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Anonymous No. 16147838

What kinds of genes are currently being selected for in humanity? I notice that none of the educated professionals in their mid-30s around me have more than 1 child. From surveys, the more educated and higher income have less kids. The poorest and less educated have the most kids. Religious groups have a lot of kids, my neighbors growing up were some weird Christian sect and they had 11 kids. The most technologically advanced people, Japanese and South Koreans are having no kids and their population will collapse soon.

I'm evolutionary terms what's happening to the species?

Anonynous No. 16147844


Anonymous No. 16147854

It's an evolutionary biology question

Anonynous No. 16147858

you're /pol/shilling through your teeth.
>muh jewish fairy tale tards are breeding
>muh idealized asian waifu's aren't breeding
>muh catabolic collapse.
Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16147866

religions are eugenic vehicles those that embody the ideals of the religion tend to reproduce more
first you must identify the religion and its ideals

Anonymous No. 16147871

>I'm evolutionary terms what's happening to the species?
Brown religious low-IQ conservatives do all the breeding, so that's what's in future for humanity.

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Anonynous No. 16147884

>the future is conservative

Anonymous No. 16148426

The social ones. So everything is working as intended.

Anonymous No. 16148841

Self-awareness is being rolled back

Anonymous No. 16148885

> What kinds of genes are currently being selected for in humanity?
Blackest gorilla niggers with an IQ of 60
In next 100 years or so Whites and East Asians will be extinct.
There is no "future"

Anonymous No. 16148932

>in evolutionary terms what's happening to the species?

It's called a Market Correction, certain traits were overvalued too much and couldn't sustain the inflation of worth. Thus thier prevalence is decreasing.

What good is everyone having a +100 IQ and/or College Degree if the ecosystem can't support them? So you're smart enough to pass a hundred exams and graduate college but can't get a job paying you more than a 90IQ Trash Man or Truck Driver? And you can't afford to do better than the Trash Man or Truck Driver in terms of buying a home and raise children?

What was the point of wasting energy propagating those genes capable of higher IQ and education when you're no better than a mid IQ and education?

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Anonymous No. 16149097

retards, except the elite who are practicing eugenics and genetically engineering themselves
>in 200 years the world will be burnt out wasteland populated by freaks mutated by intergenerational drug addiction and pollution, with only some roving warbands and free villages full of hardass survivalists outside of the dome cities full of elites and their VR headset wearing mindcontrolled slaves
>unless things change

Anonymous No. 16149107

Low IQ is being selected for. The world will be a 80IQ avg dystopia akin to Pakistan soon.

sage No. 16149113

it's all downhill from here for society.
china was right.

Anonynous No. 16149142

What was China right about?
Did they protect themselves from dysgenics?

Anonymous No. 16149151

china got dysgenic communisted decades ago

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Anonymous No. 16149171

ever wonder why we don't live in Star Trek yet?

Anonynous No. 16149181

Is the tiny image part of your joke?

Anonymous No. 16149208

Yes, we are becoming dumber due to our environment. Why? Because there are too many high IQ people on the planet and not enough high IQ jobs. At some point we'll reach an equilibrium.

Anonymous No. 16149210

No, it's probably because of over education destroying intelligence

Anonymous No. 16149221

That's the same thing. Too many 110 IQs, too few 160 IQs.

It's like how Asians have higher IQs on average than whites, but a lower standard deviation, and they have the lowest fertility on the planet, along with a massive oversupply of postgraduates.

Anonymous No. 16149229

china is extremely racist and is implementing eugenics. they even have designer babies.
in fact, if you were ever in a communist propaganda class like me, you will realize that the concept of "communist person" they are teaching sounds eerily eugenic.

Anonymous No. 16149232

So years ago I read some blog with some guy talking about how society depends on the proportion of the population that could be trained in technically complex fields like plumbing I think his cutoff was approx 106.

See the 160 are rare no matter how smart your population is but if your population iq average drops by 1 point then that's actually quite vast number of competent people vanishing.
I feel like your idea of tighter sd among asians makes sense with this since they will have more of these technical classes but fewer of the innovative genius ranges
Although I think our societies typically stratified with elite groups outside of the masses such as priests or artisans.

Anonymous No. 16149235

china was dysgenic for a long time
but as china does they take western ideas and implement them on mass, they came across national socialsm

Anonymous No. 16149237

>Asians have higher IQs on average than whites, but a lower standard deviation
this isn't true. asians are not a homogeneuos group. in fact, just in china itself they have 50+ separate groups of human with different intelligence capablities. the ones in rural and moutainous china are dumber than the general population with an average IQ of 85-90 or so while the more selective group of chinese get many 140+ IQ. it's just china is so vast with 1.5 billion people you sum them up you get the blurred out average results.
the highest IQ in the world is terry tao who is a chinese ancestry.

Anonymous No. 16149239

Watch idiocracy

Anonymous No. 16149244

agree that they have been in dysgenic in a long time, possibly for a thousand of year. the last han dynasty was the Ming dynasty after that was the Qing who actively discrminated against the han.
in fact, china has been in a downward trend since the tang dynasty when they was like half the world population and was centuries ahead of everyone else.
I guess implementing strict confucianisms and rule of the first born to quell down rebellions has its consequences.

Anonymous No. 16149252

From what I remember China got taken over by jewish financial interests who used northern barbarians to destroy the people claiming some book that taught people to make weapons was anti barbarian
I think there was a book "the history of the jews in china"

Anonymous No. 16149266

I doubt that Judaism had any significant effects on china. The ruling chinks are more jewish than jews.
Even Islam cannot survive as its original form in China.

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The History of he....pdf

Anonymous No. 16149274

found a copy though I never read it only a summary

Anonymous No. 16149286

read it and share with us what you find anon

Anonymous No. 16149289

From the guy I remember talking about it supposedly they ran huge brothels and bought up temples and turned those into brothels

Anonymous No. 16149302


Anonymous No. 16149340

lol is any of that is real?