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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144695

I'm not racist but I can't wrap my brain around this argument. First off, how to we compare the similarity of populations? Just typical gene frequencies? Then how is it the case that two average representative individuals in two different populations are more similar to each other than that same average individual and a random other member of their own population?

Anonymous No. 16144698

>No link to peer reviewed study
Exactly. It's probably feel good "we're all the same" bullshit propaganda because we can't have science calling blacks whites and Asians different subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16144699

>I'm not racist
low IQ

Anonymous No. 16145949

I'm racist
Science has long since proved that the races evolved differently and the some races are superior to others in various characteristics.

Anonymous No. 16145968

it's a stupid argument, but i'll help it make sense for you.
>average male is 5'10"
>average female is 5'4"
>variation across the sexes is 6"
>male height stdev is 3"
>therefore male variation in height is (including 3stdev) over 18"
>female height stdev is 2"
>therefore female variation in height is (including stdev) over 12"
>ergo, there is more diversity in height among men (women) than there are between men and women
>ergo, an average male is more similar to an average female than he is to another male
that's the argument they're making. either they're too stupid to understand their own argument, or worse they understand the argument and are actively going out of their way to mislead people.

Anonymous No. 16146052

>I'm not racist
Why not

Anonymous No. 16146077

Science is a social construct and racism has social consequences. I cannot do science if I am racist.

Anonymous No. 16146078

This is nothing more then fucking semantics and someone that tries to sound smart and utterly, utterly failing in forming coherend sentences.

People like these make me want to barf in my mouth.

Anonymous No. 16146088

>I'm not racist
Then I don't care what you think because you're anti-reality.

Anonymous No. 16146090

>Science is a social construct
No it isn't.
>I cannot do science
That's all you needed to post.

Anonymous No. 16146127

You and ten friends all go to different banks with 20 dollars. Exchange it for quarters you all now have 100 quarters.
Take each quarter flip is once. And then set it to the side. Comparing any two quarters might result in high diversity. 1945 tails quarter mint D no mistakes. Vs 2023 head quarter. State, mint S and major mistake on the Mississippi back side. But out of 100 quarters. 40% is heads. 30% is before 2000. 50% is after 2016. And when compared to your other ten friends. You all find about the same amount of heads vs tails. 5% difference at most. And 15% difference with date of coins. But it all averages out.

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Anonymous No. 16146363


Anonymous No. 16146370

you'd need 25 dollars for 100 quarters retard
clearly you are a vantablack bantu of the darkest shade

Anonymous No. 16146393

Science says some women have a penis. That statement is a social construct. Science is a social construct regardless of what theoretical definition of science you might have floating around in your head. In practice, based on observation, science is a social construct.

Anonymous No. 16146399

>Of the 0.1% of DNA that varies among individuals, what proportion varies among main populations? Consider an apportionment of Old World populations into three continents (Africa, Asia and Europe), a grouping that corresponds to a common view of three of the 'major races'16,17. Approximately 85–90% of genetic variation is found within these continental groups, and only an additional 10–15% of variation is found between them18,19,20 (Table 1). In other words, ∼90% of total genetic variation would be found in a collection of individuals from a single continent, and only ∼10% more variation would be found if the collection consisted of Europeans, Asians and Africans.

Put simply, genetic variation within the species generally predates the formation of the races, such that the genes which account for any genetic constructions of race account for a relatively small variation within the species, and it is perfectly conceivable to have two people from different races with more in common with each other genetically than two people from the same race.

Put even more simply, most genes that vary within humans have fuck all to do with "race".

Anonymous No. 16146478

Another way of thinking about this is if you drew a different set of completely arbitrary genetic lines, you could produce wildly different "races" that would still have a genetic component and those lines would not conform to current racial groupings.

Humans didn't neatly sort into permanently distinct genetic groups and then have all their DNA mutate into racially specific variations.

It's almost like race is a social construct or something.

Anonymous No. 16146492

Because there's nothing inherently virtuous about IQ. Yes, I prefer being around intelligent, conscientious people but race only correlates.

Anonymous No. 16147082

So your definition of social construct is effectively useless, got it.

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Anonymous No. 16147112

>most genes that vary within humans have fuck all to do with "race".
That's not quite true, because "most of the information that distinguishes populations is hidden in the correlation structure of the data".

For example, allele A of gene B is present in both population 1 and population 2. But 90% of the individuals of pop1 have it, while only 10% of pop2.
That gene has something to do with race even though it's present in both races.

Anonymous No. 16147120

Forensic DNA phenotyping is sophisticated enough to nearly always correctly predict not only the continental-level "race" of someone (African / Caucasian / Oriental) but can even determine the subcontinental ethnic grouping.
It's true what anons say ITT that most human genetic diversity is present in all races, but they ignore the frequency.
If you have the gene for lactase persistence, allowing you to fully digest lactose as an adult, then you could a member of one of the tiny ethnic minorities in China or Africa which typically feature this gene, but it's much more likely that you're Caucasian.
Race isn't just about the absolute genetic diversity present in a population, it's about the distribution of those genes within the population.

Consider the MAOA promoter gene involved in serotonin metabolism. Most people have 3 or 4 copies of this gene, some people have only 2 copies.
People with only 2 copies have been repeatedly found to be much more likely to engage in violent antisocial behaviour, regardless of environment.
>Since prior research has revealed that the distribution of the 2-repeat allele varies by race (e.g., Reti et al., 2011, Widom and Brzustowicz, 2006), the analysis begins by examining the allelic distributions by race. As Table 1 shows, the 2-repeat allele was carried by 0.1% of Caucasian males and by 5.2% of African-American males.

Let that sink in. Whilst it's accurate to say that this example of genetic diversity is found in both black and white Americans, it's found in 1 in 20 black men but only 1 in 1000 white men.
Race isn't simply about absolute genetic diversity, it's about the frequency with which those alleles are distributed.

Anonymous No. 16147131

>Then how is it the case that two average representative individuals in two different populations are more similar to each other than that same average individual and a random other member of their own population?
It's true that for any single genetic trait and other single-gene characteristics, two people within the same population will differ from each other (in statistical terms) more so than will two population groups do. But if you take the aggregate of all such genetic traits, the difference between two people within the same population will stabilize around a mean that indicates little overall genetic distance whereas for two population groups, the distance will gravitate towards a mean that is much larger.

Anonymous No. 16147174

Would this hold true if you added a non-human primate to the mix, like chimpanzees?

Anonymous No. 16147244


Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, equation M44 can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is equation M45 ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, equation M46 ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.

Anonymous No. 16147544

Correlation isn't causation for the umpteenth time.

Anonymous No. 16147554

As are most social constructs including most of socially constructed modern "science".

Anonymous No. 16147559

Why would society construct something useless? Is money useless?

Anonymous No. 16147668

Science begets technology and engineering which are quite useful you sniveling little faggot
Please return from whence you came

Anonymous No. 16148306

2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found that the people all had "burnt skin" which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships landed he eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burnt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.

Anonymous No. 16148324

Finally someone with a brain.

Anonymous No. 16148378

Principal component analysis of all the genes or fst between groups.

Look at the pca and see how much of the total variation is due to race.

Anonymous No. 16148383

Imagine believing in pca with arbitrary cutoffs and definitions

Anonymous No. 16148455

This reddit post is the result of a misunderstanding of a widely misinterprered paper

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Anonymous No. 16149187

To this day, a lot of people still have difficulty differentiating between humans and other members of the ape family

Anonymous No. 16149258

>I’m not a racist, but…
Is always prefaced by some racist, saying or promoting racist ideologies.

Anonymous No. 16150512

>Science is a social construct and racism has social consequences.
>I cannot do science if I am racist.
Does not follow.

Anonymous No. 16150528


Anonymous No. 16150559

what if said racism is backed by lots of verified data?
Can objective truth be racist?

Anonymous No. 16150586

Copypasting a portion of an argument from a book isn't having a brain.

Anonymous No. 16150636

>Race isn't simply about absolute genetic diversity, it's about the frequency with which those alleles are distributed.

But the issue is was that specifically a racial correlation or an ethnic group correlation? The population dynamics governing Black Americans is completely different than the population dynamics governing Black Africans. Just like in another thread I pointed out concerning diabetes rates people are projecting allele prevalence onto race without doing proper comparisons.

What is the prevalence of the MAOA gene in black African populations? We know Black Americans are roughly 400 years removed from Africa and moderately bottlenecked if you take into account parts of their population/genome dying off during slave ship transportation and some of them not surving long enough or having a chance to reproduce during slavery.

Those events could have easily increased the frequency of the MAOA genes since their population wasn't always +40 million. It's beginning phases was several hundred thousand.

Anonymous No. 16150870

That's not from a book, dumbass. It's a quote from the original research article that some redditard misinterpreted, and seemingly nobody knows exists.

Anonymous No. 16150923

>But the issue is was that specifically a racial correlation or an ethnic group correlation?
What does it change? You can always zoom in or out.

Anonymous No. 16150927

Its almost as if the great apes are a continuum rather than a handful of distinct individual species

Anonymous No. 16150950

Well, there you have it. Porn pictures of anime girls are exactly the same as pictures of renaissance paintings because there is more variance between individual anime girls and their stretched orfices than there is between these two groups.

Anonymous No. 16150956

>and it is perfectly conceivable to have two people from different races with more in common with each other genetically than two people from the same race.
It's actually not. This is literally impossible. This is possible only under the retarded "more variance within than without"-slogan in the very same sense as shuffling a deck of cards could result in a perfectly sorted deck.

Anonymous No. 16151085

>This is literally impossible
In no way is it impossible and given the limited number of genetic variation within humans and the number of people on earth it almost certainly regularly occurs.

And that's even before you account for interbreeding between the races and shit like the Negrito people who are Black people collectively more closely related to East Asians than Africans or Australians. It's almost like races are a social construct or something.

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Anonymous No. 16151199

I am racist, because I believe distinctions can be made about different genetic populations of humans. I think everyone who is honest and understands the subject even a little is racist. Even if you don't want to call these distinctions races the distinct groups still exist.

I also think if the African pigmies and Australian aborigines were extinct and all we found were bones it would not have been controversial to call them non human hominids.

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Anonymous No. 16151200

The second one, they know what they are doing and they do it anyway. Because to these people the outcome matters far more than the truth.

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Anonymous No. 16151202

Shoo shoo smelly Jew.

Anonymous No. 16151206

wolves/dogs/coyotes diverged more recently than the human races. Taxonomy is a social construct. Stay mad.

Anonymous No. 16151428

>it almost certainly regularly occurs.
No, it actually doesn't. It literally never happens. Even assuming that ALL variation is within race and ZERO without, it would still be impossible due to how ridiculously unlikely it is.
>given the limited number of genetic variation
You cannot shuffle a deck of 52 cards to get the same order someone else has gotten, and you expect to shuffle who knows how many tens of millions of nucleotides and expect to find magic like that.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that anti-racist activists have zero knowledge about elementary statistics. Ignorance is your greatest strength.

Anonymous No. 16151526

>In no way is it impossible

>Thus the answer to the question “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, equation M44 can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is equation M45 ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, equation M46 ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.

Anonymous No. 16152329

>That gene has something to do with race even though it's present in both races.

Not really, too lazy to explain but search for "neutral genetic drift" to quickly get the reason as to why that isn't the case.

Anonymous No. 16152368

>I’m not racist
Well you should be. Those low impulse savages should be thankful we allow them to exist, let alone live amongst us. They have done nothing to advance mankind in the entire history of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16152387

>literally the very next paragraph
>On the other hand, if the entire world population were analyzed, the inclusion of many closely related and admixed populations would increase equation M47 This is illustrated by the fact that equation M48 and the classification error rates, CC and CT, all remain greater than zero when such populations are analyzed, despite the use of >10,000 polymorphisms
Don't try that bullshit on me.

Anonymous No. 16153561

Are you actually retarded? That paragraph is about admixed populations. You literally even included it in your quote. Of course a mixed-race African American is sometimes more similar to some non-African-Americans than he is to other African Americans. Of course a Hispanic is sometimes more closely related to non-Hispanics than Hispanics. Wow, a mixed-race individual is sometimes classified as either one of his parents' races, so the concept of races is bullshit!

So how about just considering geographically distinct populations?, e.g., Europeans and Africans? The probability that a European will be closer to any African than he is to any European will drop to zero even with just 1000 loci, and merely 100 loci is enough to drop this probability to zero when considering only the centroids. And even these numbers are surely way too high, since the data actually included Asians too.

Anonymous No. 16153828

>the races aren't admixed
You fail world history

Anonymous No. 16154336

>>the races aren't admixed
Correct. Which is why you need to sample only a handful of genes to conclusively separate a European from an African.

Anonymous No. 16154341

>Among those who identified as Black: The average proportion of white ancestry was 18%

Anonymous No. 16154530

You're trolling, aren't you?
See: >>16153561 >Wow, a mixed-race individual is sometimes classified as either one of his parents' races, so the concept of races is bullshit!

Anonymous No. 16155301

>Wow, a mixed-race individual is sometimes classified as either one of his parents' races, so the concept of races is bullshit!
I didn't say the concept of races is bullshit. I said it's a social construct.

And your average Black person being 18% white speaks to more than the occasional kid with parents of different races getting lumped into 1.

And that's just fucking Blacks in the USA. Shit get even blurrier if you look elsewhere in the world or at other groups in the USA like Latinos or Natives.

If the only way to define and construct races genetically is to look as a limited number of genetically isolated populations who are generally not representative of who is identified as belonging to a particular race, the races aren't fucking based in genetics.

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Anonymous No. 16155410

Just admit you don't understand what race is, you fucking retard.

Race, particularly the definition of white, is defined and redefined as necessary for political purposes and for the purpose of ensuring white genetic survival. This is why your mongrel ass is considered white today when 70 years ago you'd have been in the colored line with the negroes.

Also, race is not "bullshit" (in case that was a strawman). It is the most powerful unifying principle in the world and it took the entire world by storm which is why white people run the entire planet.

Anonymous No. 16155430

>the races aren't fucking based in genetics.
Well it sure is incredible then that fewer than a hundred genes can conclusively separate Europeans from Africans. It is so incredible, in fact, that you need to continuously bring African Americans, Latinos, and other mixed race individuals into this to _pathetically_ try to discredit the findings of the paper in question. Europeans, Asians, and Sub-Saharan Africans are very distinct, and very easily separable on genetic level. You literally can not address this fact, so you keep bringing African Americans into this ad nauseam. "But what about muh African Americans?!? They sometimes get mixed with Africans!!!!!!! So Europeans can't be any different from Africans either!111"

>Just admit you don't understand what race is, you fucking retard.
Stopped reading right there. Let the adults talk. Your input is worthless.

Anonymous No. 16155914

>get blown out
>your input is worthless
As expected.

Anonymous No. 16155935

If race isn't real how come the left openly only want to abolish the white race, not race in general?

Anonymous No. 16156198

It brings me joy to know that you spent effort on your message, and I simply snapped it away with adblock without ever reading it.

Anonymous No. 16156200

If race isn't real, how does affirmative action work

Anonymous No. 16156203

>it would still be like that if it were a social construct
It's MIGHTY suspicious and you know it

Anonymous No. 16156209

What do you try to convey when you call it a social construct? Do you think that "social construct" = "not real"?

Anonymous No. 16156221

So race is socially constructed yet, if you show literal infants who haven't been socialized to understand race they can still sort the pictures of socially constructed races into the correct boxes. How does that happen?

Anonymous No. 16156224

Leftists are the ones who make this equivalence. You haven't explained away their telling hypocrisy, just tried to prove you possess a richer social ontology than me (you don't)

Anonymous No. 16156237

I'm sure they can sort them in other ways too.
Clearly I do. Your observation is about as meaningful as "race is a word". Yeah, great, you're right... and so?

Anonymous No. 16156239

Irrelevant. If they can sort the allegedly socially constructed races without being socialized to recognize races.. then how do they achieve such high accuracy?

Anonymous No. 16156244

>without being socialized to recognize races
>how do they achieve such high accuracy?
They don't.

Anonymous No. 16156249

Oh, you're just lying now lmao. You could easily find out I'm telling the truth here with a simple Google search. Wanna try again? It's not too late to delete your post

Anonymous No. 16156253

How about you sort a bunch of pictures sukujuurenmukaisesti? Can't? Is the concept not real, then?

Anonymous No. 16156256

This is a fact dude. Even the liberal mainstream media acknowledges this fact that babies recognize race, and worse even discriminate based on it. Of course they have to spin it and say you need to fix that bias early.

And naturally, they fail to see their hypocrisy because babies have not yet been socialized. Indeed they lack the cognitive capacity to understand social roles. Hell they can't even talk! And yet... They can sort faces by races. In the exact same categories that are allegedly socially constructed. Mighty curious, don't you think? :-)

Anonymous No. 16156258

>Mighty curious, don't you think
What is mighty curious is you arguing about social constructs without knowing what they are.

Also, since you failed the task I gave you, I guess the concept's not real. It's was elvish for race, by the way.

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Anonymous No. 16156263

>I'm not racist but I can't wrap my brain around this argument.
It's simple, bigot. The difference in height between a typical man and a typical woman is much smaller than the difference in height between a male midget and a male basketball player. Therefore the smaller difference is inconsequential. She can reach the high shelf all on her own without your help. :^)

Anonymous No. 16156276

Or do they mean variance as in literally the variance? In this case it would still apply since if the [math] \sigma [/math] of male height is 3'', then [math]\sigma^2 =[/math] 9'' > 6''.
Either way the argument is retarded and displays either a misunderstanding (retardation) or an attempt at deceit retards from those who know better.

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Anonymous No. 16156281

thats a propaganda webite, not a outlet of scientific information

Anonymous No. 16156283

There's a difference between science and (((science))).

Anonymous No. 16156284

It's in the name. Socially constructed. It appears it's you who doesn't know what it means.

Anonymous No. 16156289

Right. That must be why I've been here trying to paint an obvious social construct to not be a social construct. That's probably why I wasn't able to group pictures according to sukujuuri until what is meant by that social construct was explained to me.

Oh wait, that was all you.

Anonymous No. 16156306

Elves don't exist you fucking autist.

Anonymous No. 16156323

Lewontin's fallacy

Anonymous No. 16156332

How is the 6" a variance? The second central moment between men and women would be 0.

Anonymous No. 16156340

superiority is a value judgement, which is non scientific. Focus, faggot.

Anonymous No. 16156366

You're right. I suppose one would have to take the variance of the averages of the groups. Which in this case would give a variance of 18.

Anonymous No. 16156410

Science is a wholly owned subsidiary of (((science))). Science will not disagree with (((science))) so there's no functional difference between them.

Anonymous No. 16157319

For example, the blood types vary globally, but South American indians always have O. Things like that.

Anonymous No. 16157343

>white people run the planet because they were the first to invent the social construct of race
>not because they, as white people, were predisposed to qualities that would help them run the planet

Anonymous No. 16157345

Psychopath detected.

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Anonymous No. 16158300


Anonymous No. 16158351

Over 8% of the world is Latino. If your model for the races is so shit that you have to throw out a continent's worth of people, it's a shit model.

Anonymous No. 16158352


Anonymous No. 16159845

Racism is the one true ideology

Anonymous No. 16159949

>evolution isn't real, it's just a correlation bro
>just because you have data and an argument doesn't mean it's a cause bro

Anonymous No. 16159951

Read the paper, retard. Nobody's going to spoonfeed you for weeks in an extremely futile attempt to make you understand.

Anonymous No. 16160105

An hypothesis possessing a correlation is superior to a counter-hypothesis possessing none.

Anonymous No. 16161009

ITT: trannies who are confused between the scientific method and the science establishment.

Anonymous No. 16161026

A counterexample disproves a hypothesis though, so your correlation falls flat on its face.

See above

>read the paper
It's not my job to find better arguments for you.

Anonymous No. 16161033

The argument thinks that two spreads overlapping can't be considered distinct and different because there exists overlap.
It's easy to distinguish different clusters that overlap even if you only have one axis to do so. You won't be able to completely determine which population the individual is from, but there will be a good probability guess

Anonymous No. 16161046

>I'm not racist but
Why make this thread?

Anonymous No. 16161640

Are you in favor of dismantling the social construct of race?

Anonymous No. 16162718

Race is a genetic construct

Anonymous No. 16162885

By comparing mean with variance you will be sure most of the audience will be dazed and confused and ready to ingest any propaganda you can make up from this non-fact.