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Anonymous No. 16146284

sometimes i go crazy on my ballsack (or hands) itching that shit like my nails are god's sandpaper
and sometimes after my itching those areas begin to emit a colorless liquid that, if left to dry, turns into a yellowed crust. What the fuck is this secretion.
i'm assuming it's maybe blood plasma that was able to get through the microtears i made in my skin that weren't big enough for the blood cells to go through but i have no idea
/sci/entists... assemble!

Anonymous No. 16146305

Yeah that's it
t. Dr. Schlomo himself

Anonymous No. 16146407

Dermatitis. Get an anti-itch cream and start controlling it before your scratching generates scar tissue.

Anonymous No. 16146565


Anonymous No. 16147251

Sounds like a serous exudate.

Anonymous No. 16147260

Vaxx status?

Anonymous No. 16147267

Cut yourself and watch clear liquid come out alongside blood. Has absolutely nothing to do with the vax.

Anonymous No. 16147271

The itching, retard. My wife developed neurodermatitis after the jab.

Anonymous No. 16147273

lmfao OP is indicative of poor hygiene, not a neurological disorder. Also, your wife is a fucking dipshit retard for getting the vax. Hope she dies.

Anonymous No. 16147435

That substance is an indication of infection.
t. gets it on my face when I scrape away enough dead skin
>that's the most disgusting thing I have ever read
Try living it. But yeah, that is an infection