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๐Ÿงต Day 9 of studying math everyday until I learn calculus

Anonymous No. 16144951

Today: more division

Anonymous No. 16144954

Keep going brother im proud of you

Anonymous No. 16144988

Thanks anon

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Cult of Passion No. 16144990

>more division
Why do your ratios and proportions look all fucked up?!

Anonymous No. 16145033

you want tutoring?

you can learn calculus instantly if you have some basic arithmetic. Consider the example of an table of measured values of an accelerating object.

Algebra is just a formalization which helps with harder calculus which I think is valuable. But if your goal is to learn calc all you really need is to be able to plot values on a Cartesian plane (for visualization) and some arithmetic to calculate slope values.

Anonymous No. 16145043

Idk man I also want to learn statistics and linear algebra... I'm just starting from the beginning because maybe it'll make it easier to understand as I move forward?

Anonymous No. 16145058

Very nice anon, nice effort, well done. However, you're focusing on arithmetic which isn't really important once you start going into conceptual mathematics, but it obviously helps speeding up working through problems. Do not waste much time in that realm and progress towards algebra, ASAP.

Good job, do not give up.

Anonymous No. 16145060

I'm half way though the arithmetic course so it should only be a few more days. Do you think I should study geometry before algebra?

Anonymous No. 16145109

What are you learning from? If you want to learn geometry just do Algebra 1 first. Its not necessary but it will help. Geometry isn't necessary but a good course can help give you a good introduction to proofs (babies first proof course).

If you want to learn calc just have a good understanding of algebra and trig. Geometry isn't necessary but I did find it fun to learn.

Anonymous No. 16145117

I'm just going through the math courses on khan academy

Anonymous No. 16145137

Cheering for you anon

Anonymous No. 16145319

Keep up the good work

Anonymous No. 16145329

Don't fully take anon's advice. What you're doing here >>16144951 is based and wilm help you immensely. However, consider adding on "new" things like algebra at the same time while you continue grinding out the rest of arithmetic. Think of it like a workout program.

Anonymous No. 16145388

In all seriousness though anon keep up the good work

Anonymous No. 16145625

what books are you using OP? I'd like to follow along

Anonymous No. 16145633

I'm just doing the math courses on I started at arithmetic and now I'm halfway through it. I'm planning on just doing every course in order until I get to calculus or statistics or linear algebra or something.

Anonymous No. 16145671

What is this shit, didnt we learn this when we were 9 years old? Like what is your goal here, to have fun? Or feel some kind of nostalgia? Or systematically work through math and waste some initial days on dabbling?

Anonymous No. 16145673

Anon unfortunately I failed elementary school and I don't remember how to do basic arithmetic

Anonymous No. 16145685

>Why do your ratios and proportions look all fucked up?!
It's division the way burgers are used to do it. It's bad and it's known to impede students from doing divisions properly but it's still what everyone does apparently for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16145686

You shouldnt try math then, it is an advanced science for the intelligent/gifted. Try something of your level like working in retail, welding, or bricklaying.

Anonymous No. 16145688

>It's division the way burgers are used to do it.
how do other countries do it?

Anonymous No. 16145720

Nah I'm good. I'm just gonna keep studying

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16145871

Keep at it anon; take it one step at a time, we're all proud of you!
OP never said he wanted to become a Mathematician, you high-IQ nigger.

Anonymous No. 16146427

>it is an advanced science for the intelligent/gifted.

Anonymous No. 16146982

>However, you're focusing on arithmetic which isn't really important once you start going into conceptual mathematics
weird take. of course arithmetic is important