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🧵 Science murders another baby

Anonymous No. 16144637

>6 month old Liam received 5 vaccines (Hep.B, DTaP, Polio, Rotavirus, Pneumococcal) died within hours of vaccination

Nice job, science, way to go

Anonymous No. 16144638

>how many children are going to have to die before we give up vaccines?!
All of them.

Anonymous No. 16144706

This kind of thing is why "sudden infant death syndrome" was invented. They want people to believe that babies literally just drop dead for no reason. Just put SIDS on the death certificate and now that baby's death is no one's fault. Easy!

Cult of Passion No. 16144720

>baby's death is no one's fault
I find the vast majority of humans are perfectly fine with this.

I literally cannot reapect God for how much of a disgusting failure humanity is. He had to flood it, put whole cities to the sword, because man keep evolving into Satanic, child eating/raping/killing, and then visciously defend doing so.

>clasps hands in an top floor office at hearing the good news

Laos is the first country Ive been to that I can honestly say is literally "out of compliance with the Imperial Truth". Everyone, amd I mean EVERYONE, has the character flaw, moral failure, with commie flags everywhere.

"Hey, God, you failed an entire nation, get off your dysgenic, retarded ass, and DO YOUR FUCKING JOB, SHITBAG. YOUR CREATION IS GARBAGE."

Anonymous No. 16144743

I miss the days where society celebrated the killing of the deformed babies. Now it is just deformed faggots destroying the healthy.

Anonymous No. 16144747

Me and everyone I've ever known were vaccinated as children why am I not a dead baby?

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Cult of Passion No. 16144748

Haha, cool youre one of those "healthy" one ? (Developed himself into a Satanic perspetive, justifying his evils and being paid in if I dont know exactly what I am talking about.).

Face the wall, heret-[sigh]....nevermi-[burst fires in your face].

Why does God keep failing to make a worthy creation?

Cult of Passion No. 16144749

[sigh]....bud, its ots a skill issue, I can help, but not when you have Giga-Arrogance and Pride as your fuel to "out do me" (never will happen, go ahead and an hero if thats the goal).

Anonymous No. 16144970

>Haha, cool youre one of those "healthy" one ?
No, I don't think he implied that, he could equally recognise his issues, like those deformed kids wondering why they were ever allowed to live and suffer like this.

Anonymous No. 16145827

you were vaccinated with 20th century medicine, things have gotten far worse since then.

Anonymous No. 16145863

Go back to your containment board. Nobody wants you filthy, disease ridden antivaxxers hicks to drag us back into the dark ages. Before vaccinations infant mortality was a common occurrence.

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Anonymous No. 16145876

Wait until you find out certain vaccines make people react differently when injected in a blood vessel vs the muscle.
Then there's the Rotavirus vaccine which after killing a few kids and injuring others while mandatory in France was made optional and India outright banned it. That one is administered in the mouth.
Super dangerous to give more than 1 vaccine to a child at a time, regardless of reason. When you give five to a six month old baby whose immune system is largely held up by his mommy it's a recipe for disaster.

Anonymous No. 16145895

My younger sister is alive today because my parents refused the rotavirus vaccine when she was a newborn. A bunch of infants from that same hospital born around the same time as her died from it.

Anonymous No. 16145896

no last name, no date, nothing that can be verified. google search can track it back to here

Centre for Research on Globalization (according to wikipedia) :

An August 2020 report by the U.S. State Department Global Engagement Center stated that Global Research is, by a significant margin, the most accessed proxy website allied with the pro-Kremlin disinformation campaign. By the estimation of report's authors, it has accumulated 12.4 million page views, with around 351,247 readers for each article. Chossudovsky is a board member of other pro-Russian websites which attempt to spread conspiracy theories.[13] Responding via his lawyer, this time to CBC News, Chossudovsky again denied the 2020 accusations made against him.[5]

The CRG has been accused of spreading CCP propaganda. An article on Global Research making the false assertion that the coronavirus pandemic was not real was carried by 70 other outlets, according to the August 2020 State department report.[13] Chossudovsky himself has described it as being a "manufactured pandemic".[5] Earlier in 2020, his list of 10 questions was tweeted by the foreign minister of Iran. They included the claim that the United States government was responsible for the international coronavirus pandemic.[28] Global Research published an article entitled "COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US" was posted on social media by a senior official in the Chinese foreign ministry.[27][29][30] Chinese state media have reported such unfounded speculation which has been carried by Chossudovsky's website with, according to The Globe and Mail, misattributed sources.[30] Reportedly, the two articles on this theme have since been removed from the website.

Chossudovsky is the son of a Russian Jewish émigré

Anonymous No. 16146422

Based actual research anon

Anonymous No. 16146441

>the pandemic that wasn't

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Anonymous No. 16146456


>Dr. Willaim Makis MD

Makis isn't a Doctor anymore. His license was revoked In 2018.

>The Plot
Makis used to work for Alberta Health Services as a radiologist, oncologist, and "cancer researcher" (his words). He had a contract with the province until 2016 and after it expired they let him go - citing professionalism issues, work-place harassment, etc.
Makis turned into what's known legally in Canada as a "vexatious litigant" and sued Alberta Health Services for: Conspiracy, False-Termination, Sexual Harassment, and a couple other things I forget. He filed over 114 accusations at both the police, rcmp, university disciplinary board, etc. He was then charged with vexatious litigation, of which he did not appear in court for to defend himself and was also charged with contempt. His license to practice medicine was shortly therafter revoked and he was blacklisted(?)

Makis now makes his living propagating anti-vax misinformation, clot-shot conspiracies, doing interviews, and selling/advertising vitamins and folk remedies on whatever social media platforms that haven't banned him. This one is just a rumor, but he may have also visited Ontario in 2023 to smear his own feces on some medical lab door?(?)

Sources: (ctrl+f Makis he's at the bottom) (proof and general date his license has been revoked) & (public legal summary/documentation of Makis being a cunt.)

tldr; Makis threw a fit when he got laid off, got his license to practice medicine revoked, covid happened and he went full anti-vax to make money.

Anonymous No. 16146466

Sounds more like the system tried to shut him down and now you niggers are here to spread bullshit. My guess is you are the same department that was posting "hurr durr Malone doesn't have patents" four years ago.

Anonymous No. 16146483

Will /sci/ ever recover from the covid pandemic and the tourists it brought?

Anonymous No. 16146498

Not a great loss to humanity desu.
Also what a weak ass kid to die from a vaccine when 99.999% of kids don’t experience any harmful side effects outside of a little fever.

Anonymous No. 16146726

>receiving all of that shit at once

Anonymous No. 16146728

>outside of a little fever
>not harmful
If the fevers get too high the result literally gives toddlers brain damage.

Anonymous No. 16147968

as if the poisons in the vaccine injections aren't already bad enough

Anonymous No. 16149091

thats what causes the fevers and deaths and other medical problems
thats why nobody in their right mind would take those shots or give them to their children

Anonymous No. 16150019

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