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๐Ÿงต Bones

Anonymous No. 16147083

Why do bones last so long? Do they ever deteriorate? Why does the rest of our bodies decay in short order, but bones remain? Is there any way to get rid of them?

Something that always comforted me is the thought of dying and eventually no trace of my corporeal form remaining. But bones ruin that, because fossils last for clearly an extremely long time. How can I be fully untethered from this world if my bones are still bound to this plane? What should I put in my will if I want my bones to be destroyed and entered back into the food chain as fast as possible?

Anonymous No. 16147085


Anonymous No. 16147088

but also take into consideration that some of the places doing that recover the energy so (You) might end up powering some fat slob's power fister 5000

Anonymous No. 16147137

Hmm. What about my ashes? I guess just throw em wherever that's as close as possible to leaving no trace. Hmmm

Anonymous No. 16147163

if you want no trace then convert all of it (somehow) to pure energy e=mc^2. so become photons traveling the universe until the end of time.
but that's retarded, you only have your current atoms for the last few years anyway. nothing special about them in particular, but rather their particular arrangement.

Anonymous No. 16147328

mostly minerals and not much energy to gain by metabolizing them i gues

Anonymous No. 16147396

>Hello how do i get rid of them (bones)?

Anonymous No. 16147410

Med fags are schizophrenia
Unless if you have a sense of maturity
But no one mature uses the Internet

Anonymous No. 16147498

What does bones taste like? Why doesn't we built more stuff out of bones? They're so powerful.