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🧵 Should I get my PhD in MSE?

Anonymous No. 16148666

Title speaks for itself really, I’m about to graduate this next year in Mech Eng. and considering attending grad school. I was originally going to go for Mech Eng. but a friend is trying convince me to go for MSE instead and is really stressing that that it’ll be the future, especially after the turn of the decade.

Can I get /sci/‘s opinion?

Anonymous No. 16148689

wtf is MSE

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Anonymous No. 16148706

Material Science and Engineering

Anonymous No. 16148747


Anonymous No. 16148756

ask in /scg/

Anonymous No. 16148836

Material science is very interesting but is also very diverse. There are some branches you will like and some you will hate. So find something interesting for yourself. I am happy with my specialty in that field, but some other things I just don't like and find then boring

Anonymous No. 16149069

>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

Anonymous No. 16149087


Anonymous No. 16149112

Getting a PhD in what your retard augur friend told you to do would be the dumbest career decision I can ever imagine. Even dumber than those people who studied CS because their low-IQ circle told them they would make a lot of money.
Just do what you would enjoy at most. Don't take advices from money whores and fortune tellers.