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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16144791

evolution is fake and gay fucking retards

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Anonymous No. 16144793


Anonymous No. 16144797

Nice try liberal, but the science is settled

Anonymous No. 16144808

Is that high pitched squealing and the hurried slap of wet feet approaching I hear?

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Anonymous No. 16144812

My god, it’s a whale with legs!

Anonymous No. 16144936

Wiggers will go extinct by the end of this century.
Cry about it

Anonymous No. 16144940

So are parasites going to overbleed their host and get genocided out of existence again?

Anonymous No. 16144956

As a white European I like the availability of woks, rice, lentils, shawarma, aromatics, spices, asian condiments etc. I also like that stuff is affordable for poor people thanks to cheap labor. Some middle-eastern and asian people are amazing to talk to because they are naturally based and red-pilled long before it became a meme.

Anonymous No. 16144958

Im not quite sure if I believe you're a white European, anon, but the point still stands I suppose

Anonymous No. 16144960

>evolution is fake
why do you think evolution, which is an observable phenomenon all over the globe, time, and cultures, is fake?
Are you talking about the THEORY of Evolution? They are two different things, anon.

Anonymous No. 16144962

I was going to counter his dumb post and reply to is bait questioning, but I see you already did. Well done anon, as a white European, I too love it that things have become so culturally diverse. Old Europe, the one I grew up in during the 70s and 80s was BORING!

Anonymous No. 16145121

Reminder: jewish orgs have volunteers on every board trying deperately to create a false consensus the racism is
>bad for x reason
And you should
>go back to /pol/ goyim
You can observe jews in this thread

Anonymous No. 16145124

The most diverse thing is that people mean diverse things when they speak of diversity.
Your interpretation is all on you (or your demon-monkey)

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Anonymous No. 16145145


Anonymous No. 16145148

Why do jews seem to suffer from such high rates of schizophrenia and mental illness?
Why would they evolve this way?

Anonymous No. 16145156

Spoken like a true christfag

Anonymous No. 16145163

The evidence is overwhelming, but (((You))) know this.
Hence the memesprout reply.

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abstract depictio....jpg

Anonymous No. 16145181

Combinatorics is a barrier to natural selection working

Anonymous No. 16145255

/pol/ is at least 80% brown though have you seen their meetup photos?

Anonymous No. 16145260

you brainlet

Anonymous No. 16146505


Anonymous No. 16146521

>i'm obsessed with /pol/
>i spend my free time stalking /pol/ and looking for pictures of them
why are you here instead of on your favorite board?

Anonymous No. 16146524

your brain is fake and gay