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Anonymous No. 16149644

Math nerds, is this mathematically sound mathematically speaking?

Anonymous No. 16149659

Who made that image? They weren't a USAian. What's your angle here and why did you post this? Is this in constant dollars?

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Anonymous No. 16149664

>subtle /pol/ bait
>scientifically speaking
>no actual substance for scientific discussion, just politically motivated content
dont you have your containment board for these very pressing quesions?
there are many likeminded people who will aprreciate your concerns about JEWS

Anonymous No. 16149672


Anonymous No. 16149674

A total over 75 years doesn't tell you much, you'd have to look at population per year, and compare that to the US population in the same year. But if we look at 2019, the year US financial aid to Israel was increased to $3.8 billion (for a population of 9.054 million) we get $3.8 billion / 9.054 million = $419.70 per Israeli citizen.
In that same year, the US government had a tax revenue of $3.6 trillion. Subtracting the financial aid to Israel that year (.001 % of the total revenue) we are left with $3.5962 trillion, for a population of 328.3 million, or $10,954.01 to be spent for the benefit of each individual American. That is 26 times more than the average Israeli citizen. It would've been less in the preceding years. So I really doubt the claim in the picture is tenable.
Of course, individual Americans aren't going to just receive a cheque from the government, because most of that is going to the defence budget, infrastructure, government salaries... but it'd be the same for the Israeli government.

Anonymous No. 16149689

Okay, it's a shoa.
>Get "The Holocaust" out!

Anonymous No. 16149723

LMFAO, nobody cares about your opinion or country my shill.

Anonymous No. 16149736

Pardon me for writing English as it was intended, instead of your debased colonial form. I assume the numbers are still comprehensible to you, though?

Anonymous No. 16149864

it doesnt take into account the time value of money

Anonymous No. 16150349

>xx . xxx , xxx , xxx
What the fuck do the dots and commas mean in that number ?

Anonymous No. 16150366

That vermin, the jews, are parasites. Only the most stupid ignorant idiots fail to realize that simple truth.

Anonymous No. 16150437

If you bought a soda from work for 1 dollar every day for a year, you would have spent 365 dollars on soda. now lets say you quit your soda habbits. you are 30 years after spending your money on all of that soda. lets say you got some bonds at 4% interest for 365 bucks. you actually lost 1,300 dollars.
>the Israelis stole possibly huge sum, look at this simple adition!!!
<realistically, america is a huge waste of money, yall buy big stupid houses you have to clean. If you want to complain about your personal financial troubles then perhaps you should look inward to your own states and realize that globocorp sucks money out of your immidiate community much faster than any shipments of abram tanks to israel can.

Anonymous No. 16150638

Why does he use a dot to mark billions and a comma for the rest?
That's interest. What they do miss is inflation.

Anonymous No. 16150661

500,000 Israelis are also US citizens tho

Anonymous No. 16150771

Six million US citizens have automatic Israeli citizenship.

Anonymous No. 16150777

so what do burgers become United States of Israel?

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died for israel.jpg

Anonymous No. 16150791

No, it dramatically underestimates the amount given per capita to Israelis because it doesn't count USA government money spent subverting the governments of Israel's neighbors to the benefit of Israelis and it doesn't count the money spend on USA wars against Israel's enemies which the USA itself had no interest in whatsoever

Anonymous No. 16150807

I guess we are getting very far away from science. I think US aid to Israel is seen as a way to strengthen American interests in the Middle East, so it doesn't really make sense to compare us/Israeli aid receipts on a per capita basis.