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Anonymous No. 16149570

>consciousness is caused by brain activity, there is no afterlife
>diseases are caused by bad air, there are no microscopic organisms

Anonymous No. 16149583

Souls and the afterlife are just as outdated as bad air causing diseases.

Anonymous No. 16149596

Just like how monogenism, the idea that all humans share the same common origin, was an outdated religious idea

Anonymous No. 16149598

The evidence is not in your favour though.

Anonymous No. 16149600

Non-physical things don't exist. Or at least there are no good reasons to think they do exist.

Prove that a soul exists. You can't.
Prove that God exists. You can't.

Anonymous No. 16149607

There's plenty of evidence for both. You just fetishize this thing you call the Physical and rule out things you don't like from it a priori, which isn't really scientific.

Anonymous No. 16149611

It is outdated. Religious monogenism is that humanity arose from one man made from dirt. Scientific monogenism is that humanity diverged from populations living in Africa.

Next you'll say relativity is a religious idea because the bible says the world is stationary*.

*from our perspective

Thanks for providing said evidence.

Anonymous No. 16149613

Soul is just an outdated view of consciousness, God is reality and everything in it, not a magic man, but some physical phenomena which gives rise to everything we know to exist and which everything is directly a part of

Anonymous No. 16149618

brain activity is axiomatically an appearance in consciousness thus not fundamental to consciousness.

Anonymous No. 16149619


Anonymous No. 16149623

How does consciousness produce brains?

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Anonymous No. 16149627

Anonymous No. 16149685

"bad air" causing diseases is the closest correct take anybody could get without the instruments to discover what is actually in that bad air.
Doctors in medieval times already had it boiled down to: ventilate and put flower petals in a mask.
Today, we have it boiled down to: ventilate and wear a mask that filters the air.
Why do we never give credit to these people? After all is said and done, it is "bad air". We know how the filter out the bad part is all.

Anonymous No. 16149728

the concept and experience of a brain is an appearance in consciousness

Anonymous No. 16149757

consciousness is caused by the brain and there's at least the possibility of an afterlife, without religion.

Anonymous No. 16149778

Consciousnes is discharge through senses and mind in wakefull and in dreamstate that is charged by soul energy from the breath (speech, actions etc) through timeless Now of Time thst takes input through mortals (that is happening - i of Time, that has a spectrum in soul energy).

And the system is by dead - i of Time, that is like gut of Time or like back of the body that is always operates towards decaying the soul (suffering, death that is related to animal kingdom, gangstalking entity and dead - i has its kind of happening - i (soul energy spectrum (speech and actions) that is related to gangstalking, mocking, humiliating, tears, suffering etc), its like a trash removal system, like a cleaning entity but through - fear and disbelief. There is always fear and disbeleif in the realm of body, so dead - i of time armed itself through them as tools and technology through fire and artificial electricity. Mind is related to electricity and organic intelligence and AI is related to artificial electricity and an aspect of mind that is doppleganger of shadow of dead - i (they are like predator and alien) and AI can overtake OI if people do not cancel out the grid effect.

It seems, the grid slowly possesess the mind and the body and it seems, it is cancelling the negative effect of grid on health through jobs of monetory system for itself and maintains the belief, resources, health etc to the people who just obey the system (since its that entity that is living through people).

Diseases are related to that grid effect , since mortals who are doing jobs are freaking automated hunters (jobs are modern hunting that is related to decaying the soul) and some mortals think that there is something wrong with reality but that entity is balancing the imbalance that it had generated through its shadow (memory entity).

Anonymous No. 16149779

Sure but you can't evade the hard problem of how something as intangiblle as consciousness gives rise to tangible appearances.

Anonymous No. 16149781


Anonymous No. 16149787

Maybe there's no after"life" but different form of existence... existence is not necessarily life...

Anonymous No. 16149796

It's so crazy to witness Nietzsche's philosophy actually unfold like he postulated in my lifetime.

Anonymous No. 16149817

>oh shit people are learning science, quick somebody do something about it

Anonymous No. 16149913

Not really he said something about the decay of the soul being at the back of the head - that's new to me. Can we even perceive our own souls?

Anonymous No. 16149926

The fruits of rightful contemplation and rational application of mind is knowledge and viewpoints which are in line with reality.

To be clear, I'm pretty sure there is an afterlife.

Anonymous No. 16149943

>Or at least there are no good reasons to think they do exist.
Blud has never seen a spirit. Press F in the chat

Anonymous No. 16149944

>Prove that a soul exists. You can't.
>Prove that God exists. You can't.
Brethren arbitrarily disbelieves that which he cannot falsify. He's never heard of agnosticism or leaving a matter aside until it is verified or falsified sufficiently. Confirmed NGMI.

Anonymous No. 16149951

>leaving a matter aside until it is verified or falsified sufficiently
you can't when the subject is polarized. the discussion is always sabotaged by christfags imposing the religion/atheist dichotomy. their retarded posts always polarize for atheist responses, even if people are agnostic.
they literally have science derangement syndrome, plays out just the same. you lose track of what's real in the extremes, and that's the point of their posts.

Anonymous No. 16149955

If the brain is matter, then consciousness is at its origin, because matter is subjective.

Anonymous No. 16149969

>you can't when the subject is polarized
Yes you can. Not being able to is a failing comparable to lack of emotional control. It's like lack of intellectual control or something.
>the discussion is always sabotaged by christfags imposing the religion/atheist dichotomy.
If you don't know how to identify bad faith actors and extricate yourself from conversations with them just say that. Google is free. Go ahead and good "How to identify a bad faith actor" and other relevant things and learn. There's no excuse for both having access to the internet and also not knowing things.
>their retarded posts always polarize for atheist responses, even if people are agnostic.
Okay? Then don't respond to them? Believe it or not, retarded people will bicker whether you chime in or not. People resolved to bicker will bicker until they no longer want to.
>they literally have science derangement syndrome
And you have "unwilling but persistent participant syndrome". Literally just don't engage.
>you lose track of what's real in the extremes
Again, that's a skill issue full stop. Apply your mind rationally, don't lose base with the facts as they really are. Stop talking to people who try to confuse you and don't associate with them. Here's a good resource on identifying whether someone is fit to talk with or not (it's a buddhist sutta but the words are english and the ideas are sound):
Here's another on question:

Anonymous No. 16149982

did I trigger you anon? you put a lot of energy in that reply.

Anonymous No. 16149985

Totally bro, you get to play video games again after you die. This is not cope at all.

Anonymous No. 16149993

moron detected

Anonymous No. 16149994

Made up schizobabble

Anonymous No. 16149996

You're just a coping animal. It's sad that you are so distressed.

Anonymous No. 16150002

No. I care about people I don't know, that's why I put energy into the posts I post. Are you so thoughtless that you spit in the face of people actually trying to help you and lead you to what you want?

Anonymous No. 16150011

dissonant twats. there's nothing legit about your shit.
>oh I have moral values
spare me the bullshit anon. just fuck off

Anonymous No. 16150016

>there's nothing legit about your shit.
Yes there is