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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Big Bang theory is creationist nonsense

Anonymous No. 16149202

Watch the earlier part of this video. The prominent theist in the 13th century is making ontological argument in favor of existence of god. See how it is similar to big bang theory.
In fact the more scary thing is that the kind of discussions 7th they had centuries ago is the same as the discussions we have today. science is prominent today but logically nothing has really progressed

Anonymous No. 16149204

Relativity predicting singularities is pretty much agreed to be an error by most physicists at this point.

There likely was a pre-big bang state that did some shit.

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Anonymous No. 16149220

General Relativity is fake and gay. Classical mechanics, electromagnetism, SR, and quantum physicas all fit together. Quantized Inertia is the correct missing piece.

Anonymous No. 16149255

The big bang theory doesn't claim that the universe was created or appeared or anything like that in any way. The theory only says that at some point ~13billion years ago the universe was extremely small. It doesn't say anything about why it's there to begin with. I think that's the different between science and religion, is that religion will insert the missing parts to make a complete story whereas science leaves a lot of things unanswered because they can't currently be answered in any satisfactory way scientifically

Anonymous No. 16149265

To be fair, in a lot of popular science many have extrapolated further and said there was a singularity from nothing at beginning. This is why this retarded misconception is so widespread today.