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๐Ÿงต Im 21 and want to make the next Unicorn

Anonymous No. 16144725

What fields of computer science still have Alpha?.

Can I still create a Computer Science unicorn?

Help me out Formal /sci/ence bros. What asymmetric path should I study?

Anonymous No. 16144729

Fuck off to /biz/ you dumb tranny. You will stay poor and a man.

Anonymous No. 16144731

Im not a tranny tho. Im asking for academic consultation from the esteemed /sci/ientists on this board.

Anonymous No. 16144733

Off topic kys

Anonymous No. 16144736

It is directly pertanining to academic computer science. Which is a formal science, and thus belongs on this board. Being bitter isnt good for you

Anonymous No. 16144750

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16144753

Its like you guys are trying to be boring

Anonymous No. 16144771

if you were capable of doing this you wouldnt be asking this question on 4chan

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Cult of Passion No. 16144778

Yo...thats a cold sore, dawg...

Anonymous No. 16144787

Why are you all so negative.

Anonymous No. 16144802

If you really wanted to make a difference you could invent a machine learning fuzzing tool that can automate unit testing

Anonymous No. 16144829

I dont want to make a difference, I want to make a unicorn

Anonymous No. 16144839

Basically just learn how to lie to VCs to hype them up and defraud them. None of the "college dropout unicorn CEOs" that ended up on the Forbes under 30 list is still outside of jail today.

Make sure you're dropping out of a t20 uni.

Anonymous No. 16144842

This is actually a really good idea Anon, but can't co-pilot kinda do it anyway?

Anonymous No. 16144846

> t20 uni
Unfortunately not the case. Im shy anyways. Id rather do it without VC funding, atleast at the start.

Anonymous No. 16144849

I want ACADEMIC advice in this thread though. Like what niche area of computer science should I delve into to make a unicorn /sci/bros.

Anonymous No. 16144864

>Im shy
Then you're NGMI, so I don't see any point in wasting time on you.

Anonymous No. 16144894

It's really not about being an expert in a niche at the academic frontier of computer science.
Have you read all the Paul Graham essays? They make that pretty clear.

Anonymous No. 16144899

Wont I be outcompeted by people with capital then, if its easily reproducable?

Anonymous No. 16144909

Ill (re?)read his essays then. I just dont have a high enough social capital to leverage into anything lel

Anonymous No. 16144922

Are you a fellow femboy computer scientist?

Anonymous No. 16145541
