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๐Ÿงต How light is light?

Anonymous No. 16145106

If light is massless energy expanding out selflessly into its surroundings, then how does einsteins e=mc2 factor in here?

I don't understand how plants grow and it hurts my hwead.

Anonymous No. 16145108

It doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 16145110

e=mc^2 is used to derive rest mass, photons are said to have a rest mass of 0 but I haven't figured out yet how that makes sense

Anonymous No. 16145112

[math]E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2[/math]

Anonymous No. 16145119

>I don't understand how plants grow and it hurts my hwead.

Anonymous No. 16145126

So a photon is a massless field of energy.
We call it electromagnetic radiation, or at least the visable portion of it.

But the name electromagnetic radiation would imply that it has mass, no?

Anonymous No. 16145127

Getting in all the questions I wasn't allowed to ask at school here.

Anonymous No. 16145195

if light doesnt have mass then how do black holes stop light from escaping?
science BTFO yet again

Anonymous No. 16145197

Einstein was retarded and light proves him wrong.

Anonymous No. 16145431

Not really. For entirely different reasons its kind of complicated with the photons, but in relativity nothing with mass can ever reach the speed of light (in order to that, it would need Infinite energy) so we kinda agreed that photons are massless.

Anonymous No. 16145566

>if light doesnt have mass then how do black holes stop light from escaping?
That's because you have the mistaken belief that black holes attract other masses only due to their own sheer mass. In truth, black holes distort spacetime to such a degree that past a certain point (of no return) all escape routes are pointing toward the centre of the black hole itself. Thus, in order to escape it you would have to accelerate to infinity using a limitless energy source i.e. it's impossible to escape. So light i.e. photons "fall into" the black hole once they are past the event horizon, as all the route they can possibly take will lead them into the belly of the beast.

Anonymous No. 16145675

spacetime is a mathematical relation not a physical object