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๐Ÿงต The confirmation bias of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16148698

What are some facts and evidence that people here are unable to see?

Anonymous No. 16148710

Other ences

Anonymous No. 16149874

so the author of that picture suggests the most cognitive healthy state is when the class of your beliefs and the class of propositions for which there exists evidence are disjoint?

this is absurd

Anonymous No. 16149887

>What are some facts and evidence that people here are unable to see?
The role of consciousness in quantum mechanics

Anonymous No. 16149889

people can't see it because it doesn't fucking exist

Anonymous No. 16149892

Anthropogenic climate change

Anonymous No. 16149893

Well, NPCs without consciousness can't see it. Obviously.

bodhi No. 16149894


Anonymous No. 16149974

I have had to do some absolute U-turns when my beliefs have been challenged by evidence to the contrary. or by superior logic. Not just in science but also in politics, history, social interactions, spirituality, basically everything. Sure I have felt some degree of incredulity and resistance, even some degree of humiliation when I realized what I had held true for many years was actually wrong, or perhaps just half baked.. My entire belief system now is a strange sort of temporary system. Nothing is certain to any absolute degree. But its what I believe until something with better evidence and superior logic comes along to disprove it, or improve upon it.

I thought that is just what a sane and reasonable person would do. Be open minded. Be rational. Let truth prevail. Expand your knowledge and not let ego or pride make you resist acknowledging a better way of understanding things.

.For many years I just assumed that most people thought the same way. Were we not a rational species over value truth over untruths? Imagine my surprise when this continued and I slowly came to the realization that actually most people are not that way. That would get me into trouble sometimes, in conflicts when I came up across people who held onto evidentially wrong ideas and fallacious reasoning.

I just assumed that if their errors were explained logically and with facts they would reach the same conclusions. No, mostly they became aggravated and aggressive, sometimes resorting to the most petty sort of revenge for the affront of having their beliefs assailed. Of course I was autistic in retrospect. I would be woefully ignorance of the social dynamics that they considered far more important than advancing their understanding of the matter at hand. It took me a long time to learn those social skills, and quite honestly it pissed me off that truth suffered as a consequence.

Anonymous No. 16149977

imo that all belief is born of personal experience (whether that's the personal experience of reading a textbook, research paper, or hearing a teaching speak [and the other sense impressions born of externally produced agents]) and therefore to say that N=1 is insufficient is intellectually (and also spiritually) disingenuous and corrupt.

Anonymous No. 16149984

>insects don't collapse the wavefunction

Anonymous No. 16151039

Go back to your box tardfucker. Its not the act of consciousness observing that collapses the waveform, its the actual act of the observation.Quite literally that. The ACT of observing. Listen shit for brains, this is what you drooling normies get wrong. An observation in this sense means an actual interaction between particles or fields. One cannot carry out an observation without inducing a field or firing a particle at the damned thing you are trying to observe. Its really that simple, and yet you cretinous pond dwelling low life just dont seem to understand it.

Anonymous No. 16151046

you made a fool of yourself. you said consciousness is needed and now it's not needed anymore.

Anonymous No. 16151057

Its impossible to explain anything to you tardfuckers when you lack basic comprehension skills. Stick to things you understand, like shoving random objects in your mouth and anus.

Anonymous No. 16151060

oh you fucked up so it's our fault isn't it

Anonymous No. 16151232

straw man

Anonymous No. 16151235

mystical bullshit
Go read your tea leaves

bodhi No. 16151268

>I thought that is just what a sane and reasonable person would do. Be open minded. Be rational. Let truth prevail
It is, however most of the people on this cursed world are not "sane and reasonable," they are actually barely functioning NPC retards

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Anonymous No. 16151350

>interaction between particles or fields
Please explain which interactions do cause collapse and which don't. All known forces are shown via delayed choice experiments to be insufficient for this purpose. So please explain what additional factor is needed.

Anonymous No. 16151353

The cretin you're replying to obviously isn't me. You should have noticed from the fact that he (unsuccessfully) argues the exact opposite.

Anonymous No. 16151378

That there is zero (0) evidence the brain generates consciousness

Anonymous No. 16151421

>My entire belief system now is a strange sort of temporary system
as it should be

Anonymous No. 16151429

Not all evidence is trustworthy. Evidence is constantly shifting. The author of this infographic expects people to have malleable, constantly shifting passionate world views. Today, ill protest for BLM and defend the police. Tomorrow, in light of new evidence, I'll join a new protest for officer protections.

Such a bizarre opinion. Dare I say a dishonest one. Simpsons paradox exposes that the same evidence, when evaluated in two different ways, can lead to two disparate interpretations.

Anonymous No. 16151481

>What are some facts and evidence that people here are unable to see?
The fact that "complex numbers" are morally, epistemologically and aesthetically wrong. There is no "square root of -1". There may be a pseudoscalar i with the property i^2 = -1. But this is not a number, will never be a number, and is definitely not a fundamental constituent of geometry.

Anonymous No. 16151507

>complex numbers are morally wrong
adding on extra qualifiers is sometimes a sign of low iq.

Anonymous No. 16151529

>adding on extra
can't tell whether this was a self-deprecating joke

Anonymous No. 16151537

>confirmation bias
>What are some facts and evidence that people here are unable to see?
also, can't tell whether this was a deliberate trap.

Anonymous No. 16151543

-farts on you-
-poops on your faec-

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Anonymous No. 16151616

>Nothing is certain to any absolute degree.

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Anonymous No. 16151619


Anonymous No. 16151643

Show me a holomorphic partition of unity on a complex manifold. Oh wait, you can't.

Anonymous No. 16151645

>nooo, stop enumerating distinct aspects
>my brain can't handle the complexity
Not understanding extra qualifiers is a sign of low IQ.

Anonymous No. 16151999

what do complex numbers have to do with morality retard

Anonymous No. 16152042

>I realized what I had held true for many years was actually wrong, or perhaps just half baked.
>My entire belief system now is a strange sort of temporary system.
Do you have an example of an unconventional idea you've held for many years and that has survived all challenges so far?

Anonymous No. 16152056

Teaching obvious falsehoods is morally wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16152114

>For many years I just assumed that most people thought the same way. Were we not a rational species over value truth over untruths?

That's because you only learned from what's being directly communicated and nothing from implicit communication. If your knowledge is built upon a bad foundation, everything based on it is going to partly or wholly wrong.

Anonymous No. 16152248

that's the teaching that's morally wrong. you claimed complex numbers themselves (absent teaching) is morally wrong. how?

Anonymous No. 16152532

does one observer collapse the wave for any potential observer?

Anonymous No. 16152731

Necessarily, measurements have to be consistent among different observers. Quantum cryptography based on entanglement relies on this property.

Anonymous No. 16153069

then we clearly need to have authorized people who can do proper collapses. we can't have any hobo collapsing shit for everyone else