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Anonymous No. 16146387

Were people in the 17th century literally retarded or why is so much credit given to Newton for making fairly trivial statements about physics?

Anonymous No. 16146389

we came from monkeys dude, it had to be stated at some point, that point just seems relatively recent. We already knew it before hand, but it became axiomatic when coupled with newtons laws.

Cult of Passion No. 16146390

Then why thing fall, Einstein....?

It not move, I let go, it move, checkmate.

Anonymous No. 16147169

>why is so much credit given to Newton for making fairly trivial statements about physics?
does it hurt being that dumb?

Anonymous No. 16147266

>calculus is le deep and le smart even though every teenager learns it in school

Anonymous No. 16147322

Didn't he invent calculus and the 3 body problem?

Anonymous No. 16147462

Different times. Most fags nowadays wouldn't have a chance to survive. Say the wrong thing without having powerful friends, and you would become a pauper or be branded as an heretic, tortured and killed if you had stuff worth to be taken.

Anonymous No. 16147469

I thought that was written by a Chinese author.

Anonymous No. 16147473

most people had bigger problems than creating new branches of math for some schizo theories that turned out to be somewhat true

Anonymous No. 16147476

In the age of superstition and bureocracy, trivial statements that didn't required further embelishement were considered valuable

Anonymous No. 16147483

1. You are unbelievably dumb.

2. If you don't touch something it doesn't move - yeah obviously. What Newton discovered was that without force there is inertia. If you throw a ball it only slows down because drag from air resistance acts against the direction of movement (newton's third law!) otherwise it would continue to move at the same speed. This is in contrast to the aristotelian notion that objects have a natural desire to be at rest, which was what was the accepted science UNTIL Newton. And for the record, aristotle was probably smarter than even Newton, let alone you, so its not a matter of intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16147485

You are also ignorant. See >>16147483

Anonymous No. 16147486

The fact, that people think that law of conservation of energy in thermodynamics means you can't convert heat from air or water to power machinery is biggest energy production setback we have in last 10 000 years. He just produced hoax, because people don't understand it only applies to closed systems and in heatpumping you've got fusion reactor as big as sun already in the system.

Anonymous No. 16147828

No they just made cheap copies of it.

Anonymous No. 16147880

Breaking news from the year 2024 - an intellectual titan gazes down from the dizzying heights of knowledge built upon centuries of human endeavor and sneers 'Were the pioneers like Newton mere dimwits for not perceiving what now appears elementary?' Truly, it is a marvel that those backward folk of the 17th century, unenlightened by the blazing illumination we bask in today, could formulate anything beyond banging rocks together. How kind the universe is to grace our era with luminaries able to belittle the groundbreaking work that formed the foundation for their own insights. Breathtaking arrogance and ingratitude, superb!

Anonynous No. 16147901

>>calculus is le deep and le smart even though every teenager learns it in school
I didn't learn it until college.

Anonynous No. 16147903

>aristotle was probably smarter than even Newton
What are you basing that on?

Anonynous No. 16147905

>cue meme of modern fag going back in time to talk with what he conceitedly thinks of as stupid backward people.
>"I see. How does this electricity work?"
>"Idk lol."