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Anonymous No. 16149643

if time travel is possible, how come there aren't any time traveling tourists visiting us all the time?

Anonymous No. 16149647

>if non-Terrestrial life were possible, then where are all the aliens?
Regardless of whether time travel is real or not, shit argument.

Anonymous No. 16149658

We're in the original timeline.

Alternatively, there's a new timeline for every group of entities that time travel. We're in the timeline of a reserved autist who just wanted to escape the universe's collapse.
Pick one.

Anonymous No. 16149663

What makes you think there aren't?

Anonymous No. 16149686

Time travel isn't possible. Particles can go backwards in time but if you made a person out of this antimatter they'd still be normal and could talk to you.

Anonymous No. 16149698

There are. I am one. I have come from what you would call the year 10,234 AD.
I am a result of an advanced civilization that arose long after the fall of your civilizations in your era. You guys got greedy and stupid at the same time, while you were all worrying about climate change you ignored the real environmental dangers. Unsustainable population growth, general pollution, destruction of habitats, over-fishing, over grazing, all the rest. As a result biodiversity collapsed around the year 2110 AD and about 99% of you died to starvation, wars over resources, and few ancient diseases with some new genetic modifications made a come back too. Most of you died horribly.
Not much is known about what happened afterwards. Records are very few. We can only surmise that a dark age followed for centuries until eventually small enclaves of humans grew in strength and recovered lost technology, while the environment slowly recovered enough to support larger populations. Then, about one hundred years ago my own people realized that Humanity was going to repeat its mistakes, exploiting the last remaining resources, wiping out more species, and continuing with unabated population growth. So the first thing we did was exterminate every last fuckwit in our own society and then exterminated everyone else on Earth who didn't agree with us. With the future secured we could then turn to the past. The past humans needed to be punished for their crimes against nature. So we concentrated all our efforts on technological improvements and science. Eventually we invented time travel. So then we back in time to the year 2025 AD and wiped everyone out except for our own ancestors. Then one of us said, hey, what if we go back again, but a year earlier, and warn you dumb bastards that we are going to wipe you out and tell you why, but you will ignore us, and so when you do ignore us we will feel better about wiping you out a year later.
So here I am.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16149712

>probably, its not the mortals that can travel time but the entities, for example a mortal's body has to live inside timeless sentiences of air, water and mater like how a mortal walks on earth that is a timeless sentient place holder. They can see us like how we see - ants in row from both ends. Those entities can echo or can shadow the past through the data or information of future. Thats what the bat and internet represent in reality.

Anonymous No. 16149725

Probably, its not the mortals that can travel in Time (Time itself is a mind that has timeless Now that takes input through soul energy that is happening - i, speech, actions etc) but the entities, for example a mortal's body has to live inside timeless sentiences of air, water and stone earth or like how a mortal walks on earth that is a timeless sentient place holder like a doppleganger of Time, like its shadow. They can see us like how we see - ants in row from both ends. Those entities can echo or can shadow the past through the data or information of future. Thats what the bat in lifefoems and internet represent in reality.

Anonymous No. 16149743

The travel attendants are on strike, so there've been some delays.

Anonymous No. 16149745

Well first of all, time travel to the past probably isn't possible.
That being said, the most plausible (relatively speaking, it's still a stretch) theoretical method for traveling to the past involves wormholes. Those wormholes only allow traveling as far back in time as the wormhole was created. Because humans haven't invented time travel yet, we could at best expect time traveling aliens.
But even if there wasn't such a limitation, it doesn't mean there would be anyone interested visiting Earth of our time, or consider it worth the costs. For example it could be that by the time "we" invent time travel, we aren't even humans anymore but some kind of post-human entities that have better things to do with their time and resources than to visit their ancestors that are essentially just bacteria compared to them. It could be that it would involve some scientific interest, but it also easily could be that it wouldn't - or again, not enough to be worth the costs which could be plausibly astronomical.

Anonymous No. 16149747


Anonymous No. 16149755

All the time-travellers end up dying in space, because they forgot to factor in that literally everything is moving.

Anonymous No. 16149782

>if time travel is possible,
it's not

Anonymous No. 16149792

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

So you're telling me you never saw a time traveler? Maybe they don't have it written on their foreheads...

Anonymous No. 16150179

Well, think about it - if you were lived in the future where time travel exists, and could visit and observe any of the exciting, cultured, significant, or remarkable periods in human history... would you really waste your trip going to the miserable fucking 2020s?

Anonymous No. 16150253

only passive time travel is possible. they can watch us but cannot intervene, or actually bodily stand here. next time you masturbate, aim for such perfection as to make it into the illustrations of some future encyclopedia of psychology of early humans.

Anonymous No. 16150265

Because it isn't possible unless you change the state of the entire reality, including yourself, to match that point in time, it would be pointless anyway because you yourself would be affected in the process, you can't go back and kill hitler because you would cease to exist, if you were to somehow remain unaffected then you would not be travelling in time, but changing timelines, it would no longer be the same time

Anonymous No. 16150302


Anonymous No. 16150325

Because any movement outside of one’s “home” timeline causes a divergence that in essence spawns a separate timeline that prevents paradoxical issues.
If you time travel from here, you will never be able to travel down the same stream you are living in, you will be forced into a spawned timeline which would not cause a paradox in your “home timeline”
Its really that simple
For example - Mr. Hawkin’s party for time travelers was attended by time travelers just not in this timeline (if that makes sense)