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๐Ÿงต Why are video games so addicting and can they really be replaced?

Anonymous No. 16149125

I think they are a great pain relieving method because they make you forget about everything else, even more so than watching videos/TV because you're somehow active in them even if it's a very slow paced strategy game but your concentration is destroyed for anything else. I have not found a better replacement to them and am wondering if there's really an alternative? This is purely scientific thread because it focuses on the way our brain works and probably the dopamine reward system that gets abused by video games. You can't just force someone with actually a damaged brain to just study and study, they will always relapse to video games and they wouldn't be able to play them sparingly because that's the only way the brain can manage to relieve the stress and perhaps the overwhelming amount of commands or resources to be focused.

Anonymous No. 16149139


Video Games imitate hunting.

All that you want is to hunt, torture and kill and no Video Game will ever sastify you because no Video Game will ever give you Blood and Raw Meat ;)

Anonymous No. 16149168

His dietary advice is objectively right but anything else he says is either wrong or contradicting. Exercise ages you and hunting is strenuous so the need to hunt is a contradiction. You don't need to hunt nowadays and even he himself also says that if you're healthy you're very peaceful so it's not that.

Anonymous No. 16149184

Yeah you are right, I think that Video Games are addicting because they are a loop of stress and reward.

For a video game to be fun there must be stress AKA challenge/difficulty, once you are able to defeat the challenge you are rewarded/relieved and it repeats on and on creating the addiction.

And since the stress from Video Games is very minimal you can easily adapt to it and you will not feel bad for playing.

This is why online games are the most addicting, they are the most stressful which means higher reward/relief while having social connection.

Anonymous No. 16149211

I would also like to note that Video Games removes the focus of your brain on reality. To degenerates, and genetic failures alike, Real Life is stressful. So when they play Video Games their mind completely forgets reality. What happens if they suddenly lose internet connection and all of their distractions? They would have a panic attack and have the extreme urge to mass murder people.

There are many cases of people forgetting their basic needs due to Video Games and Internet. Many cannot sleep at all. Their minds are completely shut off from reality.

I suggest you limit how much you use the Internet. I already completely stopped playing Video Games.

Anonymous No. 16149226

You didn't really propose an alternative.

Anonymous No. 16149243

Marriage, having children and building your own farm is the best alternative.

Assuming you are not able to marry someone, here are some alternatives:

Creating your own website and putting all of your thoughts there

Browsing Internet in general

Browsing forums and chat rooms

Reading books

Watching Netflix

Watching porn and masturbating

Listening to music...

I highly suggest you create your own website on and put all of your thoughts there, it will really help you its kinda therapeutic. You don't need fancy CSS or a good design. A blank website with no design at all with just your thoughts is good enough. Trust me, it will help you.

Anonymous No. 16149257

Anyways, Video Games should be banned.

There are only 2 groups of people that play Video Games regularly:

Children and lonely men.

First of all, children should not be playing Video Games, they should be with their family instead. So children should be prohibited from playing Video Games.

Secondly, lonely men should not waste their time playing Video Games and should do something useful for society like joining the clergy.

Only celibates are allowed to join the clergy because if a husband decided to join the clergy he would need to neglect his wife to focus on the clergy and neglecting your wife is a very horrible sin.

Once you are married you are only supposed to focus on your wife and children, nothing else. There makes no sense for someone in a relationship to play Video Games or do another meaningless futile distraction.

Anonymous No. 16149279

if you're over 18 years old and you still play children's games then you are low IQ and developmentally delayed. you have an adult body, but have not yet developed an adult mind to go along with it, your brain is still that of a child.
"developmentally delayed" is a phrase what was developed after the formerly common clinical phrase "retarded psychological development" became stigmatized and fell out of use.

Anonymous No. 16149309

they're only addicting when you're young. when you get older and grow up you hate them.

Anonymous No. 16149318

Then why are there so many 30+ gamers?

Anonymous No. 16149327


Anonymous No. 16149332

Doesn't sound very scientific.

Anonymous No. 16149367

videos games are orders of magnitude better for you than porn/forums/netflix etc
it's not the best hobby but it's not a bad way to spend an hour or two per day if you spend the rest of your time exercising/socialising/workng

Anonymous No. 16149454

>Watching porn and masturbating
Porn is worse than video games