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๐Ÿงต Reasonable reasons to not do stuff just because you can

Anonymous No. 16149010

the 3 limitations are uncertainty, volatility or lack of sane reward or safety for work done or asset acquired, and chaos or competition or understood and known evils and problems

there isn't a good word because the distinctions are pretty complicated between the three still pretty unique tiers of limitations

basically this is why da Jews are actually kind of based and redpilled and not just malicious because whatever for no good reason and christianity is kind of like building towers instead of studying earthquakes and stuff first

generally eastern cultures don't do stuff just because they could and there are like 3 archetypes of the dumb white guys that have no idea wtf they're doing and lots of names for people who filled those roles

basically this is post enlightenment hellenism and it should be taught alongside english grammer in like 6th grade then they let people choose to stop going to school after that

Anonymous No. 16149014

also have no fucking idea what I'm talking about, but it would make sense if smart people talked about it probably and stuff

Anonymous No. 16149035

Sounds like a first graders problem to me. Where am I wrong?

Anonymous No. 16149038

Anonymous No. 16149041

well 6th grade is probably where grading should start but otherwise no you're not really wrong

and all grading should be explicitly ununderstandable to the graded

Anonymous No. 16149058

I thought it started in third grade.

Anonymous No. 16149098

as a kind of color coding maybe

Anonymous No. 16149136

What the fuck are you even talking about. I feel like I'm reading someone write mid stroke.

Anonymous No. 16149144

uh see like you know how when you go up a mountain the air gets thin and the temperatue gets cold and the place gets really steep too so like trying to do anything intellectual also has 3 main aspects of not being safe and comfy too, but they're a little more high concept than cold, steep, and thin air and we don't really have words for them because each is more of a religion to itself or subject matter that's rather niche in terms of schooling

Anonymous No. 16149164

it's probably something best explained or only appropriately approached artistically because computation lacks nuance and also would be like a venn diagram too

anyway the 3 types of persons are scientists, sigmas(lumps together any elitist of the non math or war variety), and special operatives

Anonymous No. 16149166

and generally the point is that whatever those people are doing they should probably not be doing it

Anonymous No. 16149170

nobody should ever do those things
schizophrenic autistic scientists lol SAS

Anonymous No. 16149172

oh and then also uh whenever people make art about all those sorts it's kind of like the positive thing to do is to make fun of all of them, but also of the variety of people like popular athletes and spokespersons etcetera or criminal variety idiots too it's all the same because everyone has that higher higher higher what personality or instinct and it's always just stupid

Anonymous No. 16149179

idk but maybe thought i did
idc but maybe think someone sometime should
and i do know and care but can't really do anything

oh, it is that simple

Anonymous No. 16149209

also seems to be something exact about sos
special operative scientists as in like say most of the water rains on the ocean, but the water that rains on land brings icky dirt into it and then you have these dumb little fish in your chaos that come back as legions of weird lovecraftian horrors

or just a big shark

Anonymous No. 16149213

Anonymous No. 16149223
no fucking clue what's going on

Anonymous No. 16149231
but like there are references to things like sentient idk bugs or bug hybrids or whatever and I guess that's what's at the bottom of the mountain ??? communism

Anonymous No. 16149247

idk the confusingest part is trying to take the experience versus green 2 part idea into 3 distinct topics in the middle of which is the person or people who don't so something retarded like act in a duck porn drama

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Anonymous No. 16149250

How do you get rid of them?

Anonymous No. 16149253

probably a think mark think scenario to each of these 3 aspects
and if you couldn't describe it with like shapes and colors then >>16149035
.... so technically fpbp, but it'd at least be like a 6 page coloring book idk

Anonymous No. 16149273

What is the difference between 9 and 10?
I have heard about thinking and marking, but I have not really understood.

Anonymous No. 16149275

hmmm well i happen to think english is as old as the stars themselves at least so fish~life

i is like any leadership system
f compared to l is like when good and evil is no longer relevantly ambiguous anymore and so 12 goes down to 6
and s versus f is s versus 6 is like space? versus a planet as a picture and e to h

if I even did knew how I would never be sure it could or was being done

Anonymous No. 16149280

emotional intelligence and telepathy

Anonymous No. 16149283

telepathy with who?

Anonymous No. 16149284

I guess you could suppose there's a celestial world health organization?

Anonymous No. 16149287

Anonymous No. 16149303

But why do fish stay around when they are afraid of fishermen?
I still do not understand this because it creates a back and forth that is not healthy.

Anonymous No. 16149314

hunger or just because the conditions of ocean dwelling preference a boredom and simple stubborness

to put it easily dynamite or electrocution wouldn't exactly be unwelcome to something that's just a fich

rather have waters full of jellies honestly and I really don't get why people still have animal farms after the invention of engines

but if you mean people it's because they actually like what they are and as for the fishermen as in some space boogieman or like a squid I think they would be the fech

Anonymous No. 16149357

the nobody is the new christianity is like the idea of not getting the point at all and being everything you were supposed to learn to not do except as satire and so basically the same thing as christianity too such as like they tried their best to just use a dead language so people wouldn't even try, but that didn't last, something about like the story of uh faust or something

but jannies I'm saying this is a confusing topic about trying to keep people from doing science that is actually /x/ or plilosophy that is actually /x/ and I myself am too stupid to really get it so there are examples of /x/ ing maybe call it uh fuck idk cringe? but ...

>>37785989 (OP)
10 concurrent posters spamming hundreds of nonsense posts, anime girls, and youtube links isn't exactly a religion.

Anonymous No. 16149389

I'd been watching the memories series because the omnipotent algorithm suggested it, but anyway the second one is kind of gives off some sense of metaphor for the dark sould series and I never liked 2 was always the gross one

Anonymous No. 16149392

oh it's also about pre modern modern and post modern like the work after post modern is all big data if anything or who the fuck cares

Anonymous No. 16149397

Anonymous No. 16149419

anyway idk why they don't nuke this thread because maybe 2 or 3 posts aren't me rambling

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Anonymous No. 16149462

hmmm so basically the memories series

there's like 3 kinds of people who think they're all that, but they would either climb a tower and fall off of it or they would fight each other just because they're unworthy of the responsibility and power of the stations of their own selves basically

there's like good listeners and studious types or say wise

there's people who are antisocial to keep distance to avoid troubles

there's people who kind of do both, but their issues are just complacency and sometimes really not just crushing your own inner light because it's inevitable anyway

123 and so as far as I know as a person from experience that would be ccj and pct

then it's sort of a rock paper scissors too like if you didn't know that each kind of person had actually seen and understood their "medicines" then they would feel attacked and not corrected like an assault, not a hair cut


kind of hard also to get all of that done without tehnology because the point is also getting people to stop relying on it

but those movies are all very good just that you have to spell out which one is for whom type of person and then get a person to know themselves and each other

and then also at some point it's like ...

Anonymous No. 16149470

and also on 3 specifically the games of big numbers or just hm trying to ignore gah whatever

I know people only hurt me when it's my own medicine anyway

I just don't trust them to administer it quite

Anonymous No. 16149484

ah what I was going to think or say that the only reasonable way to make all being everywhere civil is if they have minds that grow up just knowing lots of various concepts of ethics or else they feel this incredibly un...... well this dread that just makes them feel the pain of a trillion wars whether they do anything at all or not like that theory of what happens to light yagami after he dies....


Anonymous No. 16149497

and something about crime pays if it actually stops suffering and wars which are just institutional crime? except it was actually people voluntarily hurting themselves through one another?...

Anonymous No. 16149615

Is there a way to keep contact for questions later on?