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๐Ÿงต Exodus drive

Anonymous No. 16144578

>be a subject matter expert on electric propulsion at NASA
>walk away from your job
>claim to have invented some kind of electrostatic propulsion that may eventually flight a craft like a UFO
>ask for money

I don't know, maybe I'm wrong but this idea of an electrostatic field that should generate trust thanks to the asymmetry sounds to me like the story of the man who got inside a bucket and tried to lift himself by pulling the handle.

Here's the patent anyway:

Anonymous No. 16144587

I'm watching the apec video, his math seems a bit meh, feels like it's too straightforward and everything works out. The thing I don't like though is his supposed thrust without current, if that's true it would mean momentum is an aspect of matter that can be changed. I don't like the idea of casting a spell on a piece of Styrofoam and granting it infinite acceleration

Anonymous No. 16144604

I want a flying car

Anonymous No. 16144646

Apparently if you pass 50k volts dc through enough stacks of tinfoil and tape you can make one, according to buhler

Anonymous No. 16144651


Anonymous No. 16145199

No way. Why doesn't he post the design if he already has a patent. I want to try making one.

Anonymous No. 16145201

they exist. we call them helicopters

Anonymous No. 16145339

I, too, want to believe. Been burned by the EM Drive tho, so we'll give it 2 weeks and see. Not optimistic tbqh famiglia

Anonymous No. 16145344

I don't want to believe. it's retarded. I want to know. when you believe shit your brain clings on whatever piece of shit info validates what you want to believe, true or not. it's a fucking trap.

Anonymous No. 16146939

>I, too, want to believe. Been burned by the EM Drive tho

He has an hour long presentation with some sci Fi goobers and he claimed his math explains the thrust from the em drive, he also talks about Bob Lazar and element 115 so I can't take him seriously

Anonymous No. 16148518

How come any retard that claims to have an reactionless drive gets this much funding and attention. Maybe I need to invent a reactionless drive.

Anonymous No. 16148560

>How come any retard that claims to have an reactionless drive gets this much funding and attention.
>Maybe I need to invent a reactionless drive.
you immediately answered your question

Anonymous No. 16148601

Cars have steering wheels not yolks dumbass. Helicopters are closer to eggs than they are cars.

Anonymous No. 16149924

Reviving this thread

This is the video where buhler himself goes over what he's trying to do with pictures of the shit he made. No video because the goobers running the thing couldn't figure out video on a PowerPoint and had to convert the whole thing to PDF.
Ignore all of the other presenters and the cringe qa bit