was until I was like 25.

Anonymous No. 16145011

Probably because the latter wasn't a genocide

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Anonymous No. 16145012

It means if you don't want the pendulum to swing right, you shouldn't push it so far left.

Anonymous No. 16145013

Because you're a nazi, right?

Anonymous No. 16145014

You've been calling people nazis for at least 8 years now. What exactly has it accomplished?

Anonymous No. 16145015

>the latter wasn't a genocide

Can we get back on topic, what major scientific advancements were made during germany's weimar period.

Anonymous No. 16145018

People have become more aware of your transparent tactics and realised that literal nazis are an actual force in modern politics.
Like, how else do you expect me to interpret your words?
>Oh, *I* don't have a problem with your cultural Marxist degeneracy, personally, really
>But, you know... "people" do.
>So just do what those people want, really, I hate to tell you this, I want you to know I have nothing to do with them, but, you know
>Gotta please those people, no two ways about it
But you never go around telling people not to be nazis

Anonymous No. 16145020

>me and my reddit troon friends have been radicalized to think that border security is literally the holocaust
I meant actual accomplishments, not mental illness.

Anonymous No. 16145024

Hey, you do you, all I'm saying it, if you don't want the pendulum to swing left, you shouldn't push it so far right :^)
nazi idiot

Anonymous No. 16145025

In reality these people are simple fascists but ham it up on the Internet to be edgy.
I mean who legitimately gives a fuck about Germans of all nationalities??

Anonymous No. 16145031

The natsocs are right wing though they're a sort of alt left movement. and fascism is economically centrist. socialim and nationalism combined which is I eel the only way socialism can actually finction without immediately self destructing

Anonymous No. 16145032

Now I dread to think what would happen if Hitler actually won. Pedo furry animal brothels? Fetus eating parties?

Anonymous No. 16145035

*aren't right wing

Anonymous No. 16145037

lol found the nazi

What the fuck did you people think was going to happen after you marched in the streets waving swastika flags and shouting about Jews? People thought "oh, this is just like Weimar". And then they remembered that if the nazis had been properly beat back when they were still weak, all the ensuing trouble could've been prevented. Indeed, we want to learn from Weimar.

Anonymous No. 16145038

>if I call them nazis just a few million more times maybe something will happen
>if you do what I say I'll reward you by only calling you fascist instead of nazi

On an unrelated note isn't your team currently setting up camps on college campuses with the explicit purpose of protesting against jews?

Anonymous No. 16145041

No. It is furthermore anti-Semitic to equate the Israeli government with all Jews. But of course, hypocritical fascists love to play this game.

Anonymous No. 16145042

How did scientific research progress after the devastation of ww1 I'm somewhat curious what they focused on.
When was the Haber Bosch process developed?

Nazi just means bumpkin.

Anonymous No. 16145045

>the solution to mass discontent with the ruling establishment is even more tyranny
good plan, that usually turns out well

All these students were israeli government officials then, right?

Anonymous No. 16145047

Are there any good books on the topic? I'm loathe to attempt to use wiki or some other corrupted source.

Anonymous No. 16145067

Was Wilhelm Reich involved?

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Anonymous No. 16145069

>you're not allowed to criticize my actions because I belong to a certain group
delusional, lmao

Anonymous No. 16145152

How was the government like in Weimar Germany?

What political parties and currents shaped the discourse in Weimar Germany?

What public figures were mosy notable in Weimar Germany?

What philosophical and artistic currents were present in Weimar Germany?

What culture were Germans consuming in Weimar Germany?

I'm sure you know all thise things since you like to throw that word around so much, right?

Anonymous No. 16145154

>mutt neo-nazi trying to talk about history

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Anonymous No. 16145165

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Anonymous No. 16145237

You have to be aware of one thing about Weimar Germany. It was a very short period of time. 1918-1933.
The early weimar republic was influenced a lot by WWI. You could say that WWI ended because of a quite hopeless military situation which began to affect public perception of the war, including the november revolution of the navy (which the OHL probably was afraid of taking over all of germany and leading to a socialist republic). In the end what happened (in my quite illiterate view of this time) was that the OHL (military command) gave control over political affairs to the SPD (social democratic party germany, back then worker's party and formerly heavily suppressed by the monarchy), or you could say that the revolution happened in a way which did not lead to all out war, because the military command lost control and the republic was declared.
After the war ended, the SPD was the dominating political party, the most notable figure probably being Friedrich Ebert (president, a relatively authoritarian figure inside the SPD). Another notable person would have been Paul von Hindenburg (president in the later republic, former leader of the OHL military command). From this change in leadership can you observe the change from left wing post WWI to right wing in the late republic. This was probably due to several different reasons, among them a decreased influence of the war on the political perception of the competency of the parties (WWI had been seen as a mistake by most people, I believe (!)) as well as the financial crises, most notably the unemployment and inflation and thirdly the reparations (the left wing parties were seen as too little nationalistic due to mostly respecting the peace treaties, which bore a heavy tax on the german economy).

Anonymous No. 16145239

The political environment was quite interesting. On the left side you had parties like Spartakus, USPD (left wing former spd) and the communists (DKP) which were all quite cooperative. Centrally you had the Zentrumspartei (catholics which had been suppressed in the prussian (protestant) dominated newfound germany) and all kinds of nationalistic, middle class etc. parties such as DNVP (german national people's party, probably what the average /pol/ would vote if nsdap was too right wing), DDP (german democratic party, liberal leftwing) and the DVP (german people's party, national liberal). Later on the NSDAP won support.

In regards to the culture the weimar republic appears hard to describe. You have lots of new movements such as Bauhaus and their ideal of a new living (getting rid of poverty by integrating engineering, design, quality of living and sometimes even affordability to the masses, such as in their architecture with Martin Gropius) of course, but art deco is also a thing as far as I can tell. And Bauhaus may be a bit overrepresented nowadays, I don't know.

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Anonymous No. 16145251

All in all you could say it was a time in which diversity of thought flourished due to the post war experience, which drove the average /pol/tard mad and they drove out the left ticks with Cyclon B and reinstated a healthy and strong aryan people's nation without the dirty bolshevists and jews.

Anonymous No. 16145320

> literal nazis
Zogwhistle for “white people”. You hate white people. Just own it, my dude. Nobody is falling for this shit in 2024.

Anonymous No. 16145322

If I thought it would result in your death, I would become a national socialist, yes.

Anonymous No. 16145527

Yeah, just like Weimar Germany.

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Anonymous No. 16146503

And you still don't know the names of the people who ordered and executed Holodomor, but the perpetrators of the supposed holocaust are all world famous

bodhi No. 16146506

It was very Jewish

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bodhi No. 16146509


Anonymous No. 16146533

>Some Jewish students are targeted
Did they happen to have opinions on the events in Gaza that they decided to voice at the protest? I mean we're not just going to assume they were "targeted" for being Jewish, right?

Anonymous No. 16146615

where's the continuation?

Anonymous No. 16146619

We are 20 years past Weimar Germany already. If history repeated itself, we should already be recovering from WW3.