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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16145615

How many IQ points did the overall population lose in the past few years?
Nowadays I whenever I find myself in an argument, it’s like I’ll have to constantly correct people for the most basic shit ever, because they cannot help but fill their arguments with silly middle school tier logical fallacies.
This applies to literally everything, from politics all the way to football.

Anonymous No. 16145627

Bout tee fiddy

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Anonymous No. 16145663

Anonymous No. 16145666

Low IQ response.

Anonymous No. 16145726

15 since 1880s, currently going at about 1-2/decade.
Unless this slows, we'll reach Africa tier in less than 300 years. Civilization will revert to medieval shitheap a bit before then.
So any cool tech you'd like to see only has 200 years to get designed, before you have to wait another 2000 years for everything to restart.

Either that or we could start doing eugenics asap.

Anonymous No. 16145763

It feels like it dropped at least 5 points in the past decade.
Judging how smart kids are nowadays compared to just 20 years ago, I’d say they’ll be at least 10 points lower than current adults when they reach the same age.

Anonymous No. 16145764

Eugenics is NOT ethical and is utterly immoral. It is a nonstarter.

Anonymous No. 16145767

that is not how normal human beings behave. they all look at their phone while riding the subway. that photo is clearly staged

Anonymous No. 16145771

They're just fucking with you, because they know it annoys you and you're an annoying brat so you deserve it. You can delete the thread. Here's the answer.

Anonymous No. 16145811

Least obvious bait post ever, the worst part is that it’s all projection.

Anonymous No. 16145826

Even lower IQ reply.

Anonymous No. 16145833

>No you
You outdid yourself, you managed to post something even dumber.

Anonymous No. 16145838

A lot of people who “are just fucking with you” are usually the midwit retards OP is talking about. They overestimate their own intelligence, so their MO becomes to immediately make fun of something new they immediately disagree with, without a second thought, but when they get pushed into it, they realize they were wrong, so they double down on being a smug asshole in a futile attempt to seem righteous.
They can fool a retard, but any honest person with an IQ of over 120 would see it for what it is.

Anonymous No. 16145851

(greentext function) You outdid yourself, you managed to post something even dumber.
ha ha no you

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Anonymous No. 16145881

Everything going on as planned. The ape men will become once again nothing but beasts of burden.

Anonymous No. 16145887

but not you, you are special and different innit

Anonymous No. 16145898

Why do you have the need to get the last word like a woman?

🗑️ sage No. 16145900

Why do you?

Anonymous No. 16145970

Recently had conversations with a 50 y.o. Chinese woman who has lived in the US for 30 years who got a 4 year degree 20 years ago from US university.
>I had to translate/ define the words 'chaos' and 'botany'.
> Had to show her who Salvatore Dali was, she never heard of him.
> Had to play barber of Seville for her, she had never heard it before.