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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16146055

How could we research the paranormal without succumbing to the incessant yammering of crunchy Arizona milfs? If the phenomenon is erratic how can we set some concrete rules to base research off of?

Anonymous No. 16146056

Great science thread, keep it guts.

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Anonymous No. 16147310

I had an idea for a machine once to take human bias out of the equation for EVP

Take an AI and train it to recognize human speech.

Run this AI over the recordings.

Anonymous No. 16147323

I don't think EVPs are necessarily bullshit but I don't think they hold much validity in the grand scheme. If we're communicating with something paranormal then it's hard for me to accept that vocalization as something concrete when there are other methods like spirit boxes that (arguably) work better for communication. I also think that you can't really take the human part out of the equation because it might be psychic.

Anonymous No. 16147331

I disagree respectfully you see.

EVP, Spirit box, makes no difference. This isn't done when recording, but after during analysis. You run it through the AI, it generates what it thinks it hears if anything, and you evaluate it based on what it says and the score. We can find loss in the spirit box vs random or normal conversation the same way you'd evaluate a character predicting transformer.

Anonymous No. 16147823

Parapsychologists are people that research supernatural things. Some universities have them. This website lists a number of cases

You'll find after looking at a bunch of those pages that the results are always inconclusive and the people doing the research are biased either way. They're either believers and use statistical methods to present results which always ends up as things being inconclusive. Or they're highly skeptical and instantly reject everything. There seems to be a lot more of the former in the field. The experiments they do are often pretty dodgy too, full of cases where things can look one way but are actualy another.

This video I think is a good example
They're testing if a guy can do remote viewing. The guys guesses are so extremely vague though but they sort of try to make it sound like he was really close to being right. But that's the problem I think, the tests shouldnt be allowed to result in vague answers, they should be situations that are either right or wrong, like remote view and tell me what number you see, so if they say the wrong number you know its not correct at all instead of being vaguely half way

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Anonymous No. 16147835

For some reason proving the paranormal is forbidden. But fucking with people is just fine. Apparently every paranormal entity has agreed to just leave the dumb fucks alone. It's expedient but reduces my job opportunities.
Also dumbfucks always insist on video evidence. If it doesn't exist on video then it's not proof, it's just hallucination. Never mind the logistics and demands of not only producing exotic energy but then using it for an intended purpose. Technology won't handle it. And if that's the case, the skeptics are content with dismissing it since their whole lives are all based solely on technology.

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Anonymous No. 16147839

I guess it's all cool though. Ten years of study and I can put people in pain, give them panic attacks, make them think they're insane. And nobody will fucking blink or they know they're going to doctor faggot in the funny farm. It's being the seeing man in the land of the blind, and I tell you it fucking sucks.
Anyway lifting the ban public research is a long-term goal of mine. Nobody fucking cares. "Oh hey it's real." What are you going to do? Stop working and meditate in a cave until you master it? No, you'd rather lie and feel clever about yourself. That's your prerogative.

Anonynous No. 16147896

Yo, can you give me a supernatural starter kit? How do I get psychic/supernatural powers to fuck with people?

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Anonymous No. 16147912

I started with basics. Feel objects without touching them, beneath my hands blindfolded. Enough of this will get you the sense, and that's a curse itself now. You'll figure out why birds attack wireless signal towers, why plants don't grow on routers.
As part of my regiment for training the senses, I started doing listening. Sitting alone at night, hearing everything beyond my walls, picking out and listing the noises that could breach the walls. Eventually, with enough clarity of mind, I started to perceive thoughts.
This gets you the basic kit to learn. It's all feeling, sensing, grasping. A variety of books in fiction and non-fiction will help you. They're both hit and miss. Fiction writers often get their ideas from somewhere. Also, a warning. If you try and control morons with your thoughts, it is possible. But someone has already mastered it. A variety of other meditation techniques assist in various other ways. Awareness meditation is a great one to learn. When in doubt, do awareness meditation. I'm not very educated in formal physics terms but I could get into the principal dangers of it more deeply. I would rather publish my theories with a name on them but that day seems distant.

Anonymous No. 16147967

I shouldn't be dismissive, we're dealing with woogity shit so literal vocalizations could be possible. My hold up is that it relies too much on reality, this is clearly something we have trouble recording so I don't think it interacts with what we consider the material world.

Anonymous No. 16148246

The most interesting thing to come out of parapsychological research was that a small group of hippy scientists managed to keep the flame of bells theorem in physics going because they thought it could be used to explain psi phenomena

I'd love to go to the escape institute in the 70s, slide out of my bell bottoms and get cranked off in the hot tub whilst talking about ESP

Anonymous No. 16148255

>how can I get power and control over others using "magical powers"
that's always telling about esoteric folk.

Anonymous No. 16148263

You can't do shit retard

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Anonymous No. 16148267

Trouble maybe, but recordings do (supposedly) exist so there is a potential avenue there. Problem is that if it is truly divine and not profane then we will never "prove" anything unless it interacts with the profane in a tangible and measurable manner. It would be like the assertion that you don't get as sick with the vaxx, you can't compare it to how sick you would be without it so it is just 'trust me bro'. If EVP, Spirit Boxes, and other media do in fact capture some of the phenomena then AI may provide an unbiased review of such things to confirm it without the bias for/against like
talks about.

If it doesn't react with this profane realm then how could it interact with us? Beyond voices in da head? If these things can encode/manipulate information in this information medium then we can measure the ripples of their meddling.

If they truly do not interact, or don't do anything when any recording equipment is around then we cannot ever verify their existence if they exist.

Anonynous No. 16149147

What are good fiction and non-fiction books to read towards this end?

Anonynous No. 16149150

Does having music stuck in your head after multiple consecutive days of not exposing yourself to any music a hindrance to meditation?
How would you advise getting over that?

Anonymous No. 16149749

Switch to a mantra meditation and use a repetitive loop to focus on mentally.

Anonymous No. 16150688


Obviously the spirit entities will dodge the AIs

Anonymous No. 16151948

Checked. That doesn't make sense. The AI would be analyzing stored data.

Anonymous No. 16151950

The first step is fucking off to /x/