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๐Ÿงต Genetic Information

Anonymous No. 16149425

Where does the information found in things like DNA and RNA come from? How can it possibly come from any natural process?

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Anonymous No. 16149426

>Where does the information found in things like DNA and RNA come from?

Anonymous No. 16149731

stay in school kids, don't end up like these retards

Anonymous No. 16149748

There is no information in DNA or RNA. Biologists cause confusion with schizobabble like ''blueprint'', ''translation'' and ''building blocks''. These are merely conceptual narratives. In reality there's just stuff that replicates and transforms.

Anonymous No. 16149751

DNA and RNA is information (literally, you can have in txt file) about your body, in a very compressed form, which unpacks using libraries from the environment. it's so densely packed that you need 20-25 years to unpack it fully.
they have no choice but to deny the ideas of information stored in DNA and brain being an analog computing machine because it goes against their brainrot (religion).

Anonymous No. 16149758

>literally, you can have in txt file
No your txt file contains letters that are symbolic representations of stuff (nucleotide). Both atheists and christians need to learn the difference between symbolic representations and reality.

Anonymous No. 16149780

doesn't matter how you encode it (with symbolic representations) you idiot. as long as you can extract the information.
you cannot separate the information from our DNA no matter how much you screech about it. if we can send DNA file to other side of planet and they build the organism based on the INFORMATION you put in the file, and received in the mailbox (
you retards need to update your shit, you're on that 90's cope for some reason, completely failing to account for the science since.

Anonymous No. 16149790

>you cannot separate the information from our DNA
I agree because DNA = information. DNA and information are just words to refer to the same stuff.
>doesn't matter how you encode it
Because you only look at the structure of stuff and overlook what the structure is made of as if that doesn't matter but it does. Your letters on a screen and your silicon DNA waifu will always be a mere simulation because the structure is not made of organic stuff.

Anonymous No. 16149791

If you consider existence of life in other forms of energy a nature, then it's natural. Otherwise I can say it was formed by spirits.

Anonymous No. 16149801

doesn't matter what language or encoding you use for information dude, why tf do you insist? you can plant trees in the shape of a cock as seen from an airplane. the message is there, encoded in the position of the trees on the ground. you can extract that message. it's information.

Anonymous No. 16149811

Fuck off you retard moron.

Anonymous No. 16149819

If you're that upset I must've said something that you don't want to be true. I rest my case.

Anonymous No. 16149827

That's like asking where the "information" encoded by an ice Crystal's lattice geometry comes from.
It's just the natural consequence of deterministic replicators.

Anonymous No. 16149829

>people don't get mad when they're fed obviously fake info
sure midwit

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Anonymous No. 16149830


Anonymous No. 16149840

we all know how you look like no need to post pictures of yourself you narcissist

Anonymous No. 16149876

Oh ho ho gotem with that one chief

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RNA Polymerase Ho....jpg

Anonymous No. 16149888

First and foremost is overwhelmingly far more probable that life started in the early universe, 9 billion years before the Earth even existed. That gives enough time for DNA complexity to grow from zero to the level of archaic unicellular organisms. That is because the early universe was hot enough to allow life everywhere except close to stars. Life starting in planets orbiting in the Goldilocks zones around stars requires a lot of luck, and in the case of life originating in Earth it becomes absurdly improbable to go from dead matter into archaic cells in so little time.

Anonymous No. 16149898

Amino acids

Anonymous No. 16149909

That's like saying you can't have a country on a map, because a country is a piece of land that won't fit the paper.

Anonymous No. 16149915

No one mentioned proteins? That's some pretty complex biology the way protiens encode and decode DNA. Perhaps the information in DNA comes from a molecular sense of self preservation.

Anonymous No. 16149917

You sayin' Mother Earth 's been impregnated or sumthing? Damn bruh but now we have this additional problem you see how these early multiplyers were not competin' and evolvin' just yet but instead were travelin' all over while stayin' in these ancient forms but once embedded in a planet suddenly start competin' and evolvin' you know what I'm sayin'?

Anonymous No. 16149927

>garble garble
It's like sayin' that maps are not the territory but both do exist in the same reality and yet maps are different substances than the territory because the thought of a hamburger is not edible or nourishing for your body even though such a thought can simulate all the sensory experiences of eating a real hamburger.

Anonymous No. 16149938

you can tweak that info and make an order from a company that assembles the bacteria DNA and ships it to your door. you send information, literal information, over the fucking internet, and they assemble that information and ship it to you
you can do it yourself, at home.
I'm amazed at your willingness to deny reality so your bullshit ideas still make sense. how the fuck can you be so dissonant? doesn't it mentally hurt? don't you feel like an absolute buffoon you flat-earther dimwit?

Anonymous No. 16149981

>you send information, literal information
No you don't. You copy the structure of organic stuff by rearranging some other stuff (electricity through computers, cables, printers etc.) into the same structure. You're speaking like kilograms and mass exist but these are just ideas about how much particles are in a space.

Anonymous No. 16149989

turboretard run any%

Anonymous No. 16150032

Don't worry I can see your pain and I can alleviate your suffering a little bit by making clear what is so hard to communicate for you: there must be a platonic ''something'' that tells the stuff how it should be structured. Information is a placeholder for that something preferred by math schizos.

Anonymous No. 16150044

>there's gotta be something to prove me right
keep coping anon. you should continue your line of though over at >>>/x/

Anonymous No. 16151010

You are all fucking retarded. The point in the OP is that if there is information i.e. DNA being able to actually do stuff, then it has to come from 'somewhere'. Trying to find natural explanations for it just leads you into paradoxes.

Anonymous No. 16151015

>early universe
What era within the the universes history would allow for organic life to form all over the place?

Anonymous No. 16151018

No it doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16152342

The god consciousness

Anonymous No. 16152675

Would these txt files contain information that only pertains to your biological material, or could you use these instructions to directly create any chimera/homunculus you wish out of any material?