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Anonymous No. 16146197

How come soience can't save him?
Is soience really that useless and impotent?
In 1971 Richard Nixon announced "the war on cancer" and since then trillions of dollars have been spent on 'research' and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer, why not?

Anonymous No. 16146202


In 1971 Nixon also took us off the gold standard. You need something of real value in order to pay for all that.

Anonymous No. 16146206

Gold isn't any more intrinsically valuable than the assurances of a major world power's government

Anonymous No. 16146225

Vaxx gift

Anonymous No. 16146227

this, you can't use Monopoly money to fund something if you actually want it to succeed

Anonymous No. 16146233

>and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer
Are you retarded? We're better at treating cancer now than ever before in history. Cancer treatment has improved enormously since the 70s.

Anonymous No. 16146345

>Finally get in the big chair
>Cancer, like a year later
Honestly I do feel kind of bad for Charles.

Anonymous No. 16146351

>How come soience can't save him?
Cause he's a "natural medicine" nutter that doesn't believe in chemo.

You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it take cancer meds.

Anonymous No. 16146356

He got his name in the history books as king so there's not much for him to do now. The Monarchy is mostly toothless. Any theoretical power they have, they know better than to ever exercise. He's in the big chair but there's not much to do in it. Even before the cancer diagnosis, he looked quite world weary. He's probably disappointed with how things turned out with Harry but has put most of his effort into William over the years anyway. He has surpassed the length of Edward VIII's reign, so he won't go down as the shortest reigning British monarch. Beyond the typical human desire to continue living, he doesn't have much reason left to live as king.

Anonymous No. 16146854

The insurance company and doctors would rather have you die.

Anonymous No. 16146886

There are plenty of cancer cures, there have been for at least a century, electrical, dietary, lifestyle, etc, etc but cancer is profitable and a way to kill off the goyim quietly so they don't permit them to last long.
Everything around us is designed to make us sick including the device you are looking at this on.

Anonymous No. 16146889

There was never a gold standard. There was a lie of a gold standard, which could not be supported forever. Same as in every gold standard in every country.
Some gold stacked in a vault doesnt prevent the money press from brring

Anonymous No. 16147056

Nixon just finished what Wilson started. Keynesian Economics is a fraud.

Anonymous No. 16147407

>>In 1971 Richard Nixon announced "the war on cancer" and since then trillions of dollars have been spent on 'research'
All wasted. Funding to "cancer research" does nothing but make the research firms rich. It should all be cut.

Anonymous No. 16147416

>have cancer
>take chemo and suffer for a few months to still die
>don't take chemo and suffer a little less for a few months to still die
I'm sure you'll choose the chemo without a second thought though!

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Anonymous No. 16147419

Those wars are not meant to be won, those are only an excuse to steal as much tax money as possible. If the brishit king didn't want to die so soon he shouldn't have role played as a guinea pig in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16147424


Anonymous No. 16147487

You have to assume said state is infallible for this to be true

Anonymous No. 16147491

Should've taken finasteride or dutasteride. But because of their retarded pride, Charles is now dying from prostate cancer while William is fucking bald.

Anonymous No. 16147494

3.5 years after the vaccine rollout and the great mass dying event still has occured. Almost as if the antivaxxers were totally wrong and to this day still can't admit that they are retarded.

Anonymous No. 16147496

Cancer death rates are lower in 2024 than in all the previous years before.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16147555

>Cancer death rates are lower in 2024 than in all the previous years before.
>death rates
Spotted the jew

Anonymous No. 16147816

>There are plenty of cancer cures
no there aren't lol.

Anonymous No. 16147819

>>don't take chemo and suffer a little less for a few months to still die
If the cancer kills you in a few months with chemo, then you won't stay alive for a few months without it.

Anonymous No. 16147824

Why would you not use rates as a metric for prevalence?

Anonymous No. 16147825

I didn't get cancer or cardiac problems or covid from not vaxxing. I won

Anonymous No. 16147827

Give me the stats for cancer spending. Give me the ucod cancer death rate. 0-54 preferred age cohort too

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Anonymous No. 16147940

The news here is saying that King Charles is returning to his duties

Anonymous No. 16148143

It will happen in June or July. Saved this and come back in a few months

Might happen on 4th of July

Anonymous No. 16148278

Its over for King Chuck.
>United Kingdom (formerly Chuck's)

Anonymous No. 16148456

Is this when his chemo is scheduled or his funeral?

Anonymous No. 16149183

All the king's scyence and all the king's men
couldn't put pedo Charlie back together again

Anonymous No. 16149666

>Might happen on 4th of July
Death of british monarch on American Independence Day would be quite based.

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Anonymous No. 16150885


Anonymous No. 16150916

The studies say that finasteride doesn't reduce the chance of death from prostate cancer, oddly. You would think that it would.

I looked into this, since I take finasteride.

Anonymous No. 16152319

Probably fake, they're just making it all up to generate public sympathy for him

Anonymous No. 16152326

no they are promoting cancer so they can promote the magical mrna "cure" for cancer that people will keep having to take

Anonymous No. 16152354

Thatโ€™s what you get for allowing your country to become an immigrant infested shithole. Do you think his ancestors would have let Muslims turn up in boats en masse and rape our women? No, they would have had them hung, drawn and quartered.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16152370

his ancestors were jews they infiltrated the british monarchy with william of orange

he's nothing as great as edward longshanks

Anonymous No. 16152380

>soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer, why not?
Cancer is a lifestyle disease, 99% the result of diet, activity, stress, etc. Science can't "cure" cancer any more than it can "cure" obesity. They can invent endless drugs to treat cancer just like they can invent endless drugs to treat obesity but these things will always exist so long as most people have shit lifestyles.
>b-but i know someone who was healthy and still got cancer
If you are eating foods that would have been unknown to someone living 20,000 years ago then you are eating cancer-promoting foods.

Anonymous No. 16152383

>Just throw money at the problem
Sorry, either create a shitload of 130+ IQ white children or (literally) die. No other options.

Anonymous No. 16152434

The popular scyence term "mrna" has been besmirched by the disastrous failure of the covid vax, "mrna" will be rebranded as something else before its rolled out again

Anonymous No. 16152640

Itโ€™s pretty much that simple.

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poor bugnigger.jpg

Anonymous No. 16153083

So every food you fucking retard? Everything in 1st world countries have cancer filled food, only natural bugmen countries has the lowest cancer rate in the world, it's so ironic the advanced countries are the unhealthiest.

Anonymous No. 16153251

The average life expectancy in Sierra Leone is 57. While cancer can happen at any age, it's most common in the elderly. People in countries with low life expectancy don't live long enough for cancer to be a problem for most of them.

Anonymous No. 16153373

Maybe his doctors are Lady Di fans.

Anonymous No. 16153642

they rebranded "global warming" as "climate change" because "global warming" lost it's impact after decades on end with no increase in temperatures, so they'll pull the same marketing tricks with mrna

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404 global warmin....jpg

Anonymous No. 16155188


Anonymous No. 16156062

Its probably fake, they want everyone to forget about pedo Charlie's past indiscretions and affiliation with people like his brother and Jimmy Savile, so they made up a sob story about him being sick

Anonymous No. 16156293

>soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer
It does. There are hundres of different types that people lump into one single category. In many cases such as breast cancer, progress has been significant.
Up to about 20 years it meant certain death, then it meant masectomy, but now it can be treated and normally without masectomy.

Anonymous No. 16156763

Sounds good to me

Anonymous No. 16156853

You think gold currency started with paper IOUs backed by gold in vaults? There were minted gold and silver coins for millennia.

Anonymous No. 16156872

You deserve to have your skull caved in with a pickax.

Anonymous No. 16157451

The gold standard in the USA resulted in FDR forcibly seizing all gold held by private citizens in order to fund his communist agenda. This historical incident isn't taught in schools because the communists that run the school are ashamed of their past behavior, but if you bother to dig up the story you'll find that FDR stole millions of pounds of gold from Americans by forcing them to sell it to the government for less than what it was worth

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16158428

>Force Americans to sell all their gold to the government for $20/oz
>promptly print so much cash that value of gold rises to $40/oz, making the cash people received for their gold relatively worthless
>raise income tax rates to 90% insuring that nobody will ever be able to earn back the money they lost on their gold sale
>spend all of the money he grifted from Americans for the benefit of jews in Europe
goyschool will teach you this was the best president of all time

Anonymous No. 16158429

i wonder how much of it is to do with not masturbating. i worry about that a bit since i never get horny anymore so im at a slightly higher risk

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16158482

The only ones that lost their gold were good goyim who handed it in or were dumb enough to keep in safety deposit boxes/brokers. Compliance for circulating gold was negligible. But yes, very Jewish still.

Anonymous No. 16158811

Why couldn't they save Steve Jobs from his cancer? He had enough money to buy the best medical care on the planet many times over.

Anonymous No. 16158862

he could literally nuke France tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16158933

because he chose not to get treatment

Anonymous No. 16158942

i wonder if cancer could be cured with 200 surgeries
like pinpoint all the growths and cut them, is this not feasible for billionaires?

Anonymous No. 16159045

Best cancer treatment is to genetically engineer white blood cells that will target and kill cancer cells at a molecular level. I would have thought the king would get that treatment.
Surgery on something like the pancreas isn't really feasible.

Anonymous No. 16160221

>I would have thought the king would get that treatment.
He doesn't have cancer, they made it up to get sympathy for him and as an excuse to limit his public appearances because he is unpopular

Anonymous No. 16161730

pedo charlie sat on the throne
pedo charlie suxed a six year old's bone

Anonymous No. 16161940

>why not?

"Cancer" is nothing but health incarnate.

Anonymous No. 16162248

>How come soience can't save him?
Because as the universe is currently setup, it doesn't allow for knowledge to be pre-known. You see,
knowledge has to be discovered, and as it turns out, the knowledge which would allow for his cure has not yet been found.

Anonymous No. 16162251

that's an umbrella term for a huge set of different and distinct diseases. There are many varieties of cancer and many places in our bodies to get it in, and each case is still rather personal and unique, so the permutations are endless, and finding a cure for all that, a dauting task.

Anonymous No. 16162864

pedo charlie took the vax
pedo charlie suddenly went ACK

Anonymous No. 16163566

Imagine the amount of gold that was buried or hidden back in the 1930s in order to keep it out of the feds' hands and then grandpa died without telling anyone about his stash

Anonymous No. 16164227


Anonymous No. 16164651

so the trillions fruitlessly wasted on soience research only bought excuses

Anonymous No. 16165405

This fucker died?

Anonymous No. 16165414

It also bought oversized exorbitant salaries and pensions for the people who wasted all that money.

Anonymous No. 16165422

>This dude BELIEVES politicians
You cannot be saved

Anonymous No. 16165429

Man, I came here to shit post about Nixon but then saw this shit... I was told I would perish from cancer six years ago when I was 30, they tried to get me on chemo so badly but my father and grandfather warned me on their death beds that because of how fast they perished after getting treatment they thought the chemo was really killing them. I chose not to get it, and did that crazy thing where you look for resources to fight on your own.. long story short, survived with no chemo. I don't know if my father and gfather were right, but after the vax shit I choose to believe they are.

Anonymous No. 16166476

based, you got a false positive diagnosis, doctors give those out to everyone they can because they profit massively from doing so

Anonymous No. 16167702

Right, false positives is a massive moneymaker for the doctors and doctors are some of the greediest people on the planet

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Anonymous No. 16168521

>Finally get to be king
>jews are sitting in your chair
>you can't get them to move because they have kompromat on you and your whole corrupt family
must be frustrating

Anonymous No. 16168529

vax status??

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Anonymous No. 16168538


Anonymous No. 16168541

Buy an add.

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Anonymous No. 16169729


Anonymous No. 16170448

i hope he dies soon, he is a race traitor piece of garbage

Anonymous No. 16171366

This, maybe his bald kid could end up being decent

Anonymous No. 16172254

>so the trillions fruitlessly wasted on soience research only bought excuses
No, not at all: it brought us many cures for many of those potential combinations of cancer types + organ location. Unfortunately, many cures are still left to be found for the rest.