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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147772

Give me evidence of something existing without a cause.

Anonymous No. 16147777


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Anonymous No. 16147780


Anonymous No. 16147785

In the beginning it was very hot.

Isn't enough

Something was making it hot.

You have to mention this.

Anonymous No. 16147811

Quantum fluctuations, contingency is more of an issue for atheism, see:


Anonymous No. 16147814

Radioactive nuclei decay without cause. It's totally spontaneous, totally random.

Anonymous No. 16147818

Everything, besides that, nothing.

The universe.

Anonymous No. 16147831


Anonymous No. 16147857

OP posted something sensible but people who replied were tardy and gout. I give up with sci - gonna leave this board today.

Anonymous No. 16147872

Hawking radiation

Anonymous No. 16148735

i've actually wondered about that. god can be used as the cause to justify our existence, but what about god's existence? is there a cause for him too? does it just keep going so on and so forth? if every effect has to have a cause behind it, then at what point do we reach the end of all the causes behind all the effects? maybe some circular sorta thing where somehow the effect leads to the cause?

Anonymous No. 16148762

p-adic numbers

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Anonymous No. 16149040

>is there a cause for him too?

Anonymous No. 16149050

One sure mark of a fool is to dismiss anything that falls outside his experience as impossible

Anonymous No. 16149055

your reproductive organs

Anonymous No. 16149835

the cause is the existence of the radioactive nuclei

Anonymous No. 16149838

that's so le deep

Anonymous No. 16149850

You solve this by saying the universe is (necessary). Everything in the universe has a cause, that does not mean the universe itself needs a cause.

Anonymous No. 16149856


Anonymous No. 16149869

it exists because of your brain, it causes it. it always goes away when your brain goes to shit

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Anonymous No. 16150198

>saying something makes it true

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bodhi No. 16150254

I have explained all this in detail

for the 5 millionth time, God is the uncaused cause, the prime mover. He wasnt made

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bodhi No. 16150255


Anonymous No. 16151207

Yet you can just as easily replace it with nothing since it is an unnecessary leap in logic.

Anonymous No. 16151549

your mom

Anonymous No. 16151550

YEAH? You wanna go bro? Fag. Kys now

bodhi No. 16151555

this doesnt make any sense, care to elaborate?

Anonymous No. 16151560

Yes, you had to invent some axiom that something can't come from nothing just to argue that something other than nothing is at the origin point when logic is fine with just using nothing and the value of nothing as the absolute origin point.

Anonymous No. 16151566

That image was made by a retard who probably finds William Lane Craig compelling. It drops the PSR down by 50+ IQ points. Read this instead, heathens:

Anonymous No. 16151586

You're the one inventing axioms by saying 'logic says something can come from nothing', you imbecile nincompoop.

Anonymous No. 16151597

No, I am using arithmetic logic axioms rather than inventing my own.

bodhi No. 16151598

ok name one thing that ever came from nothing then. Are you denying we live in a causal reality? I dont understand your angle here

Anonymous No. 16151599

Yeah it's bollox. Now fuck off and kys retard.

Anonymous No. 16151602

100% comes from a function based on nothing alone via 0!=100%.

Anonymous No. 16151606

I accept your concession, you have to make up your own bullshit and ignore long established systems of logic to make your point.

bodhi No. 16151613

I got no time for retards so w/e

Anonymous No. 16151624

Long established system of logic, 'nothing can produce something' why? It's widely accepted. Or. I don't answer whys that's not a scientific question. What then? 'what what'? What allows something to come from nothing? 'nothing is allowed....' lots of bullshit in sues. Basically it's just 'it just does ok', and this is long established. You're a fucking faggot you better kys.

Anonymous No. 16151626

That is all you technically have time for since you always have to deal with yourself.

Anonymous No. 16151629

Sure except god, its better something as complicated and convoluted as god be the exception than something as simple and pure as nothing.

Anonymous No. 16151638

In the beginning it was very hot. What this thread implies is that something was making it hot. Not that it was hot for no reason like academic retards assert with long established logic. Goonie.

Anonymous No. 16151648

So its not the beginning, you are just abusing language to make a retarded point?

Anonymous No. 16151650


Cult of Passion No. 16151651

>a cause
No, thats the effect.

Anonymous No. 16151747

Someone's toffed you off.

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Anonymous No. 16151867

>God is necessary because I said so
>No you can't just say things are necessary

Anonymous No. 16151868

The universe apparently.

Anonymous No. 16151875

How do you know "nothing" is even a valid state of existence. There is no nothing anywhere everything is filled with energy, quantum fields, matter, and such things. You can't prove that nothing even exists and so you can't prove that nothing ever comes from nothing.

bodhi No. 16151878

> There is no nothing anywhere
buddy, this is the point I have made a million times on this board over the last decade

Anonymous No. 16151903

So how can you claim to know how it behaves? How can you say nothing comes from nothing?

Anonymous No. 16151907

Don't reply to nametards, newfag

bodhi No. 16153028

why you always sniffing my asshole looking for a treat?

bodhi No. 16153030

I didnt and dont know what you are on about. You just made all this up in your head

Anonymous No. 16153044

I am holding nothing, its an empirical experience anyone can observe, I can see nothing with my own two ears at all times and so can you.

bodhi No. 16153057

there is nothing between your ears alright

Anonymous No. 16153063

My head is between my two ears, there is nothing between my left ear and my left ear, though.

bodhi No. 16153097

there are no atoms there? is it just a void eh? perhaps it is an einstein-rosen bridge to another dimension in your bumhole

Anonymous No. 16153105

There is not even a void, there is nothing because my left ear is my left ear with nothing in between itself since it is itself.

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Anonymous No. 16153141

Watch the video from the beginning, if you have the time, or maybe even watch the movie.

Anonymous No. 16154381

Anyone can always just arbitrarily assign the cause of anything as unknown, but you can't actually show me any cause for nature, reality, spontaneous processes, random mutation, spontaneous recovery, spontaneous emission, spontaneous decay, etc.

Anonymous No. 16154386

No, you generally have dreams, NDEs and/or hallucinate a conscious experience when your brain goes to shit.

Anonymous No. 16156049

Your pathetic life.

Anonymous No. 16156079

That, like yours, was caused by two tards having a fuck.

Anonymous No. 16157408

You randomly posted this thread without something causing you to do it.