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🧵 Physics forums

Anonymous No. 16149264

Are there any good physics discussion boards where the people who post actually know what's going on beyond undergrad?

Reddit is just schizo-posting and highschoolers/undergrads asking (often daunting) for advice

/sci/ is just schizo-posting an something-pilled posts by people without backgrounds in science trying to prove a post (atleast the people on /g/ actually talk about tech)

It's frustrating to have to filter through all the nonsense to find people who actually know what's going on, I'm hoping someone who does and can point me in the right direction sees this

Anonymous No. 16149270

>i hate /sci/
good, go away

Anonymous No. 16149278

ye kinda over it as well. anything without reddit tier bullshit or retarded moderation. there seem to be constant retards here specifically ruining science convos. seems like some weird thing for this place.

Anonymous No. 16149281

There are minority forums out there for specific topics.

Anonymous No. 16149288

Do you know better places where I should go to post about science?

Anonymous No. 16149291


Yeah how do I find these? As far as using the internet i'm braindead

Anonymous No. 16149293

>who post actually know what's going on beyond undergrad?
most of these people are doing research to submit to journals not discussion boards

Anonymous No. 16149296


Sure, but not not on the weekends lol

Anonymous No. 16149301

its just a supply/demand problem in the end
most people want undergraduate level content and thats the level you tend to get on the internet
although I have started to see more advanced topics covered as time goes by they are still pretty niche

Anonymous No. 16150267

they are probably doing something else.

Anonymous No. 16150280

Imagine if Newton had had access to 4chan

Anonymous No. 16150306

still would have died a virgin

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Cult of Passion No. 16150330

This is supposed to be a place for researcher's "after hours talk".

A glass of with a little brown, smoke, evil schemes, kot.

Anonymous No. 16150415

No the Internet is too compromised for that. We aren't living in 2005 anymore.

You either have normies or schizos, often both.

Only good forums I've found have been locked in side corporate or organizational chats.

Anonymous No. 16150462

it's kind of cucked. get banned for anything out of corporate accepted speech and need email accounts and shit.

Anonymous No. 16150466

So we're back to the preinternet discussion days?
All of this technological progress has actually taken us backwards.

Anonymous No. 16150471

>All of this technological progress has actually taken us backwards.
it actually pulled the normies in and they brought in all their bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16150475

The two types destroying /sci/ are normies who want to shut down discussion they find offensive and low IQ schizos who just derail discussion into nonsense. Both groups are quite numerous which impacts the quality of discussion quite a bit.

Anonymous No. 16150477

people used to live in the real world and use the internet as a form of escape, now the only form of escape is to return to the real world.

Anonymous No. 16150492

well, partially. sure people spent more time outside but they were pretty hooked on cable TV as well.

Anonymous No. 16150496

physics stackexchange is what i recommend. its not a forum, but good place to get quality answers if you ask quality questions

Anonymous No. 16150503

never posted anything there. but did read some good answers, in time.

Anonymous No. 16150773

Yes. Why are you surprised? In effort to make everything easier and more accessible the effect is created. The Internet is easy and accessible to use. Specialized forums are a bit dead because of this ESPECIALLY specialized forums on things that attract schizos and normies like physics.

This is also all the fault of Physicists as well. Like 100% on them. They purposefully glamorize and make the field seem exotic, masters of hiring STEM writers to come up with interesting metaphors for the actually dry and straightforward math and experiments being done.

Ask yourself this, when has an experiment ACTUALLY been discussed in any article going out to the public? Not the results either, but the design, the data points, how they explored the space of design to arrive at a conclusion or the data to conclude something? These dry topics are ignored because physicists just want to memorize the normies, attract the schizos, and secure public funding. But this has the added effect of ruining 'public' discourse of the field.

Anonymous No. 16150801

>this is also all the fault of physicists as well
Another fucking idiot. Physicists don’t write your popsci articles you fucking moron. It’s the fault of science journalists not the people who do the real work. You write three paragraphs of self righteous bitching just to prove that you’re one of the idiots who ruins discussions on this board because he’s too stupid to know anything but still wants to force his opinion on everyone else anyway.

Anonymous No. 16150899

are there other /sci/ like image boards? I like the no account anon thing

Anonymous No. 16150944

Literally all of your directors green light and encourage it. Every major national lab has entire communications divisions focused solely on that interface. Universities are the same way, maybe not embedded into the physics departments, but you better believe they work and greenlight university press which is where this ALL starts.

You clearly don't know the actual politics of your field.

Anonymous No. 16150987

is mathchan still alive?

Anonymous No. 16151028

One example argument of astronomers leading the public astray, booooosting creationism, and then trying to take it back - I know, astronomy isn't science, but this fits an example pattern to be on the look at for. They posit some absurd non-sense and someone points out the ramifications and then they piss themselves.
It is only a matter of time before the black hole picture to be outed as fake and gay. Come to think of it, does any scientific field have this or is it just those star gazing fags? Maybe the hotters also?

Anonymous No. 16152531

seems ded