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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16149841

According to science, this color is proof that our current theory about the color spectrum is wrong and that we need to re-evaluate our notions about what a color is.

Anonymous No. 16149843

how come

Anonymous No. 16149844

fuck you op, now this thread is going to be another shitfest about people saying:
>magenta isn't real!
>but yellow and cyan also ain't real!
>every color is fake!!
every single fucking time, no conclusion is drawn.

Anonymous No. 16149848

What if my magenta looks like your yellow?

Anonymous No. 16149852

Shut up retards, there are only three primary colors, which is Red (the long wavelength one), Green (the medium wavelength one) and Blue (the short wavelength one)

EVERY other color is made from one of these being combined in some way

Anonymous No. 16149861

>no conclusion is drawn.
color representation of the world is not perfect, nature said "good enough". we can see new colors (theoretically with maybe hardware mods)

Anonymous No. 16149863

>EVERY other color is made from one of these being combined in some way
no that's fucking wrong. red green and blue fully stimulate your eye cones, where colors in between partially stimulate each of RGB cones
what you "see" is electric signals from eyes. what they detect is based on R G B cones activation.

Anonymous No. 16149886

that's just red imbued with the high photon energy of blue

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16149904


Anonymous No. 16149975

My eyes are telling me that I'm not seeing green, but something else...

Anonymous No. 16149978

Goethe was right: Newton is wrong.

Anonymous No. 16149986

No, it's not, you made that up.

Anonymous No. 16149997

>repeats exactly what was said with slightly different semantics

Anonymous No. 16150001

what's wrong with the pink color?

Anonymous No. 16150009

Retards feel offended that it challenge their understanding of what a color is so they lash out at magenta

Anonymous No. 16150017

magenta is made by god to test our faith. just like dinosaur bones

Anonymous No. 16150070

Which is funny because magenta is opposite of green, the religious color (atleast for islam)

Anonymous No. 16150072

>the religious color (atleast for islam)
huh, they have colors?
what colors is for the rest of them?

Anonymous No. 16150110

then you took the brown acid anon. lay low awhile

Anonymous No. 16150144

Gay color don't stare into it

Anonymous No. 16150145

Can you explain? I just see bunch of red, green, and blue dots. How are these colors illegal?

Anonymous No. 16150151

>cyan is just the color we see when our blue and green cones are activated at the same time
>yellow is just the color we see when our green and red cones are activated at the same time
>magenta is just the color we see when our red and blue cones are activated at the same time
And yet, cyan and yellow are considered "real" colors while magenta is considered "fake" or "made up." It makes no sense at all. I agree our entire model for color vision is probably just straight up fake and gay due to this obvious inconsistency.

Anonymous No. 16150197

bros we have a yellow&cyan problem. how do we fix it?

Anonymous No. 16150215

Colour is a construct of consciousness to distinguish things, magenta has its own wavelength

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Anonymous No. 16150222

>EVERY other color is made from one of these being combined in some way
There is no such thing, all waves act singular

Anonymous No. 16150224

Couldn't agree more, they say magenta is "just the absence of green" but yellow is literally also the absence of blue and cyan is the absence of red, there is no real difference, those 3 are all fakes, >>16149852 said the truth

Anonymous No. 16150227

>>16150197 (me)
also what do we do with original cyan/yellow colors? keep them for yellow/cyan photons or for the mix of the two? either banana either banana on screen change.

Anonymous No. 16150234

yellow and cyan are fake, there is no "real" yellow or cyan, if you're a color that is only seen when two cones are triggered, then you're fake, simply as that.

Anonymous No. 16150236

If you see magenta, you're a fag. Simple as

Anonymous No. 16150237

listen, I was asking HOW do we fix it? two more detector cones for cyan/yellow photons? and reduce the spectrum of the other RGB cones? this way we detect yellow and cyan photons, and the extra information helps differentiate between yellow/cyan and the mix for both as we see them now.
would two more cones for yellow/cyan photons work? and would we start seeing new colors?

Anonymous No. 16150271

In point of fact, yellow and cyan can be created by a single wavelength due to how our eyes process median colors. Magenta can't, as wavelengths aren't a circular spectrum, and is thus more analagous to bluish yellow and reddish green. Magenta is able to fill an otherwise unoccupied gap so we can see it.

Anonymous No. 16150285

magenta is the silliest color anyway

Anonymous No. 16150340

It's the color of love, obviously it was made so that there is an inherent special quality about it

Anonymous No. 16150355

are there neural maps for what kind of neuron activity happens when someone sees each color? like a solid color picture full screen. with zero information past "everything is green" for example, as in all info hitting the eye. curious of the type of brain activity for each color.

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Anonymous No. 16150363

You are a fucking idiot.

Anonymous No. 16150424

where in DNA is the code for rgb cones? how do cones get their spectrum sensitivity

Anonymous No. 16150435

What the fuck. I had a really strange dream with this color.

I like dreaming and having control on my dreams. I also have the habit to keep a journal of my dreams every time i wake up. I'm interested about lucid dreaming and a thing about ascension.

During a dream i went lucid, taking full notion of the state i were, i tried to detach from my body (i actually don't know how to explain it in words) and what it happend was that i head a really high-pitched note while also seeing only THIS color.

What the fuck? Is this color the barrier between two dimensions?

Anonymous No. 16150570

yes, also >>16150340

Anonymous No. 16150800

guys when i see yellow i see no blue dots, how come?

Anonymous No. 16151054

Magenta is the color of missing textures

Anonymous No. 16151131

stupid retard nigger. Colour is a subjective experience that only happens in our head, light, and lights of different wavelengths are a physical property and separate to our subjective experiences.

everyone knows this there is no paradox

Anonymous No. 16151149

spectral color โŠ‚ color

Anonymous No. 16151159

We are the same species.

Anonymous No. 16151162

Reminder that "color" does not exist and anyone who claims to "see" it is a delusional schizophrenic.

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Anonymous No. 16151165


Anonymous No. 16151168

Detects electromagnetic radiation, not "color". Show me one ounce of red.

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Anonymous No. 16151171


Anonymous No. 16151173

Delusional pseudoscience, seek help.

Anonymous No. 16151174

Science says nothing about the qualia of color. The fact it's a mix of ~440nm and ~700nm light is all science says and can say about it.

Anonymous No. 16151178

Take your lithium.

Anonymous No. 16151181

There's no such thing as a fake color. Anyone who says that is using the wrong words.

What they actually mean is that cyan and yellow are pure colors, in that you can produce them with photons of a single energy, while magneta requires photons of two different energies. In other words, you can't say "this wavelength of light looks like magneta."

Maybe it's a quirk of how our cones work. But regardless, color perception is mental, not physical. No experience of color is physically explicable.

Anonymous No. 16151182

"I can scientifically demonstrate what red is! It's... what you see when you look at this red thing!"
You have missed the point. A good scientist learns what science can actually do before talking out his ass.

Anonymous No. 16151189

Qualia do not exist.

Anonymous No. 16151209

I'm just getting into philosophy, can someone please explain the qualia hate to me? As I understand it, qualia is just a word meaning "a specific instance of a mental state." So a qualia of red would just be some individuals subjective experience, based on their specific interpretation of their own sense data of some red object.

Qualia would exist as a specific orientation of some individuals brain which renders to that specific mental state they are experiencing.

Am I missing something? This seems to align well with materialism, per my very limited understanding.

Anonymous No. 16151364

No, its just the visual equivalent of an audible chord.

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Anonymous No. 16151368


color perception is subjective

Anonymous No. 16151371

Basically, qualia operates on a different plane of reality. That's why there is the hate.

Imagine you are living in the quantum world. Not the crazy quantum realm, the mundane one. Electrons whiz around randomly, there's a proton and quark or two, it's pretty normal. Suddenly some guy runs up to you and starts ranting about "Molecules". "Proteins". "Cells". "Animals". All kinds of crazy shit, allegedly created out of higher level interactions from quantum material. How do we prove these things exist? Well, you kind of can't. All of the quantum level physics doesn't play nice with the macroscopic level physics; despite the macroscopic level being entirely dependent on the quantum. So ultimately the scientists of the quantum level decide that macroscopic physics is Russel's Teapot, and therefore doesn't exist. And when somebody from the macroscopic realm splits the atom, it's just our minds playing tricks on us.

Anonymous No. 16151667

You guys have room temperature IQ

Anonymous No. 16151697

Don't think that we are just going around looking at single wavelength light all the time.
A red apple isn't red because it is giving of photons of exactly 650nm. When light hits the skin of an apple, that is a very complex interaction between trillions of atoms and bonds. This results in the reflection of photons with many different wavelengths. This contributes to an overall waveform. When that waveform hits your eyes, it just so happens to stimulate the long cones mostly, making you experience red. Lemons have a different chemical makeup to apples. And it too produces a whole bunch of wavelengths that make up a waveform. And this waveform happens to stimulate the long and medium cones of you eyeballs, producing yellow. It isn't that hard to imagine pink or magenta objects that can stimulate long and short, but not medium cones. Because there are only a few things out there that produce single wavelength photons.

If you go to an older part of your town at night, you will probably notice that the street lights glow with a sickly, off yellow color. These are sodium vapor lamps, and they make light by passing an electric current through vaporised sodium. It induces a quantum energy level jump specific to that atom, and that jump produces light of exactly 589nm consistently. It's a lamp that produces a single wavelength, which isn't practical in most cases, but was a cheap way to light streets back in the old days.

Anonymous No. 16151711

>What they actually mean is that cyan and yellow are pure colors, in that you can produce them with photons of a single energy
what? cyan and yellow can be made with either single photons and dual photons. it is exactly the opposite of "pure" color, they can be something or other, nothing pure in two-faced colors anon.
when you see magenta that's what you get. there's no other possible combination of photons resulting in magenta, it's "pure" that way, not two-faced. magenta is as honest as reg green and blue.

Anonymous No. 16151713

stop reminding me

Anonymous No. 16151721

Yellow and Cyan are fake, they share the same mechanism as Magenta in that they are colors that necessitate two cones being triggered to be seen.
How is that difficult for you people to understand?

Anonymous No. 16151724

you're telling me that joy and clarity are unreal?

Anonymous No. 16151807

Apparently not a lot of animals can see Red, which mean they probably also can't see Yellow and Magenta

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Anonymous No. 16151912

>Apparently not a lot of animals can see Red
you don't technically know that. you may know they don't see in our "red spectrum", but you don't know they don't see our red on some other wavelength.

Anonymous No. 16151988

Less cones= less colors to perceive
They often only have two cones

Anonymous No. 16152013

I agree (though some have more than us). It is not about the variety of colors they perceive, it's about how their brain maps colors to signals from eyes. They can use our red for what we see as green. We don't know how their brain maps colors to photons (or mix of them). We only know the spectrum in which they see. Our red does not exist out there in "red" photons, our brains make them look red.

Anonymous No. 16152069

If you call a substantially different color the magenta you either:
>Are wrong, because you're intentionally retarded.
>Are colorblind and unable to distinguish magenta from other colors
>Have a fourth color sensitive cone in your eye and are being intentionally retarded.
>Have a broken third world cellphone that doesn't display colors correctly.

Anonymous No. 16152075

You're correct because the eyes see in Rod(colorless), and Red, Green, Blue cones. The pigments in your eyes literally change shape and then are detected and then reformed back into the original protein shape to be recycled.

Nerds who responded to you are wrong and fail to see the reality. They don't even understand how cameras work.

Anonymous No. 16152077


Anonymous No. 16152083

>If you add blue to white it becomes blue
>If you lighten black to gold it becomes gold
>These colors can be added or subtracted
Whoah almost as if you should kill yourself because shitty lighting with shitty cameras can change the appearance of colors.

Anonymous No. 16152088

being able to see magenta is like an expension pack for our eyes, we don't really need to see it but it exist anyways

Anonymous No. 16152093

Light is a spectrums with multiple peaks. No light sources other than a free electron laser are single frequency. All light sources have multiple peaks, even if the majority of the energy is in primary peaks. There's also absorption and emission bands that will dirty up ideal spectrums.

Anonymous No. 16152116

>All light sources have multiple peaks

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Anonymous No. 16152129

even phone/computer screens can have a very narrow spectrum for emitted photons.

Anonymous No. 16152385

plants love absorbing red light and blue light but detest green light
red and blue are at the extreme ends of the spectrum while green is in the middle
plants are extremist fucks

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Anonymous No. 16152388

they know whats up

Anonymous No. 16152392

also yes, plants feed on magenta

Anonymous No. 16152406

Cause nature knows there is no such thing like a middle ground, you have to be either one thing or another (equalitarianism is an illusion)

Anonynous No. 16152411

>>Have a fourth color sensitive cone in your eye and are being intentionally retarded.
Why would someone with extra eye cones be intentionally retarded?

Anonymous No. 16153094

What is this color you guys are talking about? All im seeing is a blueish red

Anonymous No. 16153231

i see anti-green

Anonymous No. 16154587

What about #00FF00

Anonymous No. 16154890

I had experienced something similar in dreams but with the color #0000FF instead

Anonymous No. 16154916

why can't all colors just be considered different shades of redness?

Anonymous No. 16154922

>this thread again
interesting psyop

Anonymous No. 16154925

qualia is the only thing we can ever observe you retard.

Anonymous No. 16154973

color is just a label our brain assigns to various cominations of red green and blue.

Anonymous No. 16154991

So basically >>16149852

Anonymous No. 16155372

Funny how Red is associated with strength and power despite having the lowest photon energy out of all colors, whereas Blue is associated with peace and calmness even though it carries quite the punch of photon energy compared to Red.

Anonymous No. 16155882

what does that even mean

Anonymous No. 16155883

but what, indeed, is the idea behind it

Anonymous No. 16155887

He's talking about whether the same visual data renders the same way in different brains, basically. Like if I bodyswapped with you maybe we would each see the world with a totally different palette. Maybe it would be backwards or we're each seeing colors that don't actually resemble anything the other sees in our respective minds at all.

Anonymous No. 16156187

>400nm is black
lol, lmao even

all science is a psyop, we live in 1984, and it is really easy for anyone with 10% of a working brain to realize why

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Anonymous No. 16156189

>t. picrel
so you haven't played with a 405nm laser before? pathetic

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Anonymous No. 16156190

>It's another episode of mongoloids thinking that if wavelengths have colors associated with them, then colors must have wavelengths associated with them
Meat LLMs can't process the difference between physical stimuli and sense perceptions.

Anonymous No. 16156314

>color is described with WAVELENGTHS of light
>point out what that should imply for how those waves interact
>point out how that pokes holes in the model
>goalpost shifts to "photon energy"
Every time. This whole retarded pilpul of light being a wave or a particle depending on what's most convenient to defend the soience at the time makes discussions about this stuff impossible.