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🧵 How diverse are humans genetically compared to other mammals?

Anonymous No. 16145597

With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.

Anonymous No. 16145634

Your own image answers it, the “races” are just another name for subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16145668

First of all, I dont think there is such a thing as 'genetic distance' or 'fixation index'.

Second, neither do I believe in these arbitrary subclasses such as 'caucasian', 'mongoloid', 'negroid'.

Third, why would academia talk about races? Don't they just talk about their research?

And finally, your main conclusion seems to be that 'humans are not same'. Well yeah it is true even within genetically similar individuals like identical twins. Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species.

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Anonymous No. 16145690

Dysgenic selection pressures make all races worse at complex civilization.
Only free market eugenics via genetic engineering can prevent the collapse of civilization.

Anonymous No. 16145702

>good times, weak men
>hard times, strong men

Not really.

Society A with Good times = lots of resources and top half of men reproduce.

Society B with bad times = only top 25% of men reproduce.

So in society A and B both you have children of the top25% aka strong men. So strong men reproduce whether times are bad or good.

These strong men then go on to lead and dominate the society in either case.

Anonymous No. 16145735

>First of all, I dont think there is such a thing as 'genetic distance' or 'fixation index'.
Isn't "genetic distance" simply a measure of how closely related different populations of humans are? In other words how many ancestors they share and how far back those ancestors split from other human populations?

>Second, neither do I believe in these arbitrary subclasses such as 'caucasian', 'mongoloid', 'negroid'.
Correct me if I'm wrong but "Caucasoid" races share more genetic similarities with each other than they do "Mongoloid" races. In other words Berbers and Germans are more closely related than than they are with Koreans. Doesn't seem arbitrary to me really.

>Third, why would academia talk about races? Don't they just talk about their research?
Outside of hard scientific disciplines (which are usually very reluctant to compare human genetics between races) the only time academia talks about race is to say it doesn't exist.

>And finally, your main conclusion seems to be that 'humans are not same'. Well yeah it is true even within genetically similar individuals like identical twins. Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species.
When did I ever say any of the other human "races" belong to a different species? Subspecies like dogs, wolves and coyotes are genetically similar enough to have offspring with each other. That doesn't mean they are the same. Also of course no two people are the same. I'm simply wondering if human populations that are separated from one another by tens of thousands of years differ enough genetically to have noticeable differences in IQ and temperament. I'm not making any value judgements.

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Anonymous No. 16145786

Here's a comparison

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Anonymous No. 16145792

Anonymous No. 16145797

This was true before the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution shattered humanity.>>16145735
>populations that are separated from one another by tens of thousands of years differ enough genetically to have noticeable differences in IQ and temperament
See sub saharan Africa upon its discovery.

Anonymous No. 16145835

>Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species.
Therefore, there is only one sexually reproducing species on earth.

Anonymous No. 16145875

The industrial revolution was the best thing to ever happen to humanity, actually.

Anonymous No. 16146184

The real question is, what is the most distant population from English that is still considered the same subspecies. Sicilians? Finns? Russians? Greeks?

Anonymous No. 16146253

No, that's a point of detail.

The real question is whether we're all the same. Once we've answered no, we can let biologists draw borders on their maps, they're good for that.

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Anonymous No. 16146254

Pic related

Anonymous No. 16146283

is that a map from the 20th century?
theres wolves all over Washington & Oregon, they're in northern Cali and Nevada too.

Anonymous No. 16146474

>wolves and coyotes are different species
Because taxonomists haven't revised their classification yet. They aren't in actuality, nor will they be taxonomically forever.

Anonymous No. 16146582

1944 and 2005

Anonymous No. 16146635

>The real question is whether we're all the same.
That has already been answered and it’s “no”.
>we can let biologists draw borders on their maps, they're good for that.
That’s why PCA maps exist.

Anonymous No. 16146744

>the best thing to ever
Absolutely false. The Industrial Revolution shattered humanity. We are forever closer and closer to playing God. The technology we have will lead the Earth to ruin. Not by climate, but by consumption. We have finite resources.

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

Anonymous No. 16147124

>We have finite resources.
we're on the verge of creating AGI and you're worried resource depletion? Resources are literally a non issue

Anonymous No. 16147155

I'm worried about subhuman population increase, and consumerism to follow.

Anonymous No. 16148037

Resource scarcity rumors play into the hidden emotional life of the savior complex crowd, particularly their greed and selfishness. They believe those rumors no matter how absurd or disproved because because their first thought it "what if theres not enough for me?" outweights all their other concerns

Anonymous No. 16149128

How do you know you're not part of the subhuman population?

Anonymous No. 16149369

Easy. It's color coded.

Anonymous No. 16149386

So, coyotes and wolves are the same species.

Anonymous No. 16149398

They literally are.

Anonymous No. 16149527

lmao that the fags on this board are incessantly screeching about "nature is dying" and meanwhile a species like wolves that was extinct in the lower 48 states 30 years ago has massively expanded it's range over the past 20 years.

Anonymous No. 16150763

>Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species
Anon I...

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Anonymous No. 16150819

Brain size is positively correlated with IQ. The difference in brain size between blacks and whites is ~100mL, imagine removing the equivalent to two large eggs from the white brain and you will get the black brain.

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Anonymous No. 16150850


Anonymous No. 16150852

>Brain size is positively correlated with IQ.

You forgot to mention that positive correlation is weak. The Inuit Eskimos have the largest Cranium and Brain sizes of all human populations and it translates to 93-95 IQ. Lower than most European and East Asian populations.

Along with this that large cranium and brain size amounts to little in academic and science feats. Blacks have lower IQ than Inuits but better feats.,and%20Congo%20Pygmies%20(1200).

>estimated the mid-points of the ranges given for their cranial capacity measures and found, in (cm3): East Asians (1425), Europeans (1375), Inuit-Eskimos (1440), South East Asians (1325), Native American Indians (1350), Pacific Islanders (1350), South Asians and North Africans (1325), sub-Saharan Africans (1275), Australian Aborigines (1225), and Kalahari Bushmen and Congo Pygmies (1200).

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Anonymous No. 16150867

Why did the people who built pyramids had 0 SSA DNA while being right next to africa though? something doesn't add up

Anonymous No. 16150912

>East Asians (1425), Europeans (1375), Inuit-Eskimos (1440), South East Asians (1325), Native American Indians (1350), Pacific Islanders (1350), South Asians and North Africans (1325), sub-Saharan Africans (1275), Australian Aborigines (1225), and Kalahari Bushmen and Congo Pygmies (1200).
Inuits are the only outlier here. Maybe there's a different factor at play that doesn't apply for the rest.

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Anonymous No. 16150929

Not him but DNA studies of Egypt are questionable because genetic assessments on human remains there have been limited geographically.

It's like people 2000 years in the future doing genetic assessments of human remains left in present day Northeastern region of US. Then extrapolating the findings there to the rest of the country.

It misses the complete profile of the total population and brushes of their existence because either remains weren't well preserved or wasn't in the places excavated.

It should also be notated that the 0 SSA DNA claim is not feasible due to proximity of Nubia and Ethopia which is acknowledged to have substantial SSA DNA and historic trade and commune.

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Anonymous No. 16150935

Fuck off you ignorant moron, trash like you will be burned alive.

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Anonymous No. 16150939

>Analysis of 90 ancient Egyptian mummified genomes from 2000BC to 500AD
>Model-based clustering using ADMIXTURE37 (Fig. 4b, Supplementary Fig. 4) further supports these results and reveals that the three ancient Egyptians differ from modern Egyptians by a relatively larger Near Eastern genetic component, in particular a component found in Neolithic Levantine ancient individuals36 (Fig. 4b). In contrast, a substantially larger sub-Saharan African component, found primarily in West-African Yoruba, is seen in modern Egyptians compared to the ancient samples

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Anonymous No. 16150941

That should be the population distribution right now. Niggers don't deserve to exist in such large numbers.

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Anonymous No. 16150947

lmao you gave them written language, church and your own genes lmfao
you've sinned against god
you will be wiped out because of it

Anonymous No. 16150959

They're not the only ones anon. Look at the green text you just highlighted again.

>Native American Indians (1350)
>Pacific Islanders (1350)
>South Asians and North Africans (1325)

Native Americans and Pacific Islanders have larger brains, craniums and higher IQ. But South Asians (e.g. India) and North Africans (e.g. Egypt) have better feats in Academics and Science.

The Inuits aren't the only outliers.

Anonymous No. 16150965

>>Analysis of 90 ancient Egyptian mummified genomes from 2000BC to 500AD

Now tell us geographically where those 90 mummified genomes were pulled from.

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Anonymous No. 16150972

most of them are from that cross

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Anonymous No. 16150980

these niggas can produce fertile offspring and have a smaller genetic distance than the one between humans and subsaharans

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Anonymous No. 16150986

So a genetic profile of ancient Egyptians was done in a region within Lower Egypt, north of Luxor. And people believe it is reasonable to extrapolate the that genetic profile to the region of Upper Egypt south of Luxor, geographically closer to Nubia (Sudan), Ethopia and Sub-Saharan Africa?

This is exactly why I brought up the Northeastern US example earlier.

Anonymous No. 16150988

>First of all, I dont think there is such a thing
Stage 1 - denial

Anonymous No. 16151006

Those are both the same species and interbreed all the god damn time in nature.

>In July 2016, a whole-genome DNA study proposed, based on the assumptions made, that all of the North American wolves and coyotes diverged from a common ancestor less than 6,000–117,000 years ago. The study also indicated that all North America wolves have a significant amount of coyote ancestry and all coyotes some degree of wolf ancestry, and that the red wolf and Great Lakes region wolf are highly admixed with different proportions of gray wolf and coyote ancestry.

Taxonomists are just fuckwits about certain shit. Most bears are the same species too.

Anonymous No. 16151009

And yet they aren't both called wolves, so why should I call blacks human?

Anonymous No. 16151011

modern ethiopians are caucasoid shifted sure probably cause they were fucking slaves like arabs and everybody else
but all the pyramids worth anything are north of the point which had no SSA ancestry
the astronomists and architects who came up with everything in Giza had nothing to do with SSA

Anonymous No. 16151027

>interbreed all the god damn time in nature.
I literally said that they can inbreed retard
but nobody would say something which is 4x heavier than the other one is the species lmfao

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Anonymous No. 16151193



I calculated a difference between group of north Finnish people and the computer was barely able to give some numerical value to the small differences herein

Most Finns who are actually geneticvally related to each other (as in not being a refugee or something) are very closely related

This is what I was comparing:

tRNA: phe, leu, val, gln, met, asn, cys, tyr
also genes: cytb, cox1, cox2, atp6, nd3, nd4l, nd5,nd6

However for many humans all of these genes need to be precisely human or a person is not viable. At least there is a number of diseases where mutations to these genes are the cause of disease

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Anonymous No. 16151210

You let taxonomists dictate what you call wolves. I don't see why you would break pattern unless you're just buttmad.

>but nobody would say something which is 4x heavier than the other one is the species lmfao
Amazing. I literally didn't even need to leave the fucking species in question to prove you're a fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 16151399

There's just few native Americans.

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Canid hybrid - Wi....png

Anonymous No. 16151466

>Those are both the same species Most bears are the same species too.
That's retarded. And jackals are wolves too ? Why not say there's only one species, the terrestrial species, while you're at it ?
Treating a wolf like a coyote or a polar bear like a brown bear will get you killed. We have a survival imperative to recognize them as different.

Yes, just like with africans and europeans.

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Anonymous No. 16151516


Anonymous No. 16151517


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Anonymous No. 16151518


Anonymous No. 16151522

Therefore, all dog breeds are the same, and only a racist would find any differences between them.

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Anonymous No. 16151525

>all dog breeds are the same,

Anonymous No. 16151918

They literally aren't. Just because they are similar enough genetically to reproduce doesn't make them the same. Lions and tigers can make babies but they are clearly distinct enough to be considered different species.

Anonymous No. 16151931

Being able to interbreed doesn't make them the same species retard. By your definition basically all living canids are the same species.

Anonymous No. 16152041

>That's retarded. And jackals are wolves too ?
Just golden jackals.

>Why not say there's only one species, the terrestrial species, while you're at it ?
Because not all species can readily produce fertile offspring between each other.

>Treating a wolf like a coyote or a polar bear like a brown bear will get you killed.
And? Treating a wolf like a golden retriever will get you killed. Dogs are still wolves. The fuck is your point?

>We have a survival imperative to recognize them as different.
Recognize 2 populations as the same species doesn't mean you can't recognize those populations have differences.

>Yes, just like with africans and europeans.
Which are the same species. The fuck was your point?

Anonymous No. 16152052

>Just because they are similar enough genetically to reproduce doesn't make them the same. Lions and tigers can make babies but they are clearly distinct enough to be considered different species.
They can reproduce without reduced fertility.

Ligers and tigons have drastically reduced fertility when they aren't infertile. Stop being a fuckwit.

>By your definition basically all living canids are the same species.
No, but the canis genus is. And the standard is reproduce while regularly producing fertile offspring.

Dogs, dingos, red wolves, Algonquin wolves, coyotes, grey wolves, African wolves, Ethiopian wolves, and Golden jackals are all the same fucking species.

Ursinae is all one fucking species too. So that's sloth bears, sun bears, Asian black bears, American black bears, brown bears, and polar bears. There are literally only 3 species of bear. Taxonomists need to get their shit together.

Anonymous No. 16152068

>can make babies = same species
Midwit take if I ever heard one.

Anonymous No. 16152072

I explicitly said that's not the case and you're an illiterate room temp.

Anonymous No. 16152080

That's exactly what you said. Muh "reduced fertility" exception has absolutely no role in taxonomy and literally every biologist would think you are a fucking retard with good reason.

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Anonymous No. 16152130


Anonymous No. 16152180

there is evidence even among humans of reduced cross racial fertility or ability for the offspring to thrive.
these seem like indicators of sufficient genetic distance.

Anonymous No. 16152185

There isn't.

Anonymous No. 16152186

a number of issues also only properly show up at the f2 generation such as a compromised immune system or reduced intelligence
just saying they are the same species because they can produce offspring is a weak argument.

Anonymous No. 16152221

Ernst Mayr's definition of species is regarded is grossly simplistic by most biologists and taxonomists which is why other factors are included such as specific adaptations. You claim polar bears and brown bears are the same species but if you place a brown bear in the arctic it would certainly die. Same with black bears. Same with coyotes in far northern climes as opposed to certain wolves. Being able to produce viable offspring can be considered one factor in determining a species classification but it's hardly the only one and almost nobody thinks it should be the sole stipulation.

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Anonymous No. 16152232

>just saying they are the same species because they can produce offspring is a weak argument.
Which is why nobody fucking said that.

>but if you place a brown bear in the arctic it would certainly die
1. Brown bears live in the artic.
2. Populations having region specific adaptations don't make them a new species. The Mexican tetra isn't two species just cause some populations don't have eyes.

Anonymous No. 16152261

>not all species can readily produce fertile offspring between each other.
There's no reason to use this arbitrarily chosen characteristic to separate species.
The point is that concepts need to be useful. The species label we put on animals serves to tell us what kind of animal it is, not to provide us with the useless information that it can have fertile offspring.
Calling jackals, coyotes, and dogs "wolves" tells us what we don't need to know and hides what we need to know. It's thus retarded.

BTW that's why the status of dogs as canis lupus familiaris is debated and many authors still have it as canis familiaris familiaris. Precisely because dogs are not wolves and no one calls a dog a wolf.

Africans and Europeans should be different species.

Anonymous No. 16152275


Anonymous No. 16152282

"we're all the same" faggots do all the time

Anonymous No. 16152304

Can you look at different genetic sequences and immediately determine which combinations will produced reproducible offspring?

Anonymous No. 16152324

>There's no reason to use this arbitrarily chosen characteristic to separate species.
There is, insofar as if they CAN readily produce offspring between each other it becomes impossible to determine which species to place a specimen in if its been subject to aggressive crossbreeding. Or if two populations regularly crossbreed, then differentiating between the two becomes arbitrary as fuck.

Do you want everything to be like citrus? Cause this is how you end up with everything being like citrus.

>The species label we put on animals serves to tell us what kind of animal it is, not to provide us with the useless information that it can have fertile offspring.
Species obviously share various characteristics by virtue of being closely related. Classifying things as the same species is still useful. If you think species is too vague, then everything above that is fucking meaningless. If you want more specificity, you can add more specificity. Shit like subspecies and breed are a thing.

>Calling jackals, coyotes, and dogs "wolves" tells us what we don't need to know and hides what we need to know. It's thus retarded.
It tells us how fucking related they are, you fucking idiot. What the fuck do you think is the point of cladistics?

>BTW that's why the status of dogs as canis lupus familiaris is debated and many authors still have it as canis familiaris familiaris. Precisely because dogs are not wolves and no one calls a dog a wolf.
You literally just called a dog a wolf. Canis lupus is wolf. Canis lupus familiaris is a subspecies of wolf. You did the thing you said nobody does. Stop being a fucking idiot.

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Anonymous No. 16152338

I kinda stopped reading when you first started stating stupid bullshit about ranges, but coyotes ALSO get up into the arctic circle.

Also, for fuck's sake how would you classify something like this?
>In 2014, a DNA study of northeastern coyotes showed them on average to be a hybrid of western coyote (62%), western wolf (14%), eastern wolf (13%), and domestic dog (11%) in their nuclear genome. The hybrid swarm extended into the midwestern United States, with Ohio coyotes shown on average to be a hybrid of western coyote (66%), western wolf (11%), eastern wolf (12%), and domestic dog (10%) in their nuclear genome.
They're all fucking wolves. Trying to draw clean lines through this mess is a joke.

Anonymous No. 16153465

coyotes in the yellow range on your map look nothing like the ones in the heart of the orange range. the ones on the NW coast look more like small wolves.

Anonymous No. 16153836

>coyotes in the yellow range on your map look nothing like the ones in the heart of the orange range.
What is your point?

Also, yeah, no shit, it's almost like the lines between these "species" are arbitrary as fuck.

Anonymous No. 16154457

>if they CAN readily produce offspring between each other it becomes impossible to determine which species to place a specimen in if its been subject to aggressive crossbreeding.
That's not a problem. Normal people call it an hybrid and move on.
>Or if two populations regularly crossbreed, then differentiating between the two becomes arbitrary as fuck.
And now we come back to the good old spectrum fallacy. Do you think all colors are red, since there's no clear border between red and orange? After all trying to draw clean lines in this color spectrum mess is a joke right?
Except we don't need clean lines. In biology we call this clines or hybrid zones and it's not a problem.

>It tells us how fucking related they are
No it doesn't you fucking retard. The ability to interbreed isn't lost at a particular threshold of genetic distance, some species can do it while being further removed from each other than some others that cannot.
Hell there's species belonging to different genera or families that can hybridize. What do you make of those?

>If you want more specificity, you can add more specificity.
>Let's make species useless, and replace it with subspecies to fix the problem we just created!
Just use species as it is you autist.

Anonymous No. 16154519

>Populations having region specific adaptations don't make them a new species.
No. It doesn't. At most, a subspecies. Like humans. Three major subspecies groupings of varying admixture with some outliers like Khoisan and uncontacted tribes.

Anonymous No. 16154522

Technically yes if you introduce a gamete pair together and observe if it fertilises.

Anonymous No. 16154568

adaptation to the environment. look where wolves live and where humans live.

Anonymous No. 16155287

Subspecies require breeding isolation. If you wanted to call uncontacted tribes subspecies, I wouldn't fight it, but breeding isolation isn't really a thing in the modern era for most peoples.

Anonymous No. 16155307

>Subspecies require breeding isolation.
No. See >>16146254

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16155309

>Subspecies require breeding isolation.
No. See >>16146254

Anonymous No. 16156114

>hooded crow vs carrion crow

Anonymous No. 16156154

Breeding isolation doesn't have to be geographical - the vast majority of people marry and have children with people of their own ethnicity, let alone race.

Anonymous No. 16156801

It's iron poisoning, and lack of heavy metals, and it came long after the industrial revolution.

Anonymous No. 16156819

Yes, see

>Breeding isolation doesn't have to be geographical
I didn't say it did, dipshit. I implied geographic isolation causes breeding isolation, which it does.
>the vast majority of people marry and have children with people of their own ethnicity, let alone race.
Races are a social construct. And a shitton of people have mixed ancestry. Marrying and having children within your own race doesn't stop you or your kids from having mixed ancestry. Look at the aforementioned Black people in America.

Anonymous No. 16156926

>Yes, see
So you see that wolf subspecies have been defined without breeding isolation.

Plenty of other cases are this way : individuals from point A looked different from individuals from point B, so they called them different subspecies, and then drew a line somewhere in the middle.
Or do you really think Quebec wolves don't mate with other wolves two miles away because those are from Ontario ?

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Anonymous No. 16156957

I'm entirely ignorant of biology. Is this just propaganda? I can't find a scale for what the pca refers to, but just based on the charts I've seen, it seems like people are genetically ten times more distant than wolves and coyotes.

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Anonymous No. 16156968

>So you see that wolf subspecies have been defined without breeding isolation.

>Or do you really think Quebec wolves don't mate with other wolves two miles away because those are from Ontario ?
Subspecies can make hybrids where they come into contact with one another. The map shows geographic isolation which implies breeding isolation. Whether the map is accurate is a separate matter of discussion. Wolf taxonomics are in a terrible shape right now, so I would be surprised if it were.

Anyway, ultimately the lines between subspecies without absolute breeding isolation will be blurry, even more than the lines between the various taxonomic ranks above species. Taxonomics is an evolving field and a lot of junk is still floating about in current records.

Also stuff like lines between species and breeding isolation don't even work for species that don't reproduce sexually or all the nonsense that goes on with plants.

Anonymous No. 16156969

Wolves and coyotes diverged more recently than people.

Anonymous No. 16156973

So... yes? That there is what I would consider a substantial genetic drift between different groups of humanity?

Anonymous No. 16157009

If you define substantial as greater than between wolves and coyotes bearing in mind wolves and coyotes are incredibly closely related.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here. Substantial relative what? They're the same subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16157107

Why are all humans considered the same when there is a greater genetic difference by what looks like a factor of ten in various relatively closely related animals

Anonymous No. 16157125

Agreed. Human diversity is like a spectrum. People who live bear you are going to be more similar and the farther you go the less similar they are. How we identity black and Asian and white are made up even though there are differences between a population of scottish people vs japanese or native americans in the amazon jungle. Not complicated to understand. And with all the interracial boning I see. We are all going to pretty soon become more similar as those genes that were specific to Ireland or Japan get mushed together.

Anonymous No. 16157128

I hate the very idea of the "top" men. How do you determine that? How much money they got? A sexy man with 1 kid is a genetic failure compares to the ugly rich guy who was able to have 4 kids? What about smart people living in poor countries? They are lesser men than a garbage collector from the 1st world bc the different in wages? Never made sense to me. Evolution is more random and a lot less the better men out reproduced the lesser men lol. Such a juvenile way of looking at things.

Anonymous No. 16157138

>Why are all humans considered the same when there is a greater genetic difference by what looks like a factor of ten in various relatively closely related animals
Because they're the same?

The thing breaking pattern here is wolves and coyotes, not humans. Canis taxonomy is still based on morphology instead of genetics. It's phrenology-tier.

Anonymous No. 16157141

Yes. Your basically right. Lots of variety can exist in a population. But you talk about an entire species there is a lot of diversity there. And your right about academia not wanting to talk about race. I'm not crazy but I'm fairly sure that everyone in academia just agreed not to mention it or study it bc they are scared people will use it as an excuse to fuck each ither over. Which makes sense but makes them look strange for denying diversity in humanity.

Anonymous No. 16157147

Then go move to a non industrialized country lol. Go try to scratch a living and support your kids working 14 hours on a farm or making crafts. The power countries with worse metrics are all undevoped countries. Go have fun there.

Anonymous No. 16157149

Plus us and japan is trying to figure out how to mine asteroids. Just by figuring that out we can practically have unlimited reocurces when it comes to metals. Now land and water are two reocurces we are going to have a hard time making more.

Anonymous No. 16157307

Wow. But on one hand Eskimos brains prove that evolution has changed more than just skin color. Makes sense for them have different brains that are geared more towards surviving the frozen tundra.

Anonymous No. 16157329

So bassically egypt used to be more middle eastern and over the years became more like Africa? Makes a lot of sense. I wonder if egyptions saw negroids moving in and were bothered by their behavior? Or just accepted them.

Anonymous No. 16157332

>Wicherts, Borsboom, and Dolan (2009) showed that even after excluding low scoring countries in sub-Saharan Africa, 60 national IQs correlated with latitude (.50), fertility (−.75),
>fertility (-.75)

Anonymous No. 16157837

>The thing breaking pattern here is wolves and coyotes, not humans.
Liar. >>16145786

Anonymous No. 16158240

I'm not and your dumbshit post doesn't prove I'm not.

Beqrs break the pattern too, incidentally. Taxonomy is being constantly revised for a reason. Some shit is just old and wrong.

Anonymous No. 16159248

We different species nigga, not subspecies or races, fr fr

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Anonymous No. 16160228

>Or just accepted them.
as dick washers

Anonymous No. 16161732

Urbanites are like that because they never visit the nature that they constantly virtue signal over and consider themselves experts about.

Anonymous No. 16162570

Based and tedpilled

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Anonymous No. 16163478

resource scarcity rumors are always lies

Anonymous No. 16164295

chinkoid cope
hans have been mutted out of existance a long time ago.

Anonymous No. 16165200

>Blacks have lower IQ than Inuits but better feats.
Eskimos' population is only a few hundred K and almost none of they are dumb enough to waste their lives as bookworms. Negros' population is several billion

Anonymous No. 16166307

Eskimos have a better sense of direction that you do, far far better. They know the cardinal directions instinctively, even indoors at night with no references they'll know which way north is, so presumably their cranial volume has space for a gyrocompass or the equivalent

Anonymous No. 16166600

how do i learn this power

Anonymous No. 16166608

That is a horrible argument faggot.

Lions and tigers can create offspring, yet they are NOT the same species even if they are both "Feline".

You are such a niggerslut and if it were up to you, you'd be fucking a fat niggercock with your poopy ass.

Humans should be organized like this:

The Niggers should be doing all the manual labor because they were built to be good at physical things.

The chinks should be doing all the science and technological innovation because they're all fucking autistic and were built to think.

The crackers should be doing all the religious/occult/spiritual shit because they have the Aryan spirit and they were the ones who gave the jewfags their religion, the indo-niggers their religions, and basically the whole world their religions because they received the vedas from The Domain Expeditionary Force around the himalayas 8200 BC, and created an advanced religion with their knowledge and spread them across the reaches they conquered, superseding all the brutalistic retard indigenous religions, and triggering the formation of countless new religions that were the result of the civilizing philosophies they left in their wake.

The entity of human organization should look like this:

Body (Niggers)

Mind (Chinks)

Heart/spirit (Crackers)

At the end of the day everyone is fucking gay, all the races are faggot fleshslaves, and we all live on a fucking prison planet. The fucking alien archoids (archons) did all this shit on purpose (making some inferior and some superior) to turn us against eachother and make us all easier to control.

Stop jerking off and releasing your slutsauce in the fucking retard fat bitches, kill yourself, escape the fucking reincarnation wheel.

Anonymous No. 16166855

lol look at a white person, then look at a black person. the morphological difference is greater than many other species that have multiple subspecies. I don't get why you're coping and lying to yourself so much.

Anonymous No. 16166866

say more, you're about to convince me

Anonymous No. 16166901

Wolves and coyotes are one species, the differemce between them is basicaly cultural.

Anonymous No. 16166906

we are not very diverse genetically due to almost going extinct like 5 times
at one point, only 1000 humans remained

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Anonymous No. 16167894

>muh made up popsci narratives

Anonymous No. 16168564

yeah, that lie was invented to justify the out of africa meme, since the out of africa meme as subsequently been debunked, that means the bottleneck population meme must also be false

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Anonymous No. 16168569

It's known, and measured. Out of Africa comes from the bottleneck not being taken into account (so that it seems tgere were multiple species, one of them coming out of Africa, instead of only one.

Anonymous No. 16168896

>Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species.
No it doesn't. If that were true then the majority of species aren't really different species, but that is an impossible to argument to make since your decrees are less authoritative than accepted, standardised taxonomy. Furthermore, it is quite hard to tell if they can interbreed without testing it. It is known that rather distant species can interbreed and the offspring is fertile.

Anonymous No. 16168915

Not to jump into this argument but you're sorta both wrong.

Their standard for what makes a species was overly general. Look no further than donkeys and horses producing mules for the classic example. However, they weren't far off in that organisms which can produce offspring without reductions in fertility across successive generations ARE the same species. This has been an accepted standard for many species with limited irregularities like species complexes.

Your mistake was in not realizing there ARE in fact a bunch of redundant species due to old standards relying on morphology. Taxonomy and cladistics are constantly undergoing refinement due to such mistakes.

As for not knowing without testing, for a lot of species there's tons of real world data on hybrids found in the wild, so you'd at least be able to assume species complexes. And varying numbers of chromosomes will be a strong indicator speciation has occurred or at the least is occurring.

Anonymous No. 16169932

>It's known, and measured.
no it isn't, you've never made those measurements yourself, you only 'know" about them because you saw them on the bill nye tv show and you only believe in that ridiculous contrived theory because you're a gullible moron with zero critical thinking ability

Anonymous No. 16170229

And yet look at how different we behave from each other. Just read a history book and read about the differences between African vs non African socities. You can't tell me there isint a iq differences.

Anonymous No. 16170314

OK, what did you measure?

Anonymous No. 16171006


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Anonymous No. 16171861

Humanity would be considered a collection species if it were any other group of mammals

Anonymous No. 16173030

theres less diversity of morphology and of dna amongst squirrels than there is of humans

Anonymous No. 16173193

Not very, thanks to the extreme genetic bottle neck about 70,000 years ago that nearly lead to the extinction of the species. If we were much less diverse, we'd be able to pass cancers to one another like Tasmanian Devils, who are just about the most inbred things on the planet.

Anonymous No. 16173559

Too emotional.
Emotions are a juvenile way of looking at things.

Anonymous No. 16173566

>you need to have a massive IQ so you can better shitpost online and have more success in a rigged social game
Idk anon, I feel like using IQ as a metric to be mean to other humans and treat them as inferior is simply amoral and unsustainable in the long run for a civilized society that wishes to flourish in a positive way.
Being evil loveless chuds in constant war might be self-destructive behaviour, just a hunch.

Anonymous No. 16173578

jf in the maddafakking thread
is the police any closer to finding the remains of your retarded wife?
btw how come you are so obsessed with eugenics and yet you exclusively go after actual drooling retards? I'm not opposed to eugenics just wondering what your thinking is there

Anonymous No. 16173582

Are you fucking chinese?

Anonymous No. 16173594

>A dark age makes people struggle to obtain basic necessities, and stay alive
>Societies which enforce cooperation and self sacrifice emerge, and those who enforce it the strongest tend to dominate, and rise in prosperity.
>The institutions that brought the society up now cause inner turmoil, as the rising prosperity makes it imposdible to contribute for large swaths of people, with many stuck in a no win scenario.
>Desperate majority erode the society that makes them choose between getting punished, and getting punished (that isn't an error)
>A dark age prevails.

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Anonymous No. 16174968


Anonymous No. 16176144

emotions are hormone driven, the people that are controlled by their emotions are incapable of being otherwise. they are like zombies or something, they can't be reasoned with because they don't have the capability of rational thought

Anonymous No. 16176852

AKA they are women

Anonymous No. 16176929

>Mind (Chinks)
In this hypothetical purely subspecies-based division of labour I think they're better for highly skilled labour i.e. code monkeys, doctors etc. while the scientists/mathematicians should be Europeans (& Jews)

Anonymous No. 16177232

so "subspecists" is a word now?

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Jokic pwnz niggers.jpg

Anonymous No. 16177921

negroes are weak, the top player in the NBA is currently white, whites took 2 of the top 3 spots in the MVP voting.

Anonymous No. 16177970

Europeans, specially Northern Europeans, are the strongest. But some variants of Sub-saharan have advantages in certain areas like long-distance running or "athleticism" (fast twitch muscle fibers).
Jokic and Luka are both fat guys who dominate because their IQ is 40+ points higher than the league average.

Anonymous No. 16178935

They're not fat, they carry that extra body weight up and down the court because it gives them an advantage in rebounding. Same reason sumo wrestler are heavy, having a massive body is an athletic advantage in contact sports. Thats why Luka can outrebound Chud Holmgren despite being half a foot shorter.

Anonymous No. 16179552

Yugoslavia is pretty far south

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Anonymous No. 16180025

Luka is known for entering the season chubby and trimming down as the season goes on
Both of them are probably the strongest at their respective position though

Anonymous No. 16180051

Eskimos evolved in an extremely hostile environment. Consequently they were subject to selection pressures that did not affect other peoples.

Their large craniums can be an expression of heat retention. Because in cold climates all species evolve to be bulkier.

Anonymous No. 16180071

I don't think arguing that those with SSA DNA never achieved enough to be entombed is helping your case.

>where are the mummies from
Nearly irrelevant as Egypt was a slim tube of fertile land around the Nile. The people were concentrated there. Additionally, Egypt had a great deal of internal trade and administrative travel. The kinds of people wealthy or important enough to get entombed were traveling around. Plus many crypts were built near important temples or pyramids for the VIP to be interred after their death. That was not always, maybe even rarely close to where the people actually lived. A reasonable cross selection of the Egyptian upper classes, so to speak. Oh and there were also servants and similar embalmed. Those could have been from anywhere in Egypt.

Really, you should rather be arguing about the timespans involved making 90 mummies a small number. Instead of layering a map of modern day Egypt on the Great Satan.

Anonymous No. 16181045

thats a misleading graphic because everyone in egypt lives along the nile

Anonymous No. 16181339

Aw sweet, a physical anthropology thread

Anonymous No. 16181770

>First of all, I dont think there is such a thing as 'genetic distance' or 'fixation index'.
>Second, neither do I believe in these arbitrary subclasses such as 'caucasian', 'mongoloid', 'negroid'.
Then write a paper of your own that argues in favour of your beliefs, publish it, and revolutionize the field of anthropology. Go get 'em, tiger.
>Different humans can still make kids, so that makes them belong to same species.
This just in: lions and tigers are the same species and so are dogs 'n' coyotes. Horses and donkeys? Same species.

Anonymous No. 16182482

He pulled down 10 boards today and 7'1" Chud Holmgren only managed 3 even though he is half a foot taller than Luka because because Chud is only 200lbs

Anonymous No. 16182665

You didn't answer his question, juvenile sissy

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the atheist power....jpg

Anonymous No. 16183527

scientists should recognize, but they refuse to because it flies in the face of their communist desires for a one world government

Anonymous No. 16184981

this is what soiyence faggots actually believe, their fake af soiyence journals are their talmuds

Anonymous No. 16185744

depends on who you consider human

Anonymous No. 16186205

why did you use mitochondrial DNA instead of nuclear DNA which is superior to designating different clades because it reduces random population movements and geneflow?

Anonymous No. 16186802

>theres less diversity of morphology
No there isn’t. You just say this because they all look pretty squirrel-esque to you, it is easier for you to tell the difference between two humans that you recognise vs two animals you know nothing about