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๐Ÿงต Quantum Physics

Anonymous No. 16146371

How do we know that quantum physics is actually real and not just made up?

Anonymous No. 16146374

Because we can observe the interaction of consciousness with matter. Remote viewing and extrasensory perception for example are direct consequences of quantum entanglement.

Anonymous No. 16146375

That sounds less believable than just saying that God exists though. Is there any data that can be proven or disproven (testable)?

Anonymous No. 16146377

Data can never be proven. Perception is always subjective. This is one of the lessons we learned from quantum mechanics. Maybe your red looks like my blue. This is the gauge freedom of qualia fields.

Anonymous No. 16146381


prove its not

Anonymous No. 16146384

How does it have any validity over any other concept or theory though? If nothing can be proven or even shown? How do you know it's real and not just made up? We don't know what gravity is but we know that there is some kind of force that acts within the physical world or at least upon it. We can figure out its qualities through experiments and the actual scientific method. Can you do the same for quantum physics?

Anonymous No. 16146386


schrodingers cat proves that quantum effects are very real, look it up

Anonymous No. 16146388

How do you know reality itself isn't made up?

Anonymous No. 16146391


Define "made up". Does describing something count as "making it up? What if that description is imperfect?

Anonymous No. 16146398

If I don't know that, than how can I know anything? How can you know anything?

Anonymous No. 16146411

>make many predictions based on theory
>reality agrees with predictions
>doesn't give many cases where predictions don't work
>theory is very likely to be true

Anonymous No. 16146437

its just made up

Anonymous No. 16146537


Anonymous No. 16146541

its made up dumbass

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Anonymous No. 16146544


Anonymous No. 16146555

>le meme cat meme
sup reddit

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Anonymous No. 16146902

Because if you cut two holes in a thing and shine the light it look a little different to if you only cut one hole. This is how we know everything.

Anonymous No. 16146903

Kys now

Anonymous No. 16146911

>Remote viewing
this is such a basic thing to prove is possible yet nobody has ever proven it's possible. All we have are anecdotes and things like one correct guess out of 100 guesses. The CIA documents don't prove anything and the people running the program were highly biased.

For example, if I write a number on a piece of paper and put it on a table in a room. Then a few rooms away I ask you to remote view into that room and tell me the number you should be able to do it. You should be able to do it every time I ask. Not get it correct 1 out of 100 tries. Correct every time. Very very simple. Nobody can do it and nobody has ever done it. Maybe one day someone will, but so far nobody has so there's no reason to believe remote viewing is possible.

Anonymous No. 16146912

>Light look a bit different in different situation
>Quantum mechanics

Anonymous No. 16146984

>we can observe the interaction of consciousness with matter
As far as I can recall, every single observer effect experiment has only proven that photons and other particles used as a means for taking measurements interfere with the overall behavior of a particle wave. The role of consciousness per se, independent of all disturbances caused directly by the human body, has never been proven thus far.

Anonymous No. 16146988

You didn't even think about fixing it. You thought about the condolence of all life trying to exist. You crisp.

Anonymous No. 16147097

Yeah remote viewing is fake and gay but my MIND viewing powers tell me you were imagining writing 17 on an A5 sheet of paper while you made this post. What kind of deranged psychopath owns A5 paper?

Anonymous No. 16147132

Thats interference, the wave model of light. The particle part of is light shining on metal, there is a threshold of frequency that only higher frequency will charge up the metal.

Anonymous No. 16147367

CHSH inequality violations