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Anonymous No. 16149679

Do you stay /sci/lent when you don't understand something in class and just learn it at home by yourself? Has this ever hurt your grades?

Anonymous No. 16149687

This has never happened to me. Everything taught in class was trivial.

Anonymous No. 16149961

Sometimes I just ask and sacrifice my dignity. Sometimes the embarrassment makes the concept stick with me. I think when the class size is ~15 and everyone is half asleep it doesn't matter much.

Anonymous No. 16149963

asking questions so you understand something is good

Anonymous No. 16149973

In high school, I'd ask because we were encouraged to (and it was a principal earnestly upheld). I've been to a few schools so I'm sure some places encourage you but don't protect you from scorn if you actually do (or don't protect your dignity).

In college, I'd more or less just listen and then google/youtube it later. Once you know the name of a topic, it's very very trivial to find it explained 5 different ways from sunday via google/youtube/reddit etc. So that's what I do.

Anonymous No. 16149976

I have inattentive ADHD so I just nod my head through lecture and can't understand a single equation till I sit down and mess with the problem.

Anonymous No. 16149992

You shouldn't be doing your own research you fucking moron. You sound like one of those anti science maga rednecks that have infested this board ever once the start of the covid pandemic. You should be doing your own research, and you definitely shouldn't be doing it at home.