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Anonymous No. 16149373

How do I meaningfully wrap my head around the concept of spacetime? Like I kind of get it but I also don't really understand how time and space can be the same thing nor do I really understand time in a scientific way. I feel like it I understood it better I would understand reality better

Cult of Passion No. 16149377

I heard it redescribed as "Counter-Space" and it helped me construct it geometrically. I dont fully agree with Wheelers definitions but its some of its perspective I found illuminating.

Anonymous No. 16149381

It's simple, just imagine an n-dimensional space and then set n=4

Anonymous No. 16149403

Time and space aren't the same thing. Time and space are both components of spacetime, but time isn't a spatial dimension.

Anonymous No. 16149422

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16149429

I-I was just asking a question s-sorry

Anonymous No. 16149433

>how time and space can be the same thing
They aren't and they can't
>nor do I really understand time in a scientific way
Nor does any human
Spacetime is jewish pseudoscience

Anonymous No. 16149434

Well that's a relief I guess

Anonymous No. 16149439


Anonymous No. 16149490

I mean it's pretty easy, like how if something was travelling faster than the speed of light and you saw it coming right at you that image of light is actually from something in the past about to crash through you. simple stuff

Anonymous No. 16149492

just to be clear, if you saw it coming at you it would crash through the back of you.

Anonymous No. 16149505

That's assuming it's moving at a constant speed. If it accelerates beyond the speed of light, then you'll still see the image of it when it was slower

Anonymous No. 16149514

I love her. I love lain so much.

Anonymous No. 16149625

Spacetime is a mathematical model representing three dimensions of space and one linear dimension of time, space and time are related because time itself is measured as rate of change, as you shorten/lengthen space the measure of time becomes shorter/longer, because you are changing the rate of information exchange

Anonymous No. 16149629

traincars on a track live in a one-dimensional universe, they can either go forward or back but not around obstructions. A two dimensional object like a drawing on a piece of paper, can move around an obstruction but is always stuck to the paper. A three dimensional object (such as your mother) could build a staircase or ramp to get over an obstruction (such as my dick) but it will always be now for her, whether she has yet to scale my dick or is in the process, or has already done so. A four dimensional being could easily fast forward and rewind the spectacle of your mother climbing my dick as many times as it wanted, as easily as you or I climb stairs. Does that help?

Anonymous No. 16149634

Space-time is the time of space, the fact space exists means there is something causing it to persist in our consciousness. Call it vacuum. This implies the time we spend with space is a factor of its own and thus a space related time exists. I think we experience more prominently hyperspace-time.

Anonymous No. 16150061

Seethe, jew

Anonymous No. 16150064

That's just about the fact that the object would reach you before the light would because light travels at a finite speed. It doesn't mean that time is relative or any of that other Einsteinian pseudoscience.

Anonymous No. 16150479

take calc 1, 2 and 3 and you're good to learn SR

Anonymous No. 16150664

Without space there can be no motion.
Without motion there can be no happening.
Without space there can be no happening.

Anonymous No. 16152692

Time isn't real and anyone who doesn't comprehend is needs to be shot in the back of his head or humanity is not going to make it.

Anonymous No. 16153995

Post twitter handle

Anonymous No. 16154016

Easy. Imagine the absence of space time.
Past the initial shock wave of the big bang there exists no spacetime. No mass, no particles, no light, no energy, no gravity. Change propagates at the speed of light so past the expanding universe there is nothing.

kfir No. 16154197

Think of the space and time you leave for other motorists so you don't kamikaze yourself into a split second blue eternity that ends with a perdition as dull as dishwater.