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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16147971

Soience now says basic hygiene is bad for you. Does anyone here trust this latest new soience?

Anonymous No. 16147991

they're adapting...

Anonymous No. 16147996

Was this ever in question?
You don't wash yourself daily for "health benefits", you do it so you don't smell like shit

Anonymous No. 16147998

everyone knows this. why would washing away your natural oils with jewish and possibly cia chemicals be good for you?
you sound kinda bluepilled and cringe ngl

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Anonymous No. 16148003

this right here. this is a stinky post

Anonymous No. 16148027


Anonymous No. 16148040

People who shower daily are fucking weird. I shower like twice a week max.

Anonymous No. 16148045

smelly thread

Anonymous No. 16148069

why do you smell like shit after not showering for 24 hours?
fix your diet

Anonymous No. 16148085

depends on activity. if chilling at home easy mode daily doesn't make sense.
if you slaving on plantation you better take a shower you smelly fuck.
also take a shower before sex no matter what.

Anonymous No. 16148091

stinky post

Anonymous No. 16148111

Sweat, masturbation, touching hair etc.

Anonymous No. 16148121

Incorrect. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Anonymous No. 16148190

I don't think you're going to win over 4chan with daily showers m8. Men in general aren't known for personal hygiene and particularly nerds insecure about their masculinity may refuse to wash properly because it's gay.

Anonymous No. 16148664

I stopped using shampoo and by skin got better after a month, it's real

Anonymous No. 16148670

>water is a jewish chemical
Now that's a first

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Anonymous No. 16148677

No it doesnt say that.

stop fucking up my hobbies you disgusting shitposter.
why dont you just fuck off and die?
Do you feel proud that you have a negative networth to society?
You enjoy being a burden to others?
Couldnt you spend your time in a meaningfull or productive way instead of shitting on peoples hobby?
dont even try answering these questions for yourself.

Anonymous No. 16149233

Repulsive narcissistic nerds who already presume they're special snowflakes that are too good to exercise are now intellectualizing reasons why they're also excused from basic hygienic practices.
Not even slightly surprising
>I want to be hideously repulsive and offensive to all of the senses
>No, why is everyone rejecting me!!?!??!
>Must be a problem with them
Tranny logic.

Anonymous No. 16149277

I lift or do cardio daily
I get sweaty

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Anonymous No. 16149331

this, they need to be bullied until they learn how to behave properly because their parents didn't raise them right

Anonymous No. 16149342

This is old European tradition. After the fall of the Roman Empire, many civilized practices, like regular bathing was abandoned. Even the royalty didn't do it, preferring to douse themselves with perfumes instead. It wasn't until the 19th century when the modern bathtub was invented that Western people started bathing regularly again.

Anonymous No. 16149366

Regular bathing is wasteful and not only stresses the water supply (the vast majority of the planet is currently suffering from near constant drought as a result of Human caused climate change) but also introduces toxic chemicals into the water for no other reason than Humans have a strange compulsion to be 'clean', a concept which has no basis in reality.
t. Microbiologist

Anonymous No. 16149379

>Microbiologist has opinions about the climate
fuck off

Anonymous No. 16149394

Brown hands typed this

Anonymous No. 16149408

Indian degrees don't count, pajeet. Go roll in cow dung you disgusting animal.

Anonymous No. 16149449


Anonymous No. 16150078

Best post ITT

Anonymous No. 16150084

crusty ass weirdo

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Anonymous No. 16150814


An intelligent civilized human bathes twice a day.

Anonymous No. 16152323

Nerds dont, they're filthy and disgusting and ugly and repulsive and smelly

Anonymous No. 16152347

ITT reactionary retards

Anonymous No. 16152379

I love showers so much I not only take at least one a day but when my wife isn't home I'll sit in the bathroom floor and leave the shower running for 8+ hours at a time on cold just to listen to the sound of the running water. When I lived on my own I ran the shower so often that my first pc I built's motherboard actually died from rust by the sheer level of humidity within my dwelling. When I think of the afterlife and heaven, I picture a shower in a bathroom that's running. I'm actually typing this from inside the bathroom with the shower running right now.

Anonynous No. 16152425

>tapwater has toxins in it
Idk if its true or not but it's hardly new, zoomie.
They just mentioned in the King Kong Godzilla movie a few years ago. (Not the current one.)
I remember /sci/ posting a spooky image of an eyeball that said, "this is your eye on tapwater. Any questions?"
That's gotta be a decade old atleast

Anonynous No. 16152431

I dont want to exagerate. My job regularly has me standing outside next to a dumpsters. Its somewhat smelly, but its okay.
One of my coworkers at this movie theatre is old enough to be my dad and he smells so mother fucking goddamn bad that if I stand or walk in an area that he was occupying several minutes ago, I can taste him and have to gag up spit.

I've plunged my own stinky diarrhea on multiple occasions and never had this issue. Nothing even close.

Anonymous No. 16153438

they always have the shittiest hair too. coarse as shit or oily as hell

Anonymous No. 16153453

It doesn't say it is bad for you stupid poltard bitch it says it has no health benefit

Anonymous No. 16153544

if you weren't filthy and repulsively disgusting you wouldn't have been emotionally triggered by this thread

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Anonymous No. 16153622

The Romans were such fucked up people that God literally buried the city of Rome.

Anonymous No. 16155187

>t. i don't shower, brush my teeth or wipe

Anonymous No. 16156056

>everyone gets a prize
>everyone is a winner
>everyone is special and wonderful
>you have to accept diversity
this is the type of cultural message that creates the atmosphere of permissiveness that allows the filth to thrive.
rejecting judgmental behavior & rejecting prejudice is rejecting human intelligence

Anonymous No. 16156097

The Romans were made mentally retarded from the lead in their pipes. "Hygiene" destroyed their civilization.

Anonymous No. 16156565

Have always showered every two days

Anonymous No. 16156585

I am hypersexual and beat off once every hour or so. I shower twice a day and occasionally sink wash my junk.

If I didn't do this I'd smell like shit.

Anonymous No. 16156596

itt idiots who spend nearly 24 hours a day in an air conditioned home with no exposure to dirt or other elements believing they should shower twice a day.

Anonymous No. 16156605

I'm a fat guy and I smell really bad if I don't shower everyday.
It also causes skin problems like rash and itchiness if I don't wash.

>Jake Gyllenhaal
>Mila Kunis
huh they're both Jews. Isn't that weird? Why is everyone in hollywood a Jew?

Anonymous No. 16156616

>I'm a fat guy and I smell really bad if I don't shower everyday.
That's not so much a promotion of showering every day as it is not being fat.

>huh they're both Jews. Isn't that weird? Why is everyone in hollywood a Jew?
Isn't it weird how the only ones calling out Jews are obese neckbeards?

Anonymous No. 16156622

damn imagine shamelessly simping for kikes who hate you and want to destroy your nation. What do you gain from it?

Anonymous No. 16156637


Anonymous No. 16156671

Strawman and ad hominem.

Me losing 50 pounds doesn't change anything about Jewish domination of America, Europe and the middle east.

Anonymous No. 16156826

This is a lie.
check Gunnar Heinsohn and others' research on the actual cause, it was far more widespread and catastrophic devastating a vast swathe of europe and north africa

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Anonymous No. 16157447


Anonymous No. 16157599

They're probably right. I suspect that there is no benefit to washing until your skin starts to itch or you start to smell. Live sedentary life in a frigid climate, and it'll take way more than one day.

Anonymous No. 16157685

Try a de humidifier
It works so well its unreal

Anonymous No. 16158562

imagine trying to run such an operation in india. they'd fill the pool with shit almost immediately

Anonymous No. 16159768

lead pipes in the aquaduck slow poison that drives mad at the hearth and seat of the empire tbf they didn't knew any better
we on the other are surrounded by more and deadlier poisons and well knowed caused and perpetuated by greed and corruption
don't throw stones from a house of glass I guess

Anonymous No. 16159792

I just know you're waiting for someone to reply so you can say "ackshually the human body is filled with micro organisms you're already stink hehe bet ya didn't know that did you?" I hate you I bet you're not even a real microbiologist I bet you have no idea how to differentiate gram negatives on a plate. Fuck you

Anonymous No. 16159936

Depends on the lifestyle you live. For a blue collar worker a daily shower is mandatory

Anonymous No. 16161112

And then they'd accuse you of racism if you complained

Anonymous No. 16161220

> "Science says"
> Posts random article from the New York Post

Anonymous No. 16162440

they don't wash twice a week, science faggots are all slobs, they're as disgusting as hippies

Anonymous No. 16163545

while begging for an h1b visa out the other side of their mouth

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Anonymous No. 16163829

>has no real health benefit
>bad for you

Anonymous No. 16163948

>lead pipes in the aquaduck slow poison

Anonymous No. 16164451

*fluoride stares at you*

Anonymous No. 16164648

Nowhere does it say its bad, just has no health benefits. Author is still complete moron and every sane person will shower daily because of "smell benefits" alone.

Anonymous No. 16165351

>ze/hir fell for the "human caused climate change" meme
>ze/hir fell for the microbiology meme

Anonymous No. 16166452

>t. smelly disgusting nerd

Anonymous No. 16167699

Remember back a few years ago when they were saying the exact opposite?
I guess they were lying back then, or are they lying now?

Anonymous No. 16168523

>I guess they were lying back then, or are they lying now?
they only communicate in order to spread manipulative misinformation

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Anonymous No. 16169579

Science nerds tend to be about as repulsive and disgusting as homeless bums. No surprise they publish articles in their fake science journals justifying their laziness and filthiness.

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Anonymous No. 16169595

>neo-nazi retard
kek literal subhumanity archetype.

Anonymous No. 16170330

Some commies at a wef meeting got together and saw a slide where humans waste so much so giga liters of fresh water during a bath.
Now they got their useful idiots at basedence and media to get people to skip a bath.
They're gonna award themself a nobel price 5 year from now for succesfully "nudging" better enviromental outcome via sustained messaging or some other bs title.

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Anonymous No. 16171330


Anonymous No. 16171333

I accept your concession.