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🧵 Science now claims women stay fertile in perpetuity

Anonymous No. 16146435

The official arbiter of scientific misinformation (appointed by the government controlled by the official Party of Science), Nina Jankowicz, says that the government must crack down on misinformation like sending pictures of empty egg cartons to women. That is “meant to remind [women] that [their] fertility is waning.” And that is “gendered misinformation.”

So there you have it. Couldn’t be any more official. Science now believes women stay at the same level of fertility throughout their lives.

Science is retarded and clownishly evil. Smash science. Kill science.

Anonymous No. 16146459

People became too sheltered during quarantine and when they're finally let out of their pure and sanitized bubble, they're offended by the most mundane things.

They also have Stockholm syndrome with social media and ideas about misinformation. Nothing on social media is real, everything is misinformation. Complaining about misinformation on it exposes that you're too dumb to find out where the real facts are. No one publishes their science, literature, reports, or legislation directly on things like Instagram or Snapchat, it's all 3rd party accounts posting clickbait science.

Cult of Passion No. 16146460

No you know why Im quite hostile to the US and intel agencies in general...theyre polluted with Satanic agents and utterly untrustworthy.

Cult of Passion No. 16146461

>by the most mundane things
Youre out of touch with reality, covid jaded you into the blue pill.

Anonymous No. 16146472

"Misinformation" and "disinformation" are both define as "information that is true, but framed in an opposing narrative". It's just censorship, the fact these terms are allowed to be used in a democracy is abhorrent.

I actually agree that a lot of anti-Western narratives are damaging to society, but then they should be making Western countries appealling places to defend again instead of dividing us by flooding our housing and labour markets with illegal migrants. We never needed these terms because people didn't fall for foreign agitprop and were willing to defend the social fabric of their societies. You win by restoring that fabric, not censoring views oppossed to the regime.

Anonymous No. 16146477

You can get offended but people react by calling the police and going after their children and jobs.

Seething over a photo of an empty egg carton is too much. So is seething when you see a movie with a diverse cast.

Anonymous No. 16146481

>Science is retarded and clownishly evil. Smash science. Kill science.
you are literally talking about a politician doing politics. she was appointed on political reasons, to do politics.
/pol/ bots

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Cult of Passion No. 16146482

>he still doesnt understand that the Left's detachment from reality is a giant fake-out to fascilitate child sacrifice, wars and embezzlement

Youre distracted by the thing they hold up (because youre BLUE (submissive to society).

Thats just used to get you to suggest an alternative, now it was (You) who ensured the crimes, unwittingly.


Cult of Passion No. 16146489

She isnt, youre duped by her.
Youre reacting to her, she controls you while you thoought you were leading.

In Psychology its called Psyche-Driving. Beep-beep, vroom-vroom.

Anonymous No. 16146490

It’s official science, by the official science misinformation czar. You are trolling and gaslighting antidemocratically, presumably from an FSB office

Anonymous No. 16146494

Why is cuckolding such a popular fetish nowadays? It doesn’t make much sense from an evolutionary standpoint.
Is it because of porn conditioning us to look at other people having sex instead of having sex ourselves ?

Anonymous No. 16146499

notice how you're doing the politician's bidding by being a bootlicker and not saying anything bad about them, but rather about the scientists that politicians enslave.
it's like going after some Apple engineer because Apple is making you buy extra dongles for the features you want. /pol/tards disgust me

Anonymous No. 16146501

I don’t read posts by science deniers. Apologize to the Party of Science and you will be heard.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16146502

t. laura

Anonymous No. 16146586

>Make a disingenuous argument
>Get called on it
>Further disingenuously misinterpret the response
>Get mad
>Tell 4chan how mad you are
The life of a twitter warrior

Anonymous No. 16146604

>you are literally talking about a politician doing politics. she was appointed on political reasons, to do politics.
Your post is literally considered disinformation and you could be jailed if you actually had the balls to post that publicly (we all know you don't).

Anonymous No. 16146610

This is malinformation combined with active disinformation. That’s hate. Whereas I am a good and decent one.

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Anonymous No. 16146616

Most people do not know how brief the window of fertility really is. By 35, almost everyone has fertility problems, and a significant portion are literally sterile.

Anonymous No. 16146621

Thank you for revealing your psychological motivation to us but it doesn't detract from the patheticness of what you're doing

Anonymous No. 16146623

Cry harder cave monkey

bodhi No. 16146648

>scientists are enslaved by politicians
I am playing the world's smallest violin for you LMAO. Imagine saying something this retarded and being dead serious. You are delusional and should seek professional help

Anonymous No. 16146670

If people have to live inside misinformation all their lives… and it has been an ongoing problem since most of history probably, what do you think about you?

Anonymous No. 16146674

>and it has been an ongoing problem since most of history probably
nta, I'm torn on this. it was supposed to be a means to an end. "for the greater good", for an ultimate end to hardship.

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Anonymous No. 16146923

>sending women images of empty egg cartons

Anonymous No. 16147335

Yes, by 35 you basically have to start paying fertility specialists and pray. I'm glad my adviser told me this or me and my wife would've waited too long to have kids.

Anonymous No. 16147448

True and real. Women after 25 are left overs. Sad but true.

Anonymous No. 16147537

What has "science" done to oppose the politicians that you claim have enslaved them?

Anonymous No. 16148282

Does that mean its OK if I fuck ur mom?

Anonymous No. 16148391

this dude follows the Duncan Trussel podcast

Anonymous No. 16148734

I've read articles on "fertility".
Just remember that its generally not defined, unlike something like population replacement rate.
Sometimes you get >>16146616 but sometimes it also just means "number of babies per geographical sub group" or "chance of complication".

Anonymous No. 16149001

One of my wine aunts decided in her late 30s to have kids but ended up needing a bunch of IVF treatments just to squeeze one baby out. According to my sister, our aunt had two abortions in her 20s because "she wasn't ready yet".
Now she's an activist for "IVF Rights" and currently supports the "Family Formation Act" which would make IVF treatments a government guaranteed right. If you're an investor, companies that profit off of IVF are probably a good place to put money as more and more women in middle age discover they can't get pregnant anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16149557

Soiyence will lie about anything, its trash

Anonymous No. 16149707

The only conceivable purpose of claims like this is to keep women in the rat race, keep working, forget about family, tell them they have forever.
But older mothers produce more children with Autism and other developmental issues.
Any healthy society will need to breed in their early 20s but this is when people are supposed to attend college and get entry level jobs and work work work.

Anonymous No. 16149916

>Seething over a photo of an empty egg carton is too much
Not really. Bullying causes psychological damage that can last years.

Anonymous No. 16149919

>Seething over a photo of an empty egg carton is too much.
It's kind of low though. Trolling used to be funnier.

Anonymous No. 16149952

Unlike her fertile window

Anonymous No. 16151215

>Oy vey you female goyims shouldn't have kids while you're young the way you evolved to for millions of years, wait until you're 50
>*sinister laughing and hand rubbing noises*

Anonymous No. 16151305

Based take

Anonymous No. 16151352

>I'm glad my adviser told me this or me and my wife would've waited too long to have kids.
this is the problem, these things should be taught in school first hand, someone either your parents are retarded to even tell you something like this and you waste your breeding years doing some stupid shit like work or study for schlomoberg

Anonymous No. 16152029

No, they saw all kinds of things being banned that before no one dared to ban, including speech. So now they think they can get their pet peeve banned too.

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Anonymous No. 16152039

Polysci major says stupid shit
Science is retarded!

Anonymous No. 16152065

the women with dicks can even impregnate in their 90s, so this is correct

Anonymous No. 16152079

Op. Why do you care? No one will fuck you.

Anonymous No. 16152105

actually based

Anonymous No. 16152113

The subfertility portion ? where Subfertility is defined as a reduced level of fertility as seen by a longer time for conception ? All the way up to 31 years ? Wouldnt that green line just be fertility ?

Anonymous No. 16152127

Honest question but do you prefer a girl with a strong masculine penis or a small feminine penis?

Anonymous No. 16152806

trannys don't live that long, homosexuals' life expectancy is over a quarter of a century shorter than everyone else's because they're all drug addicts and they have a high suicide rate

Anonymous No. 16153945

facilitating the death of trannys is the one upside of drug legalization

Anonymous No. 16154198

>but then they should be making Western countries appealling
who do you mean "they"? those that fuck up western society are the anti western, are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16155393

>who do you mean "they"?

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Anonymous No. 16156085


Anonymous No. 16156096

>You win by restoring that fabric
They can't unimport millions of browns.

Anonymous No. 16157117

you can do that fairly easily

Anonymous No. 16157137

Yeah all it takes is the total eradication of your current state, then the implementation of [your] state, then the same thing again once [your] state begins misbehaving as well.

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Anonymous No. 16158286


Anonymous No. 16159432

i always thought the window for males was larger than for females, especially if you took care of yourself but i've been getting conflicting messages about it. I was planning to start getting kids around late 20's, as many as my income will alow by that point, but if i'm likely to become infertile/have retarded kids by 35 then all bets are off.

Anonymous No. 16159458

>When your """intellectual""" takes are second order /pol/ barf
If there is any failing in the West is the overabundance of these impressionable, doom-gloom idiots.

Anonymous No. 16159594

Think about it for a second anon
The female has the plumbing, and the eggs are made during birth of the women. The plumbing is rigged up and is operational by sometime in early puberty, where a ovary(egg) is spent for each mensturation. That has 2 consequences:
1. Only about 500 eggs is spent before menopause kicks in
2. The eggs age, and there is no selection mechanism to kick out less competitive eggs

Meanwhile for Sperm, you instead have a mechanism to make sperm. And there is a selection via sperm health since its technically a race.
The fittest % has a chance of winning the race, but overall reproductive health is still a factor.

This DO make the window larger, but it needs to be reality checked: The point of test tube babies IS that you get to have a selection of the ovary. The sperm race might offset a little, but its still fucked.
The process is also cumulative, meaning age of father vs age of mother. And since marrying a older man is more likely in most cultures, it is what it is.

Anonymous No. 16159686

Some of the people who ever lived were autistic, so you definitely can father children old.

Anonymous No. 16159688

Why does this board refer to science as if it's one big autonomous hivemind brain?

Actually, scratch that question. I already know the answer. The people here are retarded like on every other board.

Anonymous No. 16159773

Believe in Science, chud.

Anonymous No. 16159805

the people who do that aren't representative of the board, it's malicious people trying to burn down the dignified subculture and build a twitter mill in its place

Anonymous No. 16160614

Why does this anon refers to /sci/ as if it's one big autonomous hivemind brain?

Actually, scratch that question. I already know the answer. This anon is retarded.