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๐Ÿงต A biology/Med question

Anonymous No. 16148655

Can any med student tell me if my hypothesis is correct?

A fungus like jock itch, it would be like a grass.
Which grows on the skin.

If I use peroxyde water is like burning it.
But the fungus will grow again, like grass.

If I keep using peroxyde water every day, It will regrow, but lesser every time.
Eventually the skin regrows, and the fungus is simply expelled because the skin would have entirelly being replaced, like cutting a fungus area in a bannana.

This would explain why is so hard to get rid off?

Is my idea more or less on the right path?

Anonymous No. 16149002

Yes but your whole retarded ass blog can be concised as: h2o2, an oxidiser, will kill many things including your own cells if the concentration is high enough.
What are you even after lmao?

Anonymous No. 16149027

A couple principles to keep in mind with any proposed treatment :

1. Potency. This is the easy part. By this logic you should throw bleach on the skin. Hell, even too much water can kill microorganisms. The hard part is not losing potency, as microorganisms can rapidly adapt. This is why you need to finish antibiotic regimens or else you'll make a stronger version of the organism. Are you sure that fungus would be killed in the deeper layers of skin? Likely not. Which brings us to second point

2. Specificity. Throwing H2O2 on fungus might kill it yes, but you'll kill your skin as well. This is part of what makes chemotherapy so awful. It's a poison that kills cancer just slightly faster than your own cells. This is why medicines often target specific structures in microorganisms that don't exist in our body the same way. Less chance of downstream effects

So in other words just go to the urgent care anon. You can permanently scar your skin with h2o2. And that's without a guarantee of expelling fungus

Anonymous No. 16149853

more info needed,

Anonymous No. 16150775


Anonymous No. 16151771

>hep C virus survives boiling
uh, okay
>hep C virus survives MANY years on a surface
The fuck? How many is "many"? Viruses are dead shit, they should fall apart eventually as microbial life goes on without them.

Cult of Passion No. 16151776

rip to his junk