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Anonymous No. 16146244

Evolutionary speaking, what's the purpose of a high IQ?
Is a high IQ useless beyond a certain threshold?

Anonymous No. 16146252

To make you want to die when you're forced to listen to a very stupid person go on and on angrily for 20 minutes about how something must be this way because they're an expert in that thing and have a piece of paper commending and officiating their expertise in that thing, when you don't care about the thing to begin with, and you know it will do no good to interrupt because they're in the average IQ range even though emotionally you're sure they must be borderline retarded.
And to make autistic people more unbearable to be around because they will shrill and shriek about some thing they actually are an expert on which again you did not really care about, and they might be wrong anyways due to being too impressed with themselves.

In general it's just useful to make you want to kill yourself, same as low IQ.

Anonymous No. 16146263

You don't have high IQ, makes no difference how hard you presume that you do

Anonymous No. 16146289

you sound low IQ. but im sure you get that all the time

Anonymous No. 16146312

Not really, no. /sci/ convinced me to take an IQ test and I got 130, I am good at puzzles and stuff like that. No one really comments on my IQ one way or another irl thoughever.

Anonymous No. 16146720

Your graph doesn't have anything to do with IQ. There's high and low IQ people in all of those professions. Women don't usually care about IQ one way or another. Most of them select their mates based on their mates' EQ. A competent doctor, lawyer, or financial advisor TYPICALLY has a higher EQ than a competent engineer or scientist.

>Is a high IQ useless beyond a certain threshold?
The concept of usefulness is entirely man-made. Evolution isn't a form of consciousness with an agenda like this. You've anthropomorphized the blind process of biological change regulated via power dynamics.

Anonymous No. 16146733

>women hate science
Why is it every fucking thing I learn about women makes me convinced easily 99% of them are barriers to any kind of constructive and civilised society?
Not to say most men shouldn't also be thrown into a woodchipper and make the world a better place, but at least men seem to have more of an appreciation for things of value. Women have the same appreciation for knowledge and exploration as niggers (i.e. none). Woman is the nigger of gender.

Anonymous No. 16146755

Everyone has to mature and learn to appreciate things of value. Men are more reason-based, so they default to appreciating things with some kind of structural value, but they don't naturally appreciate things of value which aren't related to structure. Women do, while they don't naturally appreciate things of structural value. Life needs both, and to claim otherwise means you're still a little immature.

Anonymous No. 16146796

He does have a point though, if women don't have an appreciation of structural value then womens reproductive selection will put a negative pressure on the advancement of a constructive and civilised society

Anonymous No. 16146815

I disagree with the notion that civilization hinges solely on structure. Russia and China tried this in the 20th century and it took a toll on their cultural output. Besides, nature simply doesn't work this way; everything is continuously oscillating between structure and anti-structure, or order and chaos.

Anonymous No. 16146833

>take an IQ test
>took buzzfeed tier meme test
Good job anon *pats on head*

Anonymous No. 16146841

Russia and China were extremely poorly implemented structures. A more natural form of structure would involve competition, where the best implementations are the ones which prevail. From this you'd see prosperity and from prosperity culture would follow, as it did in western countries for a long time. Order and chaos also aren't foregone conclusions, those occurrences could be a product of female mate selection, it's entirely possible to have prosperity with none of the pitfalls. I actually think the next big 'social advancement' will be a normalisation between men and women, where some of women's toxic (for both herself and society) mate selection strategies will be weeded out, as it did for men in the last 10-15 years. Not sure how that'll happen but it seems like an obvious step once people are ready to start having more frank conversations

Anonymous No. 16147110

I agree. But the reality is, women don't appreciate the things which actually have value. The appreciate the veneer of value. Look at the chart.
Women hate:
and women love
Three jobs with fuck-all value to society. Consultants are almost 95% of the time doing nothing more than setting fire to cash. The financial industry has grown to be something which instead of serving the needs of society is almost hostile to it, and is famously replete with midwits, nepobabies, narcissists, and absolute psychopaths. Marketers shouldn't need much explanation.
Meanwhile, engineers and scientists are two jobs which are absolutely foundational to the continued functioning of society, and they're the outliers where women will actively select against them. This just doesn't work. It's exactly the same kind of value judgment that niggers make. They're probably worse, because at least black guys always have a substantial number who want to get out of the ghetto, whereas women see a great civilization and decide they want to drag us all back to the stone age.
The long term effects of this is that young men who actually contribute the most to civilization benefit the least in terms of genetic success, whereas the most actively reproducing people are absolute idiots. One look at this chart and you can see that we should expect to get dumber each generation. We're going to breed millions of unambitious, incurious retards with no ability or desire to do anything of value because their parents were also idiots and then everything will start to stall and slide backwards.
And you just know that this chart is going to be driven primarily by white women, too.

Anonymous No. 16147130

It doesn't hinge solely on structure. Of course culture is important.
But culture is EXACTLY why you've got this chart. Which kind of women do you think were most of this sample? White. Of course. Nobody saw this and thought Asians were the women sampled, because the women in science departments are disproportionately Asians. You go to any university, and you always see that the guys in the science or engineering departments have Asian girlfriends. The better educated he is, the more likely it is that his girlfriend is Asian. Everyone knows it. Even in Iran the women are well known to actually value science and engineering.
In the west, nobody gives a shit. The whole society is full of complacency. Only a couple of generations after man set foot on the moon and now we have millions of bright young people sitting around doing nothing of value in bullshit jobs that don't need to exist, millions of morons in highly paid jobs which don't need to exist, and a small number who actually do something necessary so that we can know more about the world or make something of value so the next generation can have it better than we did, and they do that in spite of the fact most women will reward that with nothing but scorn.

Anonymous No. 16147138

>Most of them select their mates based on their mates' EQ.
social skills. Doctors and Lawyers have higher social skills than Engineers and Scientists since being a doctor or lawyer requires you to deal with people, and Engineers + Scientists requires you to deal with objects, hence autists and the like gravitate towards dealing with objects

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Anonymous No. 16147351

Very smart people make inventions that let your group out compete other groups. Groups that didn't just so happen to have very smart people end up getting genocided by groups that did. Like kin selection or something.

Anonymous No. 16147353

130 is 1880's 115, you're a midwit

Anonymous No. 16147527

>Three jobs with fuck-all value to society.
Are you serious? Finance is worthless in an ECONOMIC society? Marketing is worthless in a CAPITALIST society? Consulting is worthless in an INFORMATION society? All these roles have a function and purpose in modern society.

What women love about the men in those roles though is, those men have high EQ or strong / flexible social networks. These are things which definitely have value, but are perhaps difficult to quantify. Everything that women value is needed, but difficult to quantify. That's the feminine in a nutshell, which you're currently trampling all over.

The demographic was probably a certain age bracket more than a certain race bracket. But the results of the graph are certainly cultural. It's more a problem with American culture than any specific racial culture. American culture simply doesn't appreciate much outside of what makes a lot of money or builds a strong social network. We have a severe cult of personality problem here.

Anonymous No. 16147584

A lot of teachers are women this chart can't be right

Anonymous No. 16147953

The thread is about IQ anon.
But we're not in the 1880s. I technically qualify to be in MENSA as I'm just barely in top 2%.
The top 2% has moved down 10 points in my lifetime.
This is despite the IQ itself reaveraging lower and lower to keep 100 the standard as people get dumber or as more stupid people take the test.
I am pretty sad about all of this and I am not bragging.
The fact remains, though, that I am at the 98th percentile of current world IQ, which means I am not low IQ, since IQ is a relative measure.
Checkmate, atheists.

Anonymous No. 16147982


Anonymous No. 16147985

>finance is worthless in a JEWISH society?
>brainwashing is worthless in a JEWISH society?
>lobbying is worthless in a JEWISH society?
Fair point.

Anonymous No. 16147986

If you’ve ever actually met people working in those sectors this wouldn’t be controversial at all. Finance is useful to provide basic services to society to keep it going. However, that’s no longer what it does. The vast majority of those jobs are bloat. Marketing is almost entirely bloat. Those jobs could disappear and people would spend less time getting encouraged to eat food that will get them fat and otherwise no serious loss in quality of life. If you’ve ever met a consultant in your life you know that most of those jobs are busywork, easily the vast majority accomplish nothing, and a significant portion of them exist only to engage in dodgy accounting. In the real world, these jobs are all bullshit, you could axe 99% of them and not notice any loss in quality of life.

Anonymous No. 16148036

Finance never kept society going. It is a derivative structure - and I don't mean like stocks. Finance doesn't exist until a whole bunch of check marks are met for which finance is not responsible for. Stop being naive.

Anonymous No. 16148087

>Are you serious? Finance is worthless in an ECONOMIC society?
Finance is the reason why we don't live in post scarcity.
>Marketing is worthless in a CAPITALIST society?
Marketing is only needed because of financing.
>Consulting is worthless in an INFORMATION society?
Consulting isn't about information, consulting is about advising midwits common sense solutions to their problems.
>All these roles have a function and purpose in modern society.
They solve problems that aren't supposed to exist at all.

Anonymous No. 16148101

That’s basically what I meant to say, in the sense that we need at least basic money management.

Anonymous No. 16148108

All we need is a stable volume of currency, and no loans.

Anonymous No. 16148112

>STEMlords with le high 130iq (from internet tests) now LARP as econ PhDs
What 0 pussy does to a mf

Anonymous No. 16148117

You've never had pussy bro, what you thought was pussy was just a hairy cock. Fag. Now kys.

Anonymous No. 16148123

I don't larp as them, what I wrote sort of implies that they teach bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16148148

>It is a derivative structure - and I don't mean like stocks
stocks aren't derivatives but ok