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Anonymous No. 16149972

I hate the constant lecturing about morality and ethics in stem. Why should I have to have my experiments approved by some council of roasties to say that the animals and subjects are treated in some random deemed "ethical" manner. the only thing that should matter is the data is replicable in the end.

Anonymous No. 16149980

You’re likely a user who uses racial slurs on this site so I can fully understand why morality and ethics doesn’t mesh with you.

Anonymous No. 16149987

Its all fictionalized horseshit. How can someone's feelings take precedence over an understanding the material world no matter how temporarily distasteful the actions to acquire understanding might be. I will go so far as to say if you allow childish need for morality to temper your thirst for understanding you shouldn't be doing science.

Anonymous No. 16149991

Word salad

Anonymous No. 16150026

Any lecturing about ethics in STEM is hypocritical bullshit when it comes from the same psychopaths who approved of forced injections with that harmful RNA soup. The same "people" supported cruel, inhumane, Kafkaesque policies like e.g. total social and financial destruction of vaxx injured persons for the "crime" of not taking another booster.

Anonymous No. 16150038

The worse is these roasties dont know any biology. They insist killing rats must be done with CO2 gas, which they insist its the humane method

Anonymous No. 16150054

We need to have the women in stem to go somewhere
A perfect balance between middle management and a real job.

Anonymous No. 16150058

lust provoking image time wasting question?

Anonymous No. 16150059

slippery slope

Anonymous No. 16150063

Niggers kill people and wreck society but you don’t have a problem with them

Anonymous No. 16150065

Do you have an... ethical objection?

Anonymous No. 16150067

Ethics is just the way we make dumbasses do actual science instead of just metaphorically blindly blundering about. In the same way people "love science" but don't know how to do anything, people bitch about ethics holding back "real science" but again don't know what they're doing.

Anonymous No. 16150075

Nah Sheego is on topic, she is an unethical scientist

Anonymous No. 16150148

Go back

Anonymous No. 16150149

Why do you hate free speech?

Anonymous No. 16150158

>no you don't understand, skinning that dog alive was ESSENTIAL to my research on pain responses
Okay sociopath.

Anonymous No. 16150213

Just do it in china. They don't give a shit about animals. They probably experiment on people there too.

Anonymous No. 16150221

very based sociopath scientist.
I like women. as long as it isn't explicit, it shouldn't matter.

Anonymous No. 16150250

I'm not a sociopath I'm just too impatient to waste my time with moral signaling for social position that is especially prevalent in socal dynamics with females where female need in group out group preferences for emotional security. We are all dead in the end, we shouldn't enable their emotional safety blankets with no empirical value to get in the way of understanding.

Anonymous No. 16150329

>you shouldn't be doing science while incorporating feelings

Anonymous No. 16150501

CS major here. During history class, the teacher kept insisting on how there were many "black female calculators" at NASA when it started. Much of the course kept focusing on women's achievements in this domain and that "everyone can do science!!!!" This is in France btw.
yeah, i fucking hate uni. For a fraction of the price i can get the same knowledge from the public library. If only i could have someone pay for my living expenses while i spend my time studying whatever i want.

Anonymous No. 16150508

yep. The Fruits of wisdom are worthless without exclusivity.

Anonymous No. 16150647

Because it's another angle for nepotism and bureaucracy to get in.

Anonymous No. 16150742

Because if you don't listen to the council of roasties, their simps will come beat you up.
Argumentum ad Bellum is suprisingly effective.

Anonymous No. 16151024

Lol no they give you immunity from your warcrimes for the data and have you help build rockets

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Anonymous No. 16151111

Concern about ethics is fine, actually I'd argue that STEMfags don't know and aren't taught enough about the humanities since it's not valued by the market. The bigger problem is that these discussions about ethics are hijacked for self-serving and political purposes.

Anonymous No. 16151112

If your experiment is unethical, people won't want to replicate it. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16152219

Humanities are worthless navel gazing at best and myopic escapism at worst. Nothing of value to be found there

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Anonymous No. 16152573

If you want navel gazing, look what happens when computer scientists and the like discuss philosophy having read nothing but O'Reilly books and some science fiction. It's always ridiculous and the discussion is always "the world is like a computer (because I don't have the grounding to talk about it in any other way)." STEMfags spend a lot of time thinking in rigidly empirical or formal ways, they benefit from a little philosophical training to contextualize what they're doing more than anyone. Write off the classics at your own peril.

Anonymous No. 16152585

>discussions about ethics are hijacked for self-serving and political purposes.
Suppose I show up to your discussion and take a negative position (if you need a concrete example, imagine the discussion is about approving an animal experiment proposed by OP, and I'm advocating rejection on grounds of animal rights). How will you decide if I deserve a seat on the opposite side of the table, or should be forcibly expelled on grounds of attempted hijacking "for self-serving and political purposes"?
I don't think the dividing line is as clear-cut as you seem to be suggesting, and this is especially consequential as it is effectively a call to censor "unconducive" viewpoints.

Anonymous No. 16152645

Most experiments are useless trash. If we stopped letting so many brainlets get into research positions, even less mice would have to die.

Anonymous No. 16153669

suicidefuel. I hope it will end soon.

Anonymous No. 16154140

You learn ethics to avoid becoming like my old dissertation advisor.
>get millions in grants to make art-tech project with autists
>never file research plan with IRB
>use the money instead to conduct experiments on said autists
>present the findings as art at a conference
>try to publish the findings as science

Anonymous No. 16155270

There is nothing unethical about experimenting on animals, animals are not people. God made man the master of all living creature, its our right to do with the plants and animals as we please.

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Anonymous No. 16155552

>why aren't researchers allowed to dissect me while still being alive

Anonymous No. 16155770

>as long as it isn't explicit, it shouldn't matter

Retarded faggot cuck simp. Bisexual child molester.

Anonymous No. 16156626

I kneel... retardGOD

Anonymous No. 16156740

>How can someone's feelings take precedence over an understanding the material world no matter how temporarily distasteful the actions to acquire mi understanding might be
Agreed bro. Mengele was the last based scientist. All these ethical scientists are cringe.

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linda's inhe....jpg

Anonymous No. 16157475

Just imagine how much better medicine would be if experimenting on chimps was encouraged and widely practiced.
Chimps aren't human, you're supposed to treat them inhumanely, humane treatment is reserved for humans.
If you don't follow that guideline then you'll end up as a vegan furry that fucks dogs

Anonymous No. 16157559

>morality and ethics in stem.

Translate to "shitskins and sexually deviants are just as smart and 'normal' as Straight Whites", you will always include at least a brief blurb in every paper you write repeating this and/or how your research will help shitskins and/or LGBTQ+ community.

Anonymous No. 16158494

Go to Canada and kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16158584


Anonymous No. 16158747

>ethics HATE
ethics boards are there to check researchers who falsify findings for money or career. As things stand there aren't enough ethics boards to stop corporate and militarist meddling, and (you) want even less?

>morality HATE
Science is an advanced industry; a stable economy and foundational industries are prerequisites. There's barely enough public funds pushed to STEM advancement; delete mass morality and there would not be enough long-stability surplus to support STEM at all.

Anonymous No. 16160191

>ethics boards are there to check researchers who falsify findings for money or career.
they don't do that, those committees exist to punish people who say wrongthink and replace them with compliant dupes. if they were checking for actual ethics violations then all of the recent plagiarism scandals would never have gotten as far as they did

Anonymous No. 16160197

Philosophy is key to any actual quality STEM education. If you don't understand the philosophical underpinnings of modern science, you don't have any framework by which to interpret the meaning of your results/contributions.

Similarly, without ethics you have no guiding principles by which you can decide even pragmatic things like "which problem should I focus on" if you have multiple that are important and you can only fully commit to one. Ethics is fundamentally the philosophy of value, not just from a moral perspective (which is important) but also in the sense that ethics allow you to orient yourself in a world that wants to see you fail. Ethics are how you become virtuous in a world full of vice and nihilism.

Anonymous No. 16160205

Please do not talk about philosophy. You obviously know nothing about it.

Anonymous No. 16160207

Nice rebuttal retard.

Anonymous No. 16160214

Oh shut up, pseud. Your shallow highschool platitudes do not make you intellectually superior to scientists. On the contrary, you only sound cringe af.